What you need to know about obesity Unhealthy eating habits tend to run in families one may learn bad eating habits from parents when young and continue them into adulthood

Obesity does not happen over night it develops gradually over time, as a result of poor diet and life style choices.

It is generally caused by eating too much food and too little exercise or movement . If one consumes high amounts of energy, particularly fat and sugars, but do not burn off the energy through exercise and physical activity much of the energy will be stored by the body as fat.

The value of food is measured in units called Calories.

The average physically active man needs 2500 calories a day and the average physically active woman needs2000 calories a day to maintain a healthy weight.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern but also a medical problem that increases the risk of other diseases and health problems.

What is Overweight

It is a complex disease involving an excessive amount of body fat.


1.Poor Diet

Eating large amounts of processed or fast food that is high in fat and sugar

Eating out a lot for example a starter or desserts in restaurants can be higher in fats and sugars.  Drinking too much alcohol because it contains a lot of calories and people who drink  too much are often over weight.

Eating larger portions than one needs especially when living with friends or relatives who eat large portions.

Drinking too many sugary drinks these include, soft drinks and fruit juices.

Comfort eating, happens when one have low self-esteem or feel depressed to feel better.

NB Unhealthy eating habits tend to run in families one may learn bad eating habits from parents when young and continue them into adulthood.

  1. Lack of physical; activity

Many people have jobs that involve sitting most of the day and at the end of the day they rely on their cars, rather than walking or cycling and for relaxation they watch television, browse internet or play computer games and rarely take regular exercise.

  1. Genetics means it runs in the family but, in many cases obesity is more to do with environmental factors such as poor eating habits learned during childhood.
  2. Medical reasons — in some cases, underlying medical conditions may contribute to weight gain these includes; hypothyroidism where the thyroid gland does not produce enough of steroid hormones however, these conditions are properly diagnosed and treated and they should pose less of a barrier to weight loss.

There are also certain medicines and conditions that pre-dispose to obesity and can not be discussed on this platform.

PREGNANCY —Weight gain is common in pregnancy some women find this weight difficult to loose after delivery.

Quitting smoking —This happen when people use food to cope with smoking withdrawal however , quitting smoking is a greater benefit to health.

Obesity effects or complications

Lack of sleep — not getting enough sleep can cause changes in hormones that increases appetite.

Stress —People with stress crave for high calorie foods.

Heart disease and stroke —Obesity predispose to high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels which are risk factor for heart disease and strokes.

Type 2 — Obesity affects the way the body uses insulin to control blood sugar levels.

Certain Cancers —For example;  cancers of the uterus, cervix, endometrium, ovary, breast , colon ,rectum , esophagus, liver , gallbladder , pancreas , kidney and prostate.

Digestive problems – Obesity increases risk of heart burn.

Sleep Apnea — A potentially serious disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and start during sleep.

Osteoarthritis — places stress on weight bearing joints and inflammation.

Obesity effects or complications

  1. Severe COVID-19 symptoms — If one is infected with the virus that causes COVID 19 it increases chances of getting severe symptoms that may require treatment in intensive care units or even mechanical assistance to breathe.

How to prevent obesity

Choose healthier foods example ; whole grains ,fruits , vegetables ,healthy fats and protein sources.

Adopt healthy eating behaviour.

Increase physical activities.

Reduce Sedentary life styles .

Limit Television time and other ‘sit time’

Always talk to your health expert when worried about gaining weight.

For more information contact

Over weight may affect quality of life resulting in depression , disability , social isolation , low work achievement , shame and guilt.

[email protected] or 0772224231

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