We must remain disciplined Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association Patron, President Mugabe addresses the war veterans indaba at the City Sports Centre in Harare
Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association Patron, President Mugabe addresses the war veterans indaba at the City Sports Centre in Harare yesterday

Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association Patron, President Mugabe addresses the war veterans indaba at the City Sports Centre in Harare yesterday

We publish here President Mugabe’s address during his meeting with war veterans at the City Sports Centre in Harare yesterday.

Icho! Icho! Icho! Ndatenda.

MaVice Presidents vedu, Cde Emmerson Mnangagwa naCde Report Mphoko.

Secretary vedu veWar Veterans’ Affairs, Cde Doctor vabva pano ava Va (Sydney) Sekeramayi, maministers vari pano, kozoti Commander vedu veDefence Forces Va (Constantine) Chiwenga nemaCommanders vese varipo,

Commissioner vedu Commissioner- General vekumapurisa, Commissioner-General vevasungwa Va(Augustine) Chihuri nava (Paradzai) Zimondi . . . Zimondi. Zimondi takamukudza kuhondo ndava kukanganwa zita rake, nava Zimondi. Kozoti nhengo dzese dzemadzimai vari pano, mayouth edu ese ari pano. Vose vaive macommanders vakasiyana-siyana, macategories ataurwa pano, vatanzwa vachipirwa. Macomrades ese vabva kumaprovinces akasiyana-siyana ari maprovinces gumi, nevamwe vangadai vari vakokwi. Ndinofara nekuuya kwamaita.

Rakava zano rangu rokuti ndikudanei. Ndakafunga kuti nenyaka-nyaka yatambonge tichiona, tisingawirirane nevanga varipo vemusangano wambonge… kubvira kunana (Chenjerai) Hunzvi kudakara iyezvinoizvi vanga uri wavashomashoma chete. Ndikati aah zvinganaka kuti tikaedza kuita musangano wevanhu vatingati vose vatingati mawar veterans, kubvira vava pamusorosoro kusvika vari pazasi.

Ndichida kuti ndinzwisise kuti chaizvo izvo magariro amakaita ndeapi kubvira pahondo, kupera kwehondo, zvichemo zvingava zvipi, maonero enyu iyezvino enyika yedu nomusangano wedu angava api. Ndezvipiwo zvamungapa semazano kwatiri.

Munoruzivo mose kuti takanga tiri zvikwata zviviri, misangano miviri – Zapu neZanu – tikasangana tikaita Zanu Patriotic Front (Zanu-PF). Saka tine Vice President vakamirira Zapu vakabva kumusangano, anobva kumusangano wakanga uri weZapu. Haisisipo. Vice President anobva kumusangano wakanga uri Zanu taa Zanu Patriotic Front, Zanu-PF.

Ndoma Vice Presidents maviri vatinavo.

Kuarmy zvimwechetezvo, mubatanidzwa watakaita. Saka iDefence Forces, haisi war veterans association iyi. Pamusoro, President ndiye Commander-in-Chief. Vachiteverwa navaChiwenga. Cde Chiwenga, please stand.

Macommanders vari pasi pake vanoti vamwe vanobva kuZanu vamwe vanobva kuZapu, takaramba takadaro. Pamusana pei? Pamusana pekuti hondo yatakarwa taive nechinangwa chimwechete. Takangozombosiyana, Zanu yakuvakwa padikidiki muna 1963. Asi takazofunga kuti hazvibatsiri, tikabatana va(Joshua) Nkomo neni.

Takazosara torwa hondo 1976 patakaenda kuGeneva. 78 nemaBritish tichikurukura navo, 79 nemaBritish tichikurukura navo futi dakara azobvuma kuti kuve negungano kunyika yavo muguta reLancaster tikaramba takabatana kudaro. Vana (Josiah Magama) Tongogara vanga vachiri vapenyu. Vanana (Simon Vengayi) Muzenda vachiri vapenyu, vese vamwe commanders vatisisinavo, eeh, vaye vatakaisa kuHeroes Acre vakanga vachiri vapenyu vana (Joseph) Msika, John Nkomo vese vanga vari kuZapu. Unity iyoyi tinoramba takaibata, kuibata kuichengetedza.

Hatidi kuti tiiputsunure. Wakatiza Dumiso (Dabengwwa), wobva vakamboita chimusangano chavo, cheMavambo chiya ichi zvikatadza vakabuda imomo. Kwakunoita hanzi ndaakunovamba Zapu, Zapu yakare yapinda muZanu Patriotric Front ichiri kupi? Saka kune mamwe ma comrades ikoko. Ndinovimba kuti nekuona kwavari kuita kubatana kwamakaita pano zuva ranhasi nemhomho iyi, vamwe vavo vachadzoka.

Gungano nderenyu iri varwi, gungano nderenyu iri kuona kwatakabva, gungano nderenyu iri kuona kuti kwatiri kuenda ndekupi. Patiri ndepapi? Hongu tinozvitarisa isu pacheduwo pahupenyu hwedu nemhuri dzedu asi chikuru nekuti tiri vanhu vakazvipiraka. Chikuru inyika, chikuru huzhinji hwevanhu veZimbabwe. Kuti gwara ratakavaisa iri, nzira yavari kufamba nayo iyi, ndiyo here nzira yatakarwira.

Ndimo matichiri here? Ndozvamanga muchiongorora mazuva maviri ano aya.

Tinofara. Vanga vachikubatsirai vanga vachitoti hatingazosangane zvakare mushure memakore mashanu ndikati aah, kwete. Gore negore, mwedzi nemwedzi. Vamwe vari kuenda, vamwe vakura. Hatichava vadiki tinoramba tichikura, tosvika pamugumo.

Saka ndanga ndichiti kunaVaSekeramayi apo, kwete, zvatasangana pano zuva ranhasi, gore rino iri 2016, ngatisanganei zvakare gore rinouya 2017.

Topota tichizviongorora tichizvisimbaradza. Vachiine masimba tichiona.

Vanenge tichiona kuti avava havasisina masimba toonawo nourwere hwacho ndopatinenge tichionawo kuti aah vamwe vedu vakuenda.

Tingavabatsire sei. Zvichemo zvaiswa apa zvizhinji zvisina kuzadziswa.

Tinova neruzivo rwokuti manga muchichema kuti hatisi kubatsirwa, rubatsiro rushoma nemhuri dzenyu. Vana muzvikoro, vana muzvipatara nemiwo muzvipatara.

Ndakafunga mushure memakore ekunge tichitatsurana nana Hunzvi vachiti, aah tinoda zvakati tinoda zvakati tinoda zvakati. Toti huyai noku kuDefence huyai nokumusangano wedefence ivo vachiramba kuti ahh tinoda tiri toga seassociation. Zvichikona. Saka takafunga kuti zvatava iyezvino izvi zvakare toga-toga, Takambokanganiswa kaapa taitwa mubatanidzwa nana (Morgan) Tsvangirai mufunge eeh isu tava vanhu vakuru vamwe vapamusoro. Hupenyu hwedu imi wee`e ndevekuona kuona kuti gwara ratwasanuka here.

Hatinzvengeswe here? Ibhora ka iri? Hatisikunzvengewsa here nevarungu?

Hatisikuyeva here zvikuru mari nezvimwe zvakadaro? Zvino vamwe vakange vasisafari kuti haa tinongoramba tichimbanyikidzwa. Vakanga vakuti nyika haingatambudziki nepamusaka pemunhu mumwe chete, munhu mumwe chete aiva ani iyeye? VaMugabe! Hanzi VaMugabe varikutitadzisa kuva nehushamwari nevarungu. Mavambo iyeiye ndookwayakabva ikoko kwakaita kuti vana (Dr Joyce) Mujuru vayende ikoko naanaDumiso to be free to interact with the whites and the businesspeople so as to get monetary assistance. Ndoopaive nenyaya yacho. Tiwane mari inongobva kumacompany ichingouya, macommissions acho avaipihwa ipapo. Ndokubva vaformer chinhu chavo ichochi ichi chainzi Mavambo. By 2008 maelections akaitwa zvikanzi asi VaMugabe vakawinner kare havoka, hazvibetsere kuvavhotera, regerai kuvapa mavotes enyu vakawinner kare. Ndakaruzaka ndakawana 43 percent yevote, Tsvangirai akawana 47 percent.

Chakatiponesa ipapo munoziva kuti chii? Mugwaro redu, nyanzvi dzedu magweta edu vakamati maelections aya ehuPresident kana kuine vanokwikwidza vanopfuura vaviri, anohwina anosungirwa kuhwina ne50 percent plus, asi kana vari vaviri chete munhu akaita 51 percent, mumwe iota 49 awinner. Kana mumwe akaita 49 percent mumwe akaita 30 percent vamwe vanhu vakarega kuvoter, vasina kuvoter zvichinzi only 49 percent of the voting people voted, anonzi awinner, kana vari vaviri chete hazvina mhosva kuti wawana percentage yakadii. Asi kana vachipfuura vaviri anosungirwa kuwana more than 50 percent. Zvino Tsvangirai anga awana 47 percent ini ndawana 43 percent. Haa zvikanzi Tsvangirai awinner. Vedu anaMujuru vaida kuti inindiruze, vogoita kana ndaruza asi ZANU yawana maseats akawanda muParliament, aah inoramba iri Hurumende yedu, tobatana naanaTsvangirai asi isu tisu tinoramba tirivakuru nekuti tinenge tiine maMP’s akawanda muParliament.

Hazvisirizvo, kana iri executive governmental presidential system of Government yatiinayo, yekuti President ndiye ane executive power.

Hazvidaro, izvo zvinoitwa chete kana muina President akaita saana (Canaan) Banana zviye izve, wataiti Ceremonial president, sesystem yemaBritish, Prime Minister ndiye anobva muparty inenge yawinner iinemaseats akawanda. Havinei neyedu yatavanayo iyi kuti tawinner maseats mazhinji, Tsvangirai akawana mavotes akawanda kupfuura angu aine maseats mashoma muparliament ndiwe wawinner, ndoozvainoita yedu.

Kuti anozogoverner sei, zvinenge zvaakwake anonoitira vamwe, ndeyanaGoliath, ndooyedu yatiri iyi. Isa wako uyu isu tiise wedu uyu tiwone anokurirwa munhanga imomo. Anenge akurirwa party yake yaruza, hazvinei kuti ane vanhu vazhinji. So ndooyaive pfungwa yaive naanaMujuru. Asi zvisinei takangobvumawo zvedu kuti tiite mubatanidzwa weHurumende, tichitukwa, kutukwa hakuna kuvamba nhasi, tichitukwa naanaTsvangirai, tichitukwa even kuAU, tichitukwa nemamwe mapresidents, kunzi makaruza makaruza, veBotswana nevamwe vake.

Ndichinzi ini chigaro chawaka gara hachisi chako, you should not be sitting there, Tsvangirai ndiye aifanira kunge agere apo. KuOAU ikoko aah, saka ngandimboti tonho zvedu tichiti ayihwa mazuva iwaya ngaapfuure. Asi takazogoorganiser, totenda, tinotenda, again mawar veterans vakazowona kuti aaah, tikati aah tasvika 2013, vakati hoo nhai ndoozvakaitika, takachenjedzwa, hazvichafa zvakaitika, hazvichafa zvakaitika. Ndookusaka ndakasunganidza varume ava, kare ko vainge vakanditi aaah, vakasvika maretirements kare, asi patakati takarwa hondo iyi tikaikurira, garai tichazoti tawona mumashure imomo. Ihondo yatakarwa 2013 makabuda chii? Shudhu, hapana province yatakaruza.

Tikangoti perhaps Bulawayo takawana more seats than before, ndiko kwatingadai takangoruza chete. Anyway tachenjedzwa kudaro, takava nenjere dzekuti zvino tinozvisimbaradza sei? Ngatiorganiseyi vanhu vedu, mhuri yedu yakanga isina kuorganaizwa zvakanaka. MaWar Vets edu akange asina kupinda zvakanaka, hamheno kuti chakanga chaitika chii.

Tinenge tichiti mupindeka muvanhu, muvemusimboti wemabranches. Kune mamwe maprovinces zvakange zvaitika, asi kune mamwe zvakanga zvisati.

Zvino pfungwa yekuti zvichemo zvisanowongororwa muhurumende, ndakafunga kuti tikaita ministry, ministry inowongorora nezvehupenyu yemaWar Veterans, ingave nzira yekuti nguva nenguva tinenge tiina minister ane vanhu vake vanowongorora nezvewelfare yenyu, magariro enyu, toronga maprovinceswo kuti vange vaine manumbers emawar veterans, province by province vaine ruzivo vachiisa mucomputer kuwona kuti aah, tine vakati vakati vakati, uyu ayenda kuhospital musi wakati, vana vari kuchikoro vangana ndevava, varikuzvikoro zvakati zvakati, hatisati tasvika ipapo. Ndoomazano atiinawo iwayo. Saka takati tive naminister ane ministry yemu muCabinet, tinogara muCabinet every week anenge achitipawo report iye yekuti kuministry kwake kwakamira sei. Tanga tisina izvozvo, tanga tichiingomirira kunzwa zvichemo aaah ngana arwara kwakati, ndiyani arikutaura? zvirikubva nekuparty! Zvino hatidi chete kuti zvibve nekuparty, party ngaitiudze zvayo asi ngative naminister ane vanhu vake, kumaprovinces ikoko, vanowona nezvemagariro enyu vanonzwa nezvehupenyu hwenyu vamunoudza imi kuti ngana varwara, kuti vana varikuchikoro vangani havasati vabhadhrirwa. Saka tichange tiina minister ava, VaDube, Tshinga Dube. Asi kuDefence chaiko tina VaSekeremayi zvakare vanobatsira ikoko nehurongwa. Ndivovanozopa vanenge vaine welfare statistics, anoti zvehurwere, zvimwewo zvehupenyu, matambudzikiro aripo, kana iri nyaya yevana vari muzvikoro vanokandwa kwakati, vave neruzivo irworo. Saka izvo matipira sechichemo, asi icho chichemo chakadzama chinosungirwa kuti chiyende mucomputer zvatava neministry inowona nezvewelfare yemaex – combatants igare iinazvo. Asi kunyangwe tava neruzivo, tava nenzira dzeruzivo, it doesn’t mean that we will be in a position everytime from the point of view of our assitance that we will be having enough funds. Izvo zvoyendawo kuna Minister weFinance. Kuti uyu akabata chikwama chedu chenyika, kune mari here? Nemasanctions atanga tiinawo dambudziko ranga rakakura.

Asi tirikuona iyezvino kuti zvinhu zvirikuenda zvichinyevenuka maererano nemabatirwo arikuitwa nyika yedu mundima dzemabasa nemacompanies edu. Hongu upfumi haungouya zuva iroro ramunenge maita migodhi. Zuva iroro ramunenge maita macompany. Kwete. Zvinotora nguva.

Asi pamusana pekuti taakubata upfumi uhu tirisu tichange tine ruzivo rwekuti uku kunobva mari yakaita sei, ko nyaya dzezvemigodhi, zvicherwa, kunyaya yemaindustry, kucommerce nekunedzimwe ndima tirikuwana mari yakaita sei, kuagriculture tirikuwanawo mari yakaita sei?

Mune zvichemo zvekuti tinoda kubatsirwa kuti tivewo nemacompanies atinawo. Handifungi kuti zvinonetsa izvo. Kana muchiti tinoda kuti tive ne 20 percent or 30 percent kumining. Munenge muchirevei? Ndanga ndichiti kuna VaSekeramayi ko varikureva chii? Kuti tipiwe 20 percent.

Ko mukapuwa 20 percent or 30 percent ko 70 percent or 80 percent inogonge iri yaani?

Nyika yeseka ndeyenyu. You can start your mines wherever you want. Imi makuda kuzvipa percentage, why? Ko munoda kuzvipa percentage ko handi ndo chichemo chine varungu kut tiri kuvatorera. The whole of the mining area is open. Start your own mining companies.

Kungoti chete vanhu vedu takavatumira muzvikoro kumacollege kuti vave mining engineers mametallurgists macivil engineers and others. Asi havadi kuuya pamwe chete kuformer mamines. Chavanoda ndechekuona murungu auya apa avamba mugodhi voda kunopiwa basa ipapo. Ko kuti imi pachenyu muite migodhi yenyu? Ko mune ruzivoka rwamunokwanisa kushandisa kana mava vashandi kumurungu ndirwo rumwechete ruzivo irworwo rwamunoshadnisa kana mugodhi uri wenyu. Zvipei upfumi ihwohwo.

Kwete kuti motanga mapakurira murungu upfumi hwenyika, mozoti chitipaiwe ava masalary and wages. Why? Murungu ngaauye kana muchimuda ari technician azoshanda ari musevenzi wenyuwo.

Zvino imi kana muchiti tipeiwo ndima apa murikureva here kuti munoda kuvhura mugodhi imi pachenyu nevana venyu vakafunda kana kuti munoda kuti mugoti kuvarungu aah tine claim pano, ita mugodhi ugopota uchitipawo mari yakati, ndozvatisingadi izvozvo Kwete. Aah izvo pasi nazvo. Tinoda zvatinoti pamberi nazvo, vana venyu ava, varipo asi havadi kuita basa iroro. Zvimwechete kundima yekurima. Patavamba resettlement takati kune 20 percent. Twenty percent haina kutorwa yese. Zvino murikuti ngaiiswe, iiswe mu constitution. Ko inoisirwei muconstitution? Nyika ndeyedu takati 20 percent ndeenyu. Torai zve.

Munoda kuti itange yaiswa muconstitution. Kuchengeterwa. Constitution hongu ingakupei zvenyu asi moita sekunge musina simba asi moriwana kuconstitution. Aiwa.

Chete resettlement yaive yevanhu vakawanda, A1. A2 yakazouya maamushure. Mapurazi nzvimbo dzakuita dzichipera asi nzvimbo dzichiripo munoaplaya. Hameno kana muchiti takaaplaya asi takanyimwa, kana tiri kudavidzwa. Handifungi kuti kana maapplications aripo ari mawar veterans ahhhh hatingashayi nzvimbo nekuti achiripo mabhunu atinokwanisa kubisa mumapurazi.

Ndirikudaro nekuti ndakati mushure taona kuti aah kuministry yelands kunenge kune chitsotsi chinoitwa nemaofficials. Ndakati hapana vanhu vachapiwa mapurazi usina kuuya nawo iwe minister maapplications kwandiri.

Saka maapplication mukaita maapplication hapana application inoitwa yeland isingauyi kwandiri. Zvino kana muchiti makanyimwa zvinoreva kuti inenge isina kupiwa kwandiri, hapana angapiwa land iyezvino ndisingazivi. Ndinova neruzivo rwekuti tichine mabhunu kune dzimwe nzvimbo 40 kune dzimwe 70 mabhunu achiriko and so on. And dziriko dzimwe nzvimbo dzatinoti aah uku takawanzawo mhuka, vanhu havangatorerwi nzvimbo nemhuka. Asi hatisadi tada. Tinoziva kuti kune ma international organisations vana CITES vakatarisa ikoko kuti tikangobata ikoko kunotema miti kuti takupamhidzira minda vototi Zimbabwe iya yakukanganisa maclimatic conditions. Asi hatisati tasvika ikoko tichine land. Saka vanoda nzvimbo dzekurima asi murimi munorima, regai kuvavarira mapurazi makuru kana usina vana vekurima navo haukwanisi kuzviita, asi kana une vana.

Regai kuita zvaiita vakuru paye vachavamba mapurchase areas vananaMusengezi nedzimwe nzvimbo dziye dzainzi vanopiwa 100 hectares, 100 acres. Vaiti ah apapa handingaindi nemukadzi umwechete ndototsvaka umwe mukadzi. Voendavane vakadzi vaviri vonodunhura kuita zigobora.

Anondibatsira kugobora. Woroora vamwe vakadzi kuti vakubatsire basa chete, kwete kuti une chido navo chokuti uite mhuri. Yatove labour iyi.

Zvino madzimai emazuvano vachenjera kaava. Vamwe havade kugoboreswa.

Unoerekana watizwa. Saka ipapo fine ngatoionei. Vanenge vasina minda fine.

Kana muchida maplots, iLocal Government iyi. Zvinoenda nekuti munoda maplots ari muma urban areas here. Ndiko kurikupuwa maplots ikoko kumatowns. Saka munoita apply ikoko and tinoti mupiwe preference ikoko. Asi vamwe zvavanoita vane maplots, vaneimba. Asi voda kuita maplot kuti muite business mobva mumba monogara muplot imba morendesa, hatidi kudaro. Kana wawana plot nderekuti vana vawane pokugogara kana iwe kana wausina pekugara wowana pekugara. Zvekuita business izvo tingazozviongorore kana pave nenzvimbo dzekuti apapa panovakwa maflats, ehe kana muchikwanisa vanokwanisa kuvaka maflats, fine zvakanakawo izvozvo.

Madzimai mabusiness emumatowns kumaSMEs edu vanogarotipawo hurongwa hwavo zvinotifadza izvozvo.

Musangano wedu waive netsika yepamusorosoro. Discipline yepamusorosoro, ideology yakakwana. Ideology haingova ideology yatinoita tisina kuifunga. Tose tanga takazvipira kuenda kuhondo.

Kununura nyika yedu kuzvipira, sacrifice. Asi sacrifice kwete kuti zvandirikuenda kuhondo izvi mangwana ndizopihwa mari yakati nekuti ndaenda kuhondo. Kwete. Takaenda kuhondo kuzvipira. Ropa. Kufa. Kupa rusununguko kumhuri yedu yeZimbabwe. Kuzvipa isu hunhu hwedu hweZimbabwe. Kubisa kudzvanyirirwa kwanga kuripo nemaBritish.

Nemasettlers atanga tinawo vanaVector vanga vachitishandisa semhuka.

Vanababa vasingawonekwe sevanhu vaingonzi boy, boy, boy. Mudzimai mukuru anonzi nanny, nanny, nanny. Kwete. Ndozvataida kubvisa izvozvo.

To fight for our sovereignty. To fight for our freedom. KuCharter yeUnited Nations inonzi to fight for right of self-determination. Kuti tizova isu tinesimba rekuti apapa tinoda kuti pave panogarwa nevanhu.

Munyika medu hatidi zvakati zvakati kuti zviitwe. That’s a right of self-determination. Tirisu tava kuzvitonga. Tirisu tava kuzvipa gwara.

Ndo kunovamba ideology yedu ikoko.

Kuti asi taiti ngatimbowanai ideology inotibatsira kurwa asi objective yatinowana, chinangwa chokurwa kwatirikuita chokuzvipira kwatiri kuita, chawanikwa chinangwa chacho, freedom, sovereignty. Chozova icho, chobva mundima yehunangwa chova inonzi means, yova now the means or the weapon, chombo chekuita zvimwe zvinhu. Tanga tichirwa kuti tiwane nyika, asi tawana nyika chava chombo zvino chekuti tichipe hupenyu hwemberi. Ndopatavaka apa, ndopatakava 1980. Chinangwa chedu chekuwana nyika tachiwana asi tisati tachiwana taive negwara iroro rekuti hondo yedu kuti iyenederere mberi.

Vana vedu vari kurwa, mafighters edu whether they are ZANLA or ZIPRA vave noruzivo rwokuti vari kurwira ruzhinji rwevanhu. Vanhu ivavo ngavave vanhu vatinoti hondo ndeyavo naivowo varwi vehondo, saka isu torega kuvatsautsa kwete, tova pamwe chete navo. Zvoreva kuti ivo tovapawo dzidzo yakati kwane yekuti tiri kuuya, tiri kurwira ivhu, tinoda rusununguko, zvavanonzwisisa zvakakwana, magrievances saka taivapa magrievances edu, makatorerwa nyika, makatorerwa ivhu, tese tiri vana vevhu asi ivhu harisi mumaoko edu. Ngariuye mumaoko edu, saka isu tiri vana venyu, tiri pakati penyu tinoda kuti imi mutibatsire. Munopota muchitibikira, munopota muchitionera vavengi vasvika papi, kana vava mudunhu renyu muchiteya nzeve, sevenzesayi nzeve dzenyu, sevenzesai maziso enyu motichengetawo kana takuvara.

Saka vanhu voita semvura zvaireva Mao Tse Tung kwatiri isu toita sehove iri kusambira mumvura. Hapo ka, I ideology yedu iye.

Zvakatibatsira izvozvo, the people became our water and we became the fish swimming in that water. We were one with the water, one with the people and makaona kuti hondo yedu yakabudirira. At the end of the day hondo iye yabudirira, yanga iri hondo yevanhu, ine zvinangwa zvevanhu, toona kuti zvinangwa izvozvo vanhu vanazvo. Hurumende ndeyedu, ndizvozvoka zvinangwa zvevanhu, fundo yevana, upenyu hwedu tese, ivhu redu tese, magariro akanaka tese, mabasa tese ekuzvipa neekupawo vana vatinenge tadzidzisa. Takafamba rwendo irworo asi zvazvaireva ndezvekuti dzidzo yedu, ideology yedu yorega kuva dzidzo yekumusoro chete, ngaipinde nemumoyo.

Iwe pachako wobva wati aah ndine basa ini, pauviri hwedu iwe neni tine basa. Wozvipa iwe discipline yakakomba. Pavakuru kupinda umo mutsika dzavo, uri kupinda mutsika dzavo unoombera, teerera unzwe kuti vanotevedza tsika dzakaita sei, ndokupi kune zvinoera, ndekupi kusingaendwe, kana uchienda kunzvimbo dzinoera vanoti ita sei, dzimwe wombera, dzimwe nguva huya pamuti wakati, muti usina zita, zvese maiita izvozvo. You had that self-discipline. Self-discipline yekukudza giving respect to the culture of the people and then you give respect to yourself, to humble yourself pane vanhu, taisvika, takasvika nava (the late Edgar) Tekere, tabuda zve kwaChief Tangwena.

Taenda navaTangwena, sachief taivaombera zvichinzi apa vana vangu munobvisa shangu, taitobvisa shangu, apa munoita zvakati asi munobva neni pakati nepakati, mudzimai wavo aive nesvikiro, taivateerera zvese zvavaiita.

That’s how you behave, you don’t ignore, you don’t despise, you move along nokuti ndo zvinoitwa. By the end of the day, kana wadaro, wanga uchizvipira kuzvityora during the war, after the war you must have the same discipline. Kwete kuti ungazoburitse parurimi rwako izwi rekutuka vakuru, hazviite, hazvibvumidzwe. Vakuru vanoti ho, uchaona zvauchaona havakutaurire zvakawanda.

Don’t ever do that because you are at that position, I never do that. Kana ndine machief, when I go to my own chief kwaZvimba ndinotovaomberawo. Ivo vanotondipa rukudzo saPresident, but customarily, I am a child of the clan. So you have to have that discipline, zvino vamwe venyu you have lost that discipline, that’s not good. You can’t say rude words, you should never, never have to say rude words to your elders, never ever.

The discipline you get in the army, that external discipline, right turn, left turn, about turn, forward march, whether you like it or not, you must right turn, left turn, about turn and forward march, whether you like it or not, that’s military, it’s external, but in life, it is the is the internal discipline, what you say to yourself, you forward march yourself, you about turn yourself, right turn, left turn yourself, so know that there are these two forms of discipline, the external and the internal.

Eh, zvino vamwe ipapa vanoti kana vapihwa chinzvimbo chepamusoro soro, you despise vepazasi vanambuya ah ah. Taive navakomana nguva yekuenda kuzvikoro kuSouth Africa tisina masecondary schools kunoku. Munhu angoenda kusecondary school kunoita JC, tanga tisati taane ma JCka, vachingoperera muStandard Six kuno kumusha uku, varungu vasingade kukwidza maschool. Zvino anonoita JC adzoka, ah, akutaura nechirungu nanambuya, kuti aah ko ari kuti chii ko, haachagona chiShona? Aaaaah, haachadya sadza? Ka JC chaiko kaJC, vamwe were still doing it after going to Fort Har, vakatanga kwenda ku Fort Hare, you know they don’t eat sadza. Ah ah, asi ku Fort Hare ikoko kwaidyiwa chii? Munhuchu! Saka musangano wedu unoda discipline, unoda rukudzo irworwo self-discipline. But uine ideology yekubatsira, yekusimudzira ruzhinji rwevanu, called socialism. Socialism yatakauya nayo kuhondo kwaive necommunist/socialismka, communism, Leninism neMaxism, takaifunda tiri kuhondo because vabatsiri vedu, Soviet Union ne China ndovaive ideologies dzacho. These were the ideologies in our camps. They helped us. We were getting weapons from them and we had to think like they did, but we did not accept all, we accepted part, the socialist part.

When we got back home taiti vanhu vedu you cannot say they should not have cattle because they must have, they must be together, aah, vane tsika yekuti uyu ane mombe dzake nembudzi dzake, uyu ane paanogara pake. Saka avava nekuti nyika dzavo dzakange dzakwirira, vasisina chinyakare ichocho, vane maindustries, ndokusaka vaiti simba raakuma workers, samba should be with the worker, so Marxism was based on recognising the working class as more important class, has the main factor production, labour, has the main factor of production, you see, and so zvichinzi ndivo vanoita sweat, so the working class must be rewarded, they must have the ownership of the business.

That has died now in Europe, it has died in the Soviet Union. It has been modified also in China but we never adopted it in full. They did not accept religion, aiwa, religion yaiitwa condemn kuti inopazamisa ndangariro but here we say there is freedom of religion Vanhu vedu vanga vaine tsika yavo, their values, forms of religion whatever you call it, now there is Christianity. There are also other forms that are coming into our system, Moslems and other forms of Christian practices but we leave it to the people to choose their own religion.

But our theme in the party is people oriented, we want people to have their land but each one must have their own portion of the land. His own portion where he can have his own cattle, that’s all right. Kana vachida kubatanidza zvova kwavari. It’s a kind of democratic socialism or socialist or the socialism cum democracy.

Then it is on that basis that we have fashioned our Zim-Asset, Zim-Asset now, we have the status driving the driving force but we companies as well and you have the people generally who are employed both in the private sector and the public sector. So Zim-Asset, takaedza kuenda ne Zim-Asset iyi ku Europe and I was glad that they accepted the Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation but it’s a recognition that ma resources edu atiinawo, we must beneficiate them kuti cotton (donje) must be formed into yarn, the yarn to cloth, the cloth into clothes then you add value, that’s adding value.

Even zvicherwa zvedu zvepasi, we must add value so we are working on all that. Now referring to the party, well there is the party; we have had sanctions ma imperialist whether they are Europeans or Americans have never liked Zanu-PF at all and the leadership of Zanu-PF. But tine ma sanctions, Europe has removed some sanctions now from most of our leaders but the sanctions still remain on the commanders and on the First Family, my wife and myself, now vanoti we should not come to Europe and I should not go to America but of course the United Nations cannot prevent me going or any country , or persons with American sanctions otherwise the United Nations should not be in America, it should be somewhere else, but united States has sanctions on us full sanctions even on our banks, even on our fertilizer companies, so we do not produce fertilizer, so we can’t use fertilizer for agriculture, so we can’t produce enough crops and so our people can suffer from hunger, that’s the United States and yet its internationally, national law you cannot drive the country through policies that are against what is called humanitarianism. No, and if people go hungry that’s against the humanitarianism that we uphold in international law and international relations. But America says it doesn’t matter Zimbabwe and now we as we have these sanctions expect that our people will recognize that we have sanctions. That’s why there are shortages, shortages of money in the banks, shortages, shortages therefore of products as a result and we must appreciate that and be able to work hard as much as possible to succumbed these sanctions. Tishande nenzira dzingaite kuti ma sanctions aya arege kukuvadza mhuri yedu, mhuri dzedu, kuitira kuti fertilizer kana tisingakwanise, ma companies acho asingakwanise kuiprodusa tingaiwane nedzimwe nzira here dzekuongorora dzekutenga from our neighbors.

Isu war veterans now ndisu tinoziva gwaraka ndisu tinoziva ideology. We should not be seen dining and supping with the imperialists. Tonzwa kuti aa vamwe ma war veterans enyu vanotodya zvavo nema America uko tinovona kuma restaurants uko vazere ko vanenge vachitaurei navo. Chii chamunenge muchiinga ikoko, it’s the work of only foreign affairs to interact with these foreigners external representatives. Are you a spy or are you becoming an agent, what friendship is it? It will be misinterpreted by ordinary people. So take care, take care then within the party we may agree on the other aspect of our ideology but the party has now within it even now, ambitious people, vanoda kutora position yakati kuma province, position yakati apapa, some are looking forward kuti aa tomorrow president , vamwe vanoto calculator kuti aa president is going to die. Vamwe vanotonyora kumapepa aa the president is sick had gone to Malaysia or Singapore ari kurwara. Is on his way dying. Woona zvino vanhu vavakumhanyidzana kuti zvino president vavakuzofa. Asiri kufa ndiani?

Kuti cotton (donje) must be formed into yarn, the yarn to cloth, the cloth into clothes then you add value.

Even zvicherwa zvepasi, we must add value so we are working on all that now refer to the party, well there is the party we have had sanctions ma imperialist whether they are European or American have never liked Zanu PF before and the leadership of Zanu PF but tine ma sanctions Europe has removed some sanctions from most of our leaders but the sanctions still remain on the commanders and on the first family, my wife and myself, now vanoti we should not come to Europe and I should not go to America but of course the United Nations cannot prevent me going or any country , or persons with American sanctions otherwise the United Nations should not be in America, it should be somewhere else, united States has sanctions on us full sanctions even on our banks, even on our fertilizer companies so we do not produce fertilizer, so we can’t use fertilizer for agriculture, so we can’t produce enough crops and so our people can suffer from hunger that’s the United States and yet its internationally, national law you cannot drive a country through policies that are against what is called humanitarianism no and if people go hungry that’s against the humanitarianism we uphold in international law and international relations but America says it doesn’t matter Zimbabwe and now we as we have these sanctions expect that our people will recognize that we have sanctions, that’s why there are shortages, shortages of money in the banks, shortages, shortages direful — products as a result and we must appreciate that and be able to work hard as much as possible to succumbed these sanctions. Tishande nenzira dzingaite kuti ma sanctions aya arege kukuvadza mhuri yedu kuitira kuti kana tisingakwanise, ma companies acho asingakwanise kuiprodusa tingaiwane nedzimwe nzira here dzekuoongorora dzekutenga from our neighbors. Isu war veterans now ndisu tinoziva gwaraka ndisu tinoziva ideology we should not be seen dining and supping with the imperialists tonzwa kuti aa vamwe ma war veterans enyu vanotodya nema America uko tinovona kuma restaurants uko vazere ko vanenge vachitaurei navo chii chamunenge muchiinga ikoko, it’s the work of only foreign affairs to interact with these foreigners external representatives, are you a spy or are you becoming an agent , what friendship is it, it will be misinterpreted by ordinary people so take care. Then within the party may be agreed on the other aspect of our ideology but the party has within it even now, ambitious people,vanoda kutora position yakati kuma province, position yakati apapa, some are looking forward kuti aa tomorrow president , vamwe vanoto calculator kuti aa president is going to die. Vamwe vanotonyora kumapepa aa the president is sick. He has gone to Malaysia or Singapore ari kurwara so he is on his way dying. Woona zvino vanhu vavakumhanyidzana kuti aa zvino president vavakuzofa; handisikufa munyare.

But I have even said I am there at the mercy of the people. If the people say aaa go, I go. The party. But if the people say no we still want you, I stay on.

Lets get organized. Lets not bother ourselves about succession and things like that. Look ahead we have got enemies who are trying to destroy us. Lets unite. Unite in resisting the enemy. Unite in working together. Ma projects aya that’s only when we can succeed.

We have resources, ma Chinese are there to help us, the Japanese are there to help us. The Indians are prepared to help us. Vanozongoti chete zvimwe zvirikwereti muchipota muchibhadharavo. Zvino tinechirwere mu Zimbabwe chokuti tinoda kungopiwa chete tokanganwa kuti zvikwereti tinosungirwa kubhadhara. Is very bad culture and its happening. Nema companies edu even in government it’s happening even in our Ministry of Finance that’s happening. We borrow and borrow and borrow and borrow and continue to borrow. But when you borrow and become a borrower or a debtor you must realize that you have an obligation to pay tomorrow. That must seek in our minds. Isu population yedu it has, I am afraid, I must admit it has not sunk in the minds of our ministers yet. Not even in the minds of my civil servants. we can borrow ooooh yes lets get this lets get that but what is a commitment, the commitment is yes we get the debt but get the debt and we use the debt to produce more by the time we pay we will have made much more money from it. Ndizvo zvino.. that’s good business. Kana uchidaro you use the loan to create more money for yourselves and then by the time you pay it you would say aaah I have created this business. I have done this with it. I have this structure this road, this bridge. Anywhere we are also learning. I am sure my ministers are also learning.

I am saying this because it must be part of our ideology. It’s an ideology that makes for good relationships and good neibourlyhood.

For example taka batsirwa rimwe gore when we were short of maize. We got some maize from Malawi and we owed Malawi I think it was 20 million or so. It was before Mai Banda during the time of Mutarika, Mutarika the first. But we couldn’t pay back and I think it’s only perhaps this year we have managed to pay back the $20 million, only $20 million. The country makes money but it has debts. Debts to pay. Yes it has credits. It’s on debtors yes. But ma debtors edu one unto another ma companies for example they owe each other. That s not very good and all those must be looked at.

The empowerment, empowerment, I have talked about it. You don’t, empowerment is a law. The resources are their, opened to you. What you need is money. The money is there. The capital to do business. But don’t cry about their being no land, no. those with farms have them but don’t just apply to have farms when you don’t want to do farming. Apply for that which you want to do then you find your selves, your walking in parts that are in accordance with what they call in psychology aptitude, your intrinations, your liking. But ukaita farmer apa iwewe wochigara mu town woti aaa ndaisa manager. Ma manager hakusi kuba kwaanoita. Oooh oooh I can tell you from experience. We have got our Alpha and Omega, just now we have got a debt of $4 million kwakabiwa mari $40 million. You see and the issues are their we know what they were doing. So you have to be their and also I must teach myself that I must be there, in other words I must have managers I can trust. Try and supervise properly. But anywhere its recovering very well it doest matter.

Eeeh, well well this is it. We have been together. We have talked, you have talked and we have interacted. I am glad I have seen some faces I have not seen before and some of you I have not seen maybe because you have been operating in different areas, but some have seen me before and even you have not seen me but we have walked the same walk as we fought for our independence.

And this is, you know say to ourselves, what was a dream in the 1970s that has died now in Europe, it has died now in the Soviet Union. It has been modified also in China but we never adopted it in full, they did not accept religion, religion yaiitwa condemn kuti inopazamisa ndangariro but here we say there is freedom of religion vanhu vedu vanga vaine tsika yavo, their values forms of religion whatever you call it now there is Christianity, there are also other forms of Christian practices but we leave it to the people to choose their own religion.

Our theme in the party is people oriented we want people to have their land but, each one must have their own portion of the land. His own portion where he can have his own cattle, that’s alright. Kana vachida kubatanidza zvova kwavari, it’s a kind of democratic socialism or socialist or the socialism cum democracy.

It is on that basis that we have fashioned our Zim-asset, Zim-asset now, the status driving the driving force but your companies as well and you have the people generally who are employed both in the private sector and the public sector so Zim-asset, takaedza kuenda ne Zim-asset iyi ku Europe and I was glad that they accepted the Agenda for Sustainable Socio Economic Transformation but it’s a recognition that ma resources edu atiinawo, we must beneficiate them kuti cotton( donje ) must be formed into yarn, the yarn to cloth, the cloth into clothes then you add value .

Even zvicherwa zvepasi, we must add value so we are working on all that now refer to the party, well there is the party we have had sanctions ma imperialist whether they are European or American have never liked Zanu pf before and the leadership of zanu pf but tine ma sanctions Europe has removed some sanctions from most of our leaders but the sanctions still remain on the commanders and on the first family, my wife and myself, now vanoti we should not come to Europe and I should not go to America but of course the United Nations cannot prevent me going or any country , or persons with American sanctions otherwise the United Nations should not be in America, it should be somewhere else, united States has sanctions on us full sanctions even on our banks, even on our fertilizer companies so we do not produce fertilizer, so we can’t use fertilizer for agriculture, so we can’t produce enough crops and so our people can suffer from hunger that’s the United States and yet its internationally, national law you cannot drive a country through policies that are against what is called humanitarianism no and if people go hungry that’s against the humanitarianism we uphold in international law and international relations but America says it doesn’t matter Zimbabwe and now we as we have these sanctions expect that our people will recognize that we have sanctions, that’s why there are shortages, shortages of money in the banks, shortages, shortages direful — products as a result and we must appreciate that and be able to work hard as much as possible to succumbed these sanctions. Tishande nenzira dzingaite kuti ma sanctions aya arege kukuvadza mhuri yedu kuitira kuti kana tisingakwanise, ma companies acho asingakwanise kuiprodusa tingaiwane nedzimwe nzira here dzekuoongorora dzekutenga from our neighbors. Isu war veterans now ndisu tinoziva gwaraka ndisu tinoziva ideology we should not be seen dining and supping with the imperialists tonzwa kuti aa vamwe ma war veterans enyu vanotodya nema America uko tinovona kuma restaurants uko vazere ko vanenge vachitaurei navo chii chamunenge muchiinga ikoko , it’s the work of only foreign affairs to interact with these foreigners external representatives, are you a spy or are you becoming an agent , what friendship is it, it will be misinterpreted by ordinary people so take care then within the party may be a bridge on the other aspect of our ideology but the party has now within it even now, ambitious people,vanoda kutora position yakati kuma province, position yakati apapa, some are looking forward kuti aa tomorrow president , vamwe vanoto calculator kuti aa president is going to die.

, 1960s. It’s a dream come true. No longer a dream it’s a reality. Taiti inga uya kwatiri nyika yedu yakatorwa munema bhunu akawanda kudai 250 thousands, a quarter of a million. Kuna Zambia kwaiva ne 100 kuna Malawi kwaiva ne 100 when Smith was swearing kuti aaah never kuti kunoitwa zvakaitwa Ghana no, no no its not Ghana. Never in a thousands years majority rule never. Ndi Smith uyo kupika. It will never come in a thousands years. Later on he modified never in my life time. Wakamboti hundred years pakati apa, but it came in his life time and Smith became a member of parliament.

We allowed him to continue to have his farm there outside Gweru, Shurugwi kwe nhoro. and he inherited his father’s farm he had two but we took one after wards and left him with one up to the time he died he still had his farm.

So what was never his dream the reality of our struggle. What was our dream we saw it come true. So it was, there is was in the 60s as we were moving un armed vakuru vaiti nhai vakomana munoda kutiiteyi, munoda kuti dzosera zvakare kwatakarowa nemvuvu. Vaiti nemvuvu takadashurwa after Chimurenga chechi poshi isu tichiti aaah kwete hazviitike makore ano. Zvakazoitika nemumwe mutovo wokuti. Ehee vamwe vakazodashurwa rwepiri nekuti vakaiswavo muma keeps, vamwe vakaiswa muma detentions nemuma restrictees but others suffered much more. They were hurt in the war, vava zvirema they are disabled. They died during the war. We no longer have them, they are in our graves. Those are the graves avanga vachitaura kuti we must do well. Where we must build things for posterity. That is our children, and children’s children can remember what we shall have died.

Remember you kuti aaaah zvaive freedom farm apa mazita aaah this is my grandfather or great grandfather would say vachiverenga. So, yes that is what we must do. Leave this legacy and ensure that our products that is our children and children’s children for old times will read our history and our acts of bravery. You are the brave ones. I say well done to you. Thank God you are still alive. I am sorry we have not had this opportunity before nor have we had the facilities which we thank you sufficiently. But as I said we have tried now to have a ministerial facility which can on a regular basis, regular basis tell us what should be done and done quickly and we shall try to the best of our ability to do those things that should be done in order for the rest of our lives to be a little bit happier than it has been. Just a little happier because maximum happiness is not yet possible before we create resources but we will try our best all of us as you see us we will be working together. Even those in the camps, those in the public service. Some of you are in the public service, in the private sector. When we say do this, motiitiravo especially veku finance. When we say we want this money, please provide kana iripo. Handiti there is never a period when there is no money but it’s a question of priorities kuti pane izvizvi ndechipi chatingape mari just now.

We say condition of the war veterans is our priority, our priority, our priority and I leave you with my promise that we will repeat this. Repeat this as long as we are still alive. Even when I retire or when I go it would be part of the things I say you do this when I am gone. And so there it is, its great happiness on our part. There is joy that runs through your mind goals but there is a joy that gets mind and gets into your heart and settles there. Saka ndiwo mufaro wandinawo wokuti tasangana, taonana, takurukurirana. Ndofunga tichanwidzana, tichadyidzana masikati ano. Ndapedza ndapedza.

Pamberi ne Zanu PF. Pamberi nekubatana, pamberi nekubatana, nekubatana nechimurenga, nechimurenga nechimurenga, nechimurenga, nekunzvanana, negwara, negwara. Ichoo, ichoo, ichoo. Pasi nevavengi.


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