Occasion of Turn to Bring About New Advance in Strengthening Whole Party and Building Socialism Opening Speech Made by Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un at Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of Workers’ Party of Korea
  • 6th Conference of Cell Secretaries of Workers’ Party of Korea –

General Secretary Kim Jong Un Guides Conference

The following is the opening speech made by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK):

Dear comrade cell secretaries,

The Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea is being held when the whole country is in a remarkably high spirit in the efforts for implementing the decisions adopted at the Eighth Congress of the WPK and the Second Plenary Meeting of its Eighth Central Committee.

Availing myself of this opportunity of seeing you here, you comrade cell secretaries who always live and work with all the Party’s members and the other working people boundlessly faithful to the Party and the revolution, I would like to extend, in the name of the Party Central Committee as well as mine, warm thanks and greetings to you, participants in this Conference, and all other cell secretaries and members of the Party for working with devotion for the strengthening of our Party and the prosperity and development of our country.

Dear comrade cell secretaries,

Really heavy are the duties you have assumed in this pivotal period, an important phase in the strengthening of our Party and the development of our revolution.

This is because the implementation of the decisions of the Party congress aimed at advancing our style of the socialist cause on a higher stage by achieving a tangible change and development in the economic work, in improving the people’s living standards and in all other fields even in the worst-ever situation in which we have to overcome unprecedentedly numerous challenges depends on the role played by the cells, the grass-roots organizations of the Party; it is also because the fighting efficiency of the Party cells depends on their secretaries.

The fighting programmes and policies set forth by the Party congress and the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee can be executed to the letter and bear rich fruits only when all the organizations of the Party, its cells to be concrete, accept them correctly and turn out in a fierce struggle for implementing them.

Cell secretaries are replaced by other persons more often than not across the Party, and there are many cell secretaries who have just assumed their position.

Given the situation, it is the intention of our Party Central Committee to meet the cell secretaries across the Party at a regular interval, so as to discuss the cell work, guide and assist them and thereby consistently strive to strengthen the Party cells.

Proceeding from this, the Party congress prioritized the work of politically and practically preparing the cell secretaries who are in charge of the grass-roots combat units for executing the Party’s lines and policies, and stipulated in the Party Rules that a conference of cell secretaries shall be held every five years in keeping with a Party congress.

There are many Communist and Workers’ parties in the world, but it is only our Party that holds a conference of leaders of its grass-roots organizations on a regular basis so that its Central Committee can discuss work with them face to face.

To consolidate itself as a whole by strengthening grass-roots organizations is a principle of its building inherent and unique to our Party and its proud tradition.

Our Party Central Committee frequently meets the cell secretaries, who are always among the Party’s members, listens to their opinions and teaches them in order to communicate with the broad sections of the Party’s members and the other working people in this course and lead the revolution and construction in conformity with their opinions and requirements.

The work of thoroughly preparing the cell secretaries who are in the position of linking it with the masses by the same bond of blood relationship and organizing and enlisting the Party’s members and the other working people to implement its lines and policies is the most important activity of the Central Committee of our Party.

This is why the Party Central Committee regards a conference of cell secretaries as important as a Party congress and directs much effort to ensuring it a success.

Although some successes have been achieved in the work of strengthening the Party cells and increasing their role since the Fifth Conference of the Cell Chairpersons of the Workers’ Party of Korea, there are quite a few shortcomings as well.

To immediately correct the shortcomings latent in the work of Party cells is an inevitable process that should be followed by our Party for its healthy and sustainable development; and only then can our Party creditably carry out its mission as the militant General Staff that leads the revolution and construction with its roots struck deep among the masses of the people.

Even though the shortcomings may be partial and small, they should never be neglected.

To identify a practical means for turning all the Party cells, its grass-roots organizations, into united and militant collectives and apply it actively to their work so as to make the short cut to strengthening the whole Party even shorter and dynamically advance socialist construction–this is the important objective of convening this conference in a grand manner. You must be well aware of this.


Cell secretaries are hard-core members of our Party and standard bearers in implementing Party policy.

The Party Central Committee expects that you will work in a more proactive and responsible way to strengthen the Party cells.

This conference will comprehensively review and analyze work of the cell secretaries since the Fifth Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the Workers’ Party of Korea, and discuss the tasks and ways for decisively improving and intensifying the work of its cells at present.

You should participate in this conference with a high level of political consciousness and enthusiasm, so as to study in real earnest how you are supposed to do if you are to inspire the Party’s members and the other working people to the implementation of the decisions of the Party congress and possess the qualities befitting the primary political officials of the Workers’ Party.

It is important that, while looking back on your work in combination with the issues to be discussed at this conference and your past achievements, experiences, shortcomings and lessons, you find a methodology for turning the work of Party cells decisively into the work of understanding people’s minds, feelings and emotions and uniting the members of Party cells and other working people with different personalities and qualifications as firmly as your own family members are.

Participating in this conference are 10 000 persons including Party cell secretaries in various sectors, mainly the exemplary ones working at production sites, senior officials of provincial Party committees and other Party committees performing equivalent functions to them, chief secretaries of the Party committees of cities, counties and industrial complexes and relevant officials of the Party Central Committee.

Fully convinced that this conference will mark a significant occasion in further consolidating the foundations of the Party, building our revolutionary ranks into more invincible ones and bringing about a remarkable progress in implementing the decisions of the Party congress and in socialist construction, I declare the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea open.


Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Closing Address at Sixth Conference of

Cell Secretaries of Workers’ Party of Korea

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made a closing address at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK).

The following is the full text of the closing address:


Comrade cell secretaries,

The Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea, which has been held to bring about a radical turn in strengthening the cells, the cornerstones and bases in consolidating and uniting the entire Party, is to wind up its work after achieving its objectives amidst the soaring political enthusiasm of all the participants.

The conference made an in-depth review and analysis of the work of Party cells in the aspects of their merits and demerits and advanced major tasks they should carry out at present and the practical measures for improving the roles of their secretaries.

The conference reaffirmed the significance and importance of strengthening Party cells in making the ideological and volitional unity of the entire Party rock-solid and powerfully propelling socialist construction. Expressed at the conference were firm determinations to carry out our immediate struggle tasks by enhancing the fighting efficiency of Party cells.

This conference will be etched in the annals of building our Juche-oriented Party as a meaningful conference that further enriched its original ideology of building grass-roots organizations and set forth clear-cut action programmes for all of its cell secretaries.

Comrade cell secretaries,

Turning all Party cells into healthy and viable ones which are closely knitted in bonds of human feelings–this is the main idea of this conference.

Those that are not knitted in bonds of human feelings cannot become loyal cells.

Turning all Party cells into collectives closely knitted in bonds of human feelings is a prerequisite for strengthening the entire Party and an urgent problem that should be solved without fail at present.

To this end, the Party Central Committee has advanced at this conference ten major tasks that face Party cells and twelve major traits which their secretaries should possess.

You, Party cell secretaries, must become the mainstay in making the cells families closely knitted in bonds of human feelings and, in doing this, will have to suffer from mental pains alone for others and work harder than anybody else.

Just as mothers always concern themselves with the life and growth of their children and guide them along the right path, Party cell secretaries should patiently educate and lead Party members with warm affection and devotion. By doing so, they can train them into fighters boundlessly faithful to the Party and the revolution and into genuine revolutionary comrades-in-arms who share the same ideas and feelings.

Only then can they turn Party cells under their charge into collectives closely knitted in bonds of human feelings and into vanguard organizations which share sweets and bitters and creditably carry out their revolutionary tasks, overcoming hardships.

They should efficiently lead the work of their cells in implementing the strategic tasks advanced by the Party congress.

When they rouse up the spiritual strength of the masses of the people with powerful political work and make breakthroughs in the vanguard, miraculous innovations can be created in all work places.

Since they are always among the masses, how they speak and behave act promptly on the latter’s psychology and have a great impact on them.

Party cell secretaries should become skilful political activists who can move the hearts of the people by dint of tremendous strength, that is, undivided hearts.


They should always take the lead in tackling difficult and labour-consuming work and become forerunners who uninterruptedly create new things with an innovative way of thinking and style of work.

Comrade cell secretaries,

Through this conference, you must have realized once again how heavy is the responsibility you have assumed before the Party and the revolution.

Our Party remains powerful and unflinching not because there exist its General Secretary or the Political Bureau and Secretariat of its Central Committee but because there are its cells, combat units in direct charge of carrying out its lines and policies and grass-roots organizations, and its cell secretaries who have assumed responsibility for it.

While working together with the masses at the production sites at which the Party’s intentions are being implemented, Party cell secretaries have stood in the vanguard of struggle when the Party advances, become bodyguards and a shock brigade in defending the Party at the cost of their lives when the Party undergoes trials and unyieldingly supported the Party with silent and unassuming efforts through their self-sacrificing endeavours and struggle at all times, wherever they are; but for them, the great changes our Party has achieved and the road of victory it has traversed is inconceivable.

Though they are not distinguishable from ordinary people in terms of position, special favour or reward, our Party cell secretaries who are cornerstones and reliable standard bearers and vanguard fighters in the great work unfolded by our Party are career revolutionaries with no special positions, as well as unknown heroes of unknown heroes who work with devotion for the Party without asking for any reward.

So, always feeling grateful to them, I have decided that I would request them, the hardcore of hardcore of our Party, to make greater efforts and struggle harder once more for our revolution and for our Party.

Comrade cell secretaries,

There are many obstacles and difficulties ahead of us, and so our struggle for carrying out the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress would not be all plain sailing.

Our Party never expects that there will be any fortuitous opportunity for us in paving the road for our people and in realizing their great aim and ideals to build socialism and communism.

There is nothing we could depend on or look to. We only believe in the hearts of the millions of WPK members, especially hundreds of thousands of its cell secretaries.

I made up my mind to ask the WPK organizations at all levels, including its Central Committee, and the cell secretaries of the entire Party to wage another more difficult “Arduous March” in order to relieve our people of the difficulty, even a little, as they have followed their Party as their mother and overcome all sorts of difficulties for several decades to defend it and to provide them with the optimum material and cultural wellbeing.

Our people are invariably following our Party calling it a motherly party in times of both happiness and difficulty.

This is a valuable title bestowed only on the Workers’ Party of Korea in the world and the greatest honour and glory that can neither be bought for billions of tons of gold nor be bartered for anything.

Now our Party must, at all costs, prove itself worthy of the great trust of the people who unreservedly address it as “mother.”

To this end, it must become a genuine “servant” party for them.

Comrade cell secretaries,

Availing myself of this opportunity, I make a militant appeal once again to all the Party officials and cell secretaries to redouble their efforts to live up to this great name given by our people, motherly Party, which is a source of its infinite strength, symbol of its invincibility and unique title and appellation of the Workers’ Party of Korea and to safeguard and add eternal brilliance to this glorious honour.

When the hundreds of thousands of cell secretaries and officials across the Party unite its members firmly under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and give full play to their loyalty, patriotism and creative wisdom, our revolution will always emerge victorious in high spirits and the ideal of communism will surely come true.

Firmly convinced that the participants and all other cell secretaries across the Party, mindful of the main idea of this conference and the tasks advanced by it, will devote themselves to strengthening and developing Party cells and thus make an active contribution to consolidating and uniting the entire Party, I declare the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea closed.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Makes Concluding Speech at Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of Workers’ Party of Korea

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea (WPK), made an important concluding speech “On the Important Tasks for Strengthening Party Cells at Present” at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the Workers’ Party of Korea on April 8, the third day of the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the WPK.

First, the General Secretary referred to the successes made so far in strengthening Party cells since the historic Fifth Conference of Cell Chairpersons of the WPK.

In the recent course of the advance of our revolution under the unprecedentedly extreme circumstances, our Party cells have always defended the Party Central Committee and worked hard to implement the Party’s lines and policies.

As many Party cells, present throughout the country like blood vessels, sharing the pulse with the Party Central Committee and firmly united with one ideology and purpose, have faithfully supported its plans and determinations, our Party’s leadership and fighting efficiency have grown incomparably stronger.

In the course of intensifying the work of strengthening Party cells, the qualitative consolidation of Party ranks has been promoted vigorously, the work of Party cells has been put on a more regular and standard basis, and the political consciousness, revolutionary awareness and vanguard role of the Party’s members have increased markedly.

In recent years valuable successes have been achieved on several fronts of socialist construction: the national defence industry performed brilliant feats, monumental edifices representing the heyday of construction have been built, the core Party members of the capital city achieved proud exploits in the struggle to remove the aftereffects of the natural disasters, and the agricultural sector surpassed the peak year production level in spite of the unfavourable natural and climatic conditions. The Party Central Committee is now evaluating these successes in connection with the roles of Party cells.

Despite harsh trials, our Party cells have been further hardened organizationally and ideologically and are making contributions to strengthening the revolutionary ranks and building socialism. All these are permeated with the unassuming efforts and tireless devotion of the cell secretaries.

In the name of the Party Central Committee, I highly appreciate the cell secretaries across the Party who, mindful of their honourable mission of being responsible for the grass-roots organizations of the Workers’ Party of Korea, have become sparks that kindle the flames of strengthening the Party cells to lead the masses of the Party’s members to a genuine life, and are devoting unreservedly their resourcefulness and passion to performing their revolutionary work.

Saying that our Party cells, having developed and strengthened with the Society for Rallying Comrades, the origin of our glorious Party, as a parent body, have now increased to hundreds of thousands in number, he affirmed that if all these cells become fully mature and tempered like steel, there will be no difficulty we cannot surmount, nor will there be any fortress we cannot conquer in the revolutionary struggle whatever challenges and trials may crop up.

Our Party has made great strides in the efforts for strengthening its cells by directing particular attention to building up its grass-roots organizations, but we must not rest on our laurels or feel at ease, the General Secretary said, pointing out the deviations and shortcomings that need to be redressed in the work of Party cells and their secretaries at present.

He said that although the ranks of loyal cells have so far increased across the Party, the economic tasks set forth by the Seventh Party Congress have fallen far short of being fulfilled and the negative phenomena have not been fully overcome as the work of strengthening Party cells has not been conducted in close combination with the revolutionary practice; analyzing this present reality, he pointed out that the main reason is that Party cells have not played their roles properly.

He informed the participants of the major shortcomings latent in a number of Party cells even today when the work of strengthening its grass-roots organizations is getting intensified across the Party, and emphasized that a fresh turn should be brought about in the work of strengthening Party cells in keeping with the demands of the developing reality and high enthusiasm of the Party’s members by proactively building on the successes and experiences and bravely correcting the deviations and shortcomings of the past.

The work of strengthening Party cells is the foundation of the building up and unity of the entire Party and the main key to accelerating socialist construction.

As you all know, there is not a single region or unit where a Party cell does not exist.

At this point in the prevailing situation, it is the analysis and strategic intention of the Party Central Committee that the hundreds of thousands of cells of the entire Party should struggle with the aim of firmly defending their positions of the revolution and transforming them in a revolutionary and communist manner on the principle of carrying out their responsibilities per square metre.

When all Party cells assume full responsibility for and carry out the work of educating and remoulding the Party’s members and the other working people along communist lines and of transforming their units as required by the Party’s policies, our Party will be strengthened in every way possible and the overall socialist construction will advance full of vigour.


To this end, they should prioritize unity and direct primary efforts to achieving unity of all their members in the bonds of kinship.

Turning Party cells into healthy and viable ones closely knitted in the bonds of kinship-this is the task of utmost importance in their strengthening at present.

This means turning them into collectives, whose members work energetically, trusting and caring for one another and sharing feelings just like in a family.

In other words, it means that its members, united with trust, feelings and comradely love, dedicate themselves to their comrades-in-arms and collectives, share good times and bad and turn out as one to carry out their revolutionary tasks.

The unity among human beings based on trust, feelings and comradely love is one that can be achieved only among revolutionaries who are united with the same purpose and the truth and struggle with one ideology and will. No other unity can be more durable and viable than this unity.

Only when Party cells are united by virtue of warm humanity, ennobling ethics and morality and genuine comradely love, can they resolutely defend their revolutionary positions, redouble their efforts and continue to advance confidently in any circumstances.

In order to turn all Party cells into healthy and viable ones which are closely knitted in bonds of kinship as required by the developing revolution, the General Secretary advanced ten major tasks that face Party cells and twelve major traits which their secretaries should possess at present.

The first task facing Party cells at present is to fully equip the Party’s members and the other working people with the Party’s lines and policies.

By unity in bonds of kinship, we do not mean blind unity forged in bonds of human feelings only, but revolutionary unity based on common ideas and ideals.

The ideological sustenance that makes it possible for Party cells to achieve a healthy unity in bonds of kinship and always to be active full of viability is our Party’s lines and policies which are run through with the people-first principle.

However one wants to be faithful to the Party and the revolution, they may naturally say and behave against the Party’s ideas if they are ignorant of these ideas.

Party cells should implant the Party’s ideas in the minds of the Party’s members and the other working people without interruption so that they can add lustre to their political integrity and advance straight forward along the road of loyalty and the revolution.

They should pay their primary attention to informing the Party’s members and the other working people promptly and accurately of the Party’s lines and policies put forward in every period.

The Party’s policies and directives must be conveyed in time to wherever the Party’s members and the other people live.

Prevalent now is the tendency to gather these people and inform them once of the Party’s policies and directives when they are put forward. They should be disseminated again on a regular basis so that the people can be fully acquainted with them.

Party cells should ensure that the Party’s members make it part of their life and habit to study the ideas, lines and policies advanced in Party documents, those concerning their sectors and units in particular.

It is especially important to ensure that they make a close study and have a deep understanding of the ideas, gist and contents of the documents of Party meetings, including the reports to the Party’s Eighth Congress and the Second Plenary Meeting of its Eighth Central Committee.

Party cells should prioritize the study of the Party’s newspaper and make this part of their daily routine.

The Party’s newspaper reflects all the Party’s lines and policies set forth in each period.

They should regularize the session of reading the newspaper Rodong Sinmun and intensify the study of its editorials and other major articles among the Party’s members and the other working people, thereby ensuring that they have a timely and accurate understanding of the Party’s ideas and intentions.

Party cells should, by means of the historic victories and miraculous achievements made in socialist construction and changes witnessed in the reality, ensure that the Party’s members and the other working people make the validity of our Party’s policies as an element of their faith.

The second task facing Party cells at present is to wage ideological education of the Party’s members and the other working people in a substantial manner with the stress put on the five-point education programme.

Ideological education is the most difficult undertaking and one of the basic tasks which Party cells should not neglect even a moment.

Since there is no vacant space in the people’s ideological consciousness, they are prone to be affected by bad ideologies if ideological education of them is neglected.

Now one generation is being replaced with another in our revolutionary ranks, the conditions and situation for our struggle are harsh and socialist construction is switching over to a new stage. This reality urgently demands that education for training all the Party’s members and the other working people into communists be further intensified.

At present an excellent method for educating them in a revolutionary way is the education in the revolutionary traditions, loyalty to the leaders, patriotism, anti-imperialist and class awareness and morality.

As they conform to the law-governed requirements of our revolutionary practice and socialist construction, these types of education constitute the main content of the Party’s ideological education that needs to be conducted constantly.

Pointing out the methodological issues for Party cells to hold fast to the five-point education and give it effectively in an offensive manner, the General Secretary went on:

Party cells should not intend to provide ideological education only on specified occasions and under specified circumstances.

They should steadily intensify ideological education on the principle of educating while working and vice versa.

The education should be offered on the way to work, before the start of work, during the review of work, and collectively or individually, to make all processes and occasions an effective education time and medium.

It can be highly effective only when it is given to suit the characteristics and preparedness of the objects.

Party cells, as drugs are prescribed according to the health conditions of people, should implant revolutionary traditions in those who are weak in faith, raise the class consciousness of those who have a poor sense of hostility to the enemy, heighten patriotism of those who lack attachment to their jobs and native places and give education in self-reliance to those with proclivity to import.

By doing so, they will be able to make the revolutionary and militant atmosphere pervade and the socialist spirit run high everywhere they work.

The third task facing Party cells at present is to intensify the study of the Party Rules and regularize and standardize Party life.

To know the Party Rules well and work and live as required by them is an important guarantee for fulfilling the duty as a member of the Party and enhancing the fighting efficiency of a Party cell.

The Party Rules revised at the Eighth Congress of the WPK clearly specify the code of conduct and standards of activities that Party organizations and members should follow.

Party cells should intensify the study of the rules among its members so as to make them well versed in the contents of the newly revised Party rules.

Every member of the Party should know well what kind of Party theirs is, on what principles it is organized, how they should lead their Party life and what the duties and rights of the member are.

Party cells should frequently organize the study of the rules in different forms and methods in order to make sure that the Party’s members call to mind the articles of the rules regularly and apply them to their Party life to the letter.

To regularize and standardize Party life is the mode of existence and the principle of activity of the Party cell which organizes and guides the Party life of its members.

Party cells should organize and conduct Party life as required by the standards of the Party Rules come what may.

It is of primary importance to hold general Party membership meetings regularly and efficiently.

As the Party Rules stipulate that the general membership meeting of the Party cell shall be held more than once a month, they should strictly observe the rule and arrange and conduct the meetings well so that they result in raised political awareness of Party members and successes in implementing Party policies and revolutionary tasks. They should also frequently hold consultative meetings of the Party’s members.

The review of the members’ Party life is a forge for ideological training for educating and awakening officials and other members of the Party and improving their mental and moral traits as Party members.

Party cells should, irrespective of any cases, should establish strict discipline of conducing the Party life review in time and without fail, intensify the members’ self-criticism and mutual criticism, especially the criticism of seniors by juniors, at a high political and ideological level so as to create an atmosphere of comradely and principled unity and timely overcome all manner of alien ideological tendency and elements.

For the Party cell to be a living organism, it should always rouse the Party’s members to action, and the basic way to do so is to give them assignments on a regular basis and review and evaluate them.

Party cells should have a good grasp of the Party’s members and intensify control of them to make them participate in the regular life in good faith and wage a timely struggle against those who try to avoid it by making one excuse or another so as to reform them.

The fourth task facing Party cells at present is to heighten the Party’s members’ sense of organizational duty to the Party and establish the habit of leading Party life willingly.

The unity of the Party cell is consolidated in the course of the voluntary and conscious Party life of every member of the Party, as well as through the regularization and standardization of Party life.

In our Party, every member, be they senior state officials or ordinary working people, leads Party life belonging to any Party cell.

Those who do not respect the dignified Party organization by regarding themselves special beings and those who are negligent in their Party life and consider the organizational supervision as bothersome are detrimental to the unity of the collective without exception and end up breaking from the revolutionary ranks.

Party cells should make strong demands on the Party’s members to ensure that they respect their cells as the dignified guardian of their political integrity and seriously accept the decisions and opinions of the Party organizations.

They should be imbued with the climate that all their members report every problem arising in their work and life and make conscious efforts to place themselves under organizational education and supervision.

In particular, officials should work by relying on their Party cells.

There can be no Party members of high or low rank or exception in Party life and double standards of discipline should never be allowed.

In the case of cadres, they should take a voluntary and active part in Party life with the attitude as befitting the rank and file of the Party.

Party cells should make officials take voluntarily Party assignments and carry out them to improve their attitude towards Party organizations and a degree of Party spirit so that they could become exemplars for other Party members.

Pointing out some faults preventing the efforts to establish a climate of leading a voluntary Party life before stressing the need to correct them without delay, he went on:

The fifth task is that Party cells should focus their work on implementing the key decisions set forth by the Party congress and Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee intends to turn the coming five years into the successful period in propping up national economy and resolving the problems of food, clothing and housing for the people and the period of upsurge of sprucing up the country again.

It is now high time that the organizational power, the inexhaustible might of the hundreds of thousands of Party cells, was enlisted as a whole to implement the important decisions of the Party congress and the Party Central Committee.

At the moment every sector and every unit are in a very difficult situation with a lot of things wanted and a lot more in short supply, but we have the burning hearts of the Party’s members numbering millions.

Party cells should make scrupulous arrangements for organizing and guiding the Party life of their members so that they can carry out in a responsible manner the duties and tasks they are given to implement the important decisions of the Party congress and the Party Central Committee.

They should orient the reviewing of Party life of their members, giving assignments to them and educating them to performing their revolutionary tasks, and help them prove their loyalty in the course of fulfilling them.

While aggressively conducting activities for enlisting their members’ ideological and mental strength so that they share a single purpose in both thinking and practice, Party cells should make a regular review of the implementation of the targets, overcoming in time the deviations and shortcomings, if any.

They should find out laudable deeds performed by any of their members, give prominence to them and propagate them, and wage a brisk campaign to learn from good experiences of other units and overtake them; in this way, they can bring about innovations.

In implementing the important decisions of the Party congress and the Party Central Committee, Party cells at the economic sectors should make greater efforts with renewed determination to advance vigorously.

Our Party’s intention is to bring about innovations in the economic work, which can be felt by the people in their living, so that they can be provided with more things, whatever they are.

The General Secretary set specific tasks and ways for Party cells in the metallurgical, chemicals, electric-power, coal-mining and machine-building industries, rail transport, construction and building-materials, agricultural, light-industry and fisheries sectors, state economic guidance organs and cultural sectors like education, public health, art and literature, the press and sports to carry out the new five-year plan advanced at the Eighth Party Congress. He continued to say:

The sixth task facing Party cells at present is to carry out the revolutionary assignments of their own units in a responsible manner on the strength of science and technology.

If we are to ensure full operations of factories, reap bumper harvests and push construction projects forcefully in defiance of the hostile forces’ heinous moves for sanctions and blockade, we must definitely rely on science and technology.

The successful work and progress of a unit depend on how substantially the Party cells there carry through the Party’s policy of making all people well-versed in science and technology.

Party cells should channel their efforts into arming the Party’s members and the other working people with the Party’s policy of attaching importance to science and technology and leading them to adopt a proper view of and attitude towards science and technology.

They should play a great role in making it a matter of concern of the masses themselves and a public practice to learn modern scientific and technical knowledge and innovate technologies.

They should include sci-tech studies and goals of technological innovation in their work plans, give appropriate assignments, review their implementation in a substantial way while leading everybody to become a regular visitor to the sci-tech learning space and enrol on the study-while-you-work system.

They should methodically conduct the work of giving prominence to and help learning from those who are exemplary in presenting new valuable ideas, making inventions and carrying out technical innovation for remodelling production lines and equipment, for using locally available raw and other materials in production, and for recycling.

Presenting new ideas and inventing new techniques is important, but what is more important is to introduce them into production.

In particular, Party cells in coal and ore mines and industrial establishments should buckle down to introducing advanced science and technology and efficient methods of production, and those in the countryside should continue to encourage the trend of introducing advanced farming techniques and methods.

It is necessary for Party cells to launch a fierce struggle against the practice of skipping technical sessions and against empiricism and conservatism that shun technical innovation and hamper introduction of new technology while clinging to outdated experiences and technology.

The Party cells in the sci-tech sector, by giving full play to the abilities, wisdom and mental strength of scientists, researchers and technicians, should make sure that they produce without interruption sci-tech research findings that will be conducive to promoting economic construction and improving the people’s living standards as soon as possible.

The seventh task facing Party cells at present is to select those who are eligible for Party membership and direct efforts into educating and tempering them.

It is clear to everyone that no matter how clean spring water may be, its quality goes bad if it is mixed with contaminated water or impurities.

At the moment there are some Party members who fail to do their duties as they should. This is attributable in no small part to the fact that Party cells have so far failed to properly conduct the work of increasing Party membership.

The General Secretary said that, in order to straighten out this matter, the Party Central Committee took appropriate measures for Party cells to adhere to Party principle, the principle of rigidly selecting those who are recognized by everyone else as eligible, in identifying and recommending people for Party membership, and continued.

They should strictly adhere to Party principle and rigidly select, like sieving, and recommend for Party membership, whoever they may be and whatever others may say, those who really have a high degree of political and ideological preparedness, throw themselves into the performance of their revolutionary tasks and can play a core role.

Along with this, they have to intensify education and training of the nominees for Party membership.

They should keep up with their work and life and take steps for educating them to remedy defects, if any, and should train them in practice by entrusting them with arduous and difficult tasks facing their units while having them fulfill their own tasks in a responsible manner.

They should also encourage them to study hard to improve their political and practical qualifications, cultivate their abilities with which to organize and enlist the masses and steadily inspire them to keep setting examples in their organizational life in their own organizations so that they can acquire the qualifications and personality due for a Party member.

By doing so, we can admit to our Party ranks only those who are trustworthy and prepared enough to work with devotion for the Party and the revolution and keep the honour of being Party members.

The eighth task facing Party cells at present is to put special efforts to educating young people.

Young people are reserves of and successors to the Party, and so education of them is the most important matter that Party organizations should not neglect or loosen even for a moment.

Moreover, there are now not a few factors that have a negative impact on the healthy growth and development of our young people, and a serious change is taking place in their ideological and mental state. This reality demands that Party cells that are always with young people put greater efforts into their education.

All Party cells should accept education of young people as a matter of vital importance for the future of the Party and the revolution, the country and the people, a crucial one that cannot be overlooked any longer, and spare no effort for this work.

Party cells should thoroughly overcome the deviation of simply putting education of young people in charge of the primary organizations of the youth league, and turn the education into an undertaking involving all their members.

They should give their members assignments for taking charge of and educating young people, regularly review the results of fulfilment of the assignments and take relevant measures so as to have them pay attention to the education of young people purposefully and, especially, fully discharge their responsibility for their children’s education.

They should often learn about the work and life of young people, and help them adopt a loyal and patriotic frame of mind and spend their youth doing worthwhile things by participating well in their organizational life and performing their revolutionary tasks faithfully.

They should take care of young people’s attire, hairstyles, speeches, behaviours and relations with other people as meticulously as their mothers would do, and always educate and control them so that they may pursue an honest and lofty way in their spiritual and cultural life as well as in their economic and moral life.

They should become benevolent Party cells by giving persistent and principled education to those young people, who followed a wrong path at one time, and prepare them to be proud members of society and their collectives.

They should always pay attention to the work of the youth league, cultivate the independence and creativity of its primary organizations and actively support their work.

They should wage in a substantial way the campaign of creating a model unit in rendering Party guidance to the work of the youth league to invigorate its work, and train all our young people well enough to carry on the baton of revolution faithfully.

The ninth task facing Party cells at present is to actively promote the remoulding of man and make the collectives brim over with the communist trait of helping and leading one another forward.

Our own style of people-centred socialism can maintain its original features and give full play to its advantages only when all its members are conscious of their duty as masters of the state and society and perform their roles as such with credit.

The General Secretary noted that we should conduct a Party-wide undertaking to transform those who are lagging behind into socialist, patriotic working people as we did in the Chollima era in which the campaign for remoulding of man was conducted vigorously.

It is the Party cells that are best acquainted with the sentiments, mental states and living conditions of the masses.

Based on the stand that there is no one who cannot be educated and transformed in our society unless they degenerated from the class viewpoint, they should purposefully buckle down to the efforts for transforming people.

Having one person educate and transform ten and ten, a hundred, and overcoming the negative by dint of the positive–this is a traditional working method of our Party.

Party cells should assign the laggards and persons with serious issues in the present life and work to their members and lead them to educate and transform these persons with sincere efforts.

No matter what serious mistakes one has made, Party cells should embrace them true to the Party’s intention if they retain the original features of loyalty and patriotism and ensure that they enjoy a worthwhile life in the great socialist family.

As everyone has both positive and negative aspects, they should steadily undertake the transformation of man in a way of identifying positive buds in him, even though trifle, and encouraging him to weaken the negative aspects and persuading him patiently and admonishing him in principle ten or one hundred times, not giving up after a few times of education.

If each of the millions of our Party’s members takes charge of just one person and educate and remould him, all the members of society can be transformed into working people who work with devotion for society and the collective.

Collectivism whereby people help and lead one another forward is a proud tradition and national trait unique to our style of socialism.

The preceding generations of our revolution have displayed a high level of ennobling virtues and traits to the wonder of the world even in the protracted arduous difficulties under the communist slogan “One for all and all for one!”

This has served as a source of strength which enabled the Juche-oriented socialism to advance victoriously on the basis of the solidest single-hearted unity.

Party cells, by upholding as ever the slogan “One for all and all for one!” which has demonstrated its great vitality throughout the course of our socialist construction, should efficiently lead the masses to establish in their collectives the communist trait and outlook on morality of helping and leading one another forward.

They should see to it that the spirit of helping those lagging behind, supporting those with difficulties and doing something for the benefit of next shift and another workteam pervades the collectives, so that collective and collaborative innovation can be brought about.

It is necessary to ensure that the Party’s members and the other working people are equipped with the spirit of sharing weal and woe with one another, conceding good things and shouldering hard work and the ennobling moral trait of respecting one another and observing good manners, and the feelings of harmony, unity, comradeship and brotherly affection prevail in their collectives.

The tenth task is to wage an intensive struggle against the anti-socialist and non-socialist practices.

Today the most dangerous enemy in preserving the original features of our style of socialism and bringing its advantages into full play is the anti-socialist and non-socialist practices.

This is not the target of law-enforcement organs alone.

Only when all the people wage the struggle against them as a struggle for themselves, as a mass struggle, can they fully expose and wipe out the anti-socialist and non-socialist practices that are prevalent in various fields of social life.

Party cells should fulfil their due responsibility and role in organizing and rousing the masses to stamp out the anti-socialist and non-socialist practices.

They should give the Party’s members and the other working people a tireless explanation of the forms of expression, dangers and harmful effects of these practices so that they themselves hate and denounce the practices and turn out actively in the struggle to stamp out all the negative practices that are revealed in their units and around themselves .

Mindful of the fact that if Party cells are feeble, anti-socialist and non-socialist practices will prevail and, worse still, our revolutionary and class positions may crumble, they should never make any slightest compromise or concession in their struggle against such practices.

It is necessary to wage a vigorous struggle against the practice of regarding one’s unit as being “special,” self-centredness, the abuses of power, bureaucratism and corruption.

Party, administrative and legal struggle against such practices is getting more intensified after the Second Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee; in keeping with this, Party cells should strengthen education and the controls so as to prevent any of these practices budding in their units and collectives.

Party cells in the units, in which such practices may be practised because of the characteristics of their work, should be more alert, tighten their grips on the Party life of the officials and the other Party’s members, and launch an intensive criticism offensive against even their slightest manifestation without tolerating them, and thus resolutely stamp them out.

These are the ten major tasks facing Party cells at present.

The General Secretary said that the success of the work of Party cells depends entirely on the preparedness and roles of their secretaries, and continued.

Party cell secretaries are grassroots-level political workers responsible for the Party life and political integrity of the Party’s members, and they are also planners, organizers and executors of work and unity of their Party cells.

There are no other political workers in our Party’s organizational structure than cell secretaries who work with the Party’s members shoulder to shoulder every minute of the day, explain the Party’s policies to them in person and implement them.

Party cell secretaries should become not only an amplifier that correctly conveys only the Party’s ideas and intentions to the Party’s members and the other masses but also a taintless mirror that reflects the features of the Party as they are; this is a demand of the Party and the times.

The General Secretary seriously pointed out the deviant methods of work revealed by a number of cell secretaries with a low degree of political awareness and preparedness, and specified one by one the revolutionary and ennobling political and moral traits to be surely possessed of by Party cell secretaries.

Party spirit, principled stand, political preparedness, sense of responsibility, setting practical examples, creativity, familiarity with the masses, humaneness, sincerity, optimism, ethics and uprightness are the twelve basic traits to be possessed of by cell secretaries, he said, adding that only when all the cell secretaries throughout the Party acquire these traits and work with devotion for the good of their organizations and collectives can they be called “our cell secretaries” with affection by the masses.

Noting that the whole Party should proactively help the cells in their work and throw its full weight behind them, he underscored the need to build up the ranks of Party cell secretaries and work efficiently to raise their political and practical qualifications and inspire them with a sense of pride and honour of working as Party cell secretaries.

He pointed out that all Party officials should go to Party cells in a planned way to have talks with the Party’s members and the other masses as well as the Party cell secretaries, bring home to them the ideas and intentions of the Party Central Committee, correct the deviations revealed in the work of the cells and solve knotty problems, if any, and went on:

Comrade cell secretaries,

With the current conference as a momentum, our Party intends to set up a fresh turning point for the building up and unity of cells and steadily strengthen the unity and fighting efficiency of the entire Party by continuously directing great efforts to the work of cells in the future, too.

Great are the Party Central Committee’s expectations of the cell secretaries in performing this weighty task.

The Party Central Committee firmly believes that the cell secretaries across the Party, with unusual preparedness, determination and fortitude, will devote all their efforts to turning Party cells into healthy and viable ones, whose members are closely knitted in the bonds of kinship, thereby further cementing our Party organizationally and ideologically and giving a powerful impetus to the grand all-people march towards a fresh victory in socialist construction.

Comrade cell secretaries,

Now, our revolution urgently demands a new change of our own style, and this great change can be brought about only by the utmost devotion and practical efforts of our Party cell secretaries.

For the prosperity and development of our great state, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,

For the unity and strengthening of our great Party, and

For the eternal happiness of our great people,

Let us all fight more vigorously.

The concluding speech made by General Secretary Kim Jong Un at the Sixth Conference of Cell Secretaries of the WPK is an important guideline in consolidating the cornerstone for the building up and unity of the entire Party and enhancing the fighting efficiency of Party cells in all aspects as required by the new stage of the developing revolution; it is also a great banner of struggle which dynamically inspires all the Party’s members and the other people to implement the decisions set forth by the Eighth Party Congress and to make a revolutionary advance towards a fresh victory of socialism of our own style.


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