Stay active to stay healthy

Jason Chipato Fitness Correspondent

Office job workers and other people whose jobs require them to sit for long periods of time live what’s called a sedentary lifestyle, that is when someone spends six or more hours per day sitting or lying down, and they lack significant physical movement in their daily life.

This can lead to various health issues like increased blood pressure, insomnia, diabetes, high cholesterol, weight gain and heart disease, among others.

Below are some tips and exercises to help you stay active and not always glued to your desk and your screen.

  1. Move your body more

Exercise doesn’t have to happen in a gym. Make time for a quick walk, or even walk up and down the stairs a few times.

  1. Meet on the move

Have a walk-and-talk meeting through the office or around your building if you don’t need a screen. Or if your meeting is on the phone, take the call while going for a stroll. If you have a question for a co-worker, take the time to go over to their desk instead of sending an email. That helps you move, and face-to-face interactions could help improve your mood, too.

  1. Take frequent breaks

Look away from your screen and out your window every 20-30 minutes. Get up from your desk and walk around for 5 minutes every hour.

  1. Choose the stairs

Often the obvious means of getting to the office from the ground floor is the elevator but taking the stairs to the office daily could improve your cardiovascular health as well as burn more calories.

  1. Find an active hobby

Choose an active hobby that you can replace with time that you spend on TV or sitting without anything to do. Active hobbies include walking, cycling or one of the amazing aerobics classes at Invictus Fitness Centre.

  1. Eat less, drink more

Calories are attained for free, and this is the last thing you would want to have: the more food you consume, the more calorie intake, and sitting is not helping you burn any calories.

Thus the mantra is simple: replace eating with drinking water.

Eat but in fewer amounts. It isn’t easy to control cravings, especially if you are a foodie, but this is possible.

Exercises to stay active at home(or at the office):

  1. Jumping Jacks

– Stand upright with your legs together, arms at your sides.

– Bend your knees slightly, and jump into the air.

– As you jump, spread your legs to be about shoulder-width apart. Stretch your arms out and over your head.

– Jump back to starting position.

– Repeat.

  1. Bodyweight squats

– Stand with your feet hip-width apart.

– Step forward and bend both knees, lowering until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle.

– Shift forward onto the lead leg.

– Push off on both legs and step through, lifting your back leg and bringing it forward so your rear foot lands ahead of you in a lunge position.

  1. Jump rope/skipping rope

– Jumping rope is one of the most effective exercises for burning calories, building endurance & strength in as little as 20 minutes.

– Keep your feet close together when jumping

– Jump on the midsoles of your feet and land softly

– Keep your knees slightly bent at all times

– Maintain a tall, neutral spine

– Keep your head up, chest up, and head looking forward

– Keep your shoulders pulled back and your elbows held down and back

– Keep your hands along the midline of your body

– Use your wrists to turn the rope (not your elbows or shoulders)

  1. Bicycle crunches

– Lie flat on the floor and lace your hands behind your head. Spread your elbows wide as you bring your hands behind your head. Lightly touch the back of your head with your fingers and palms.

– Bend your knees up at a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet planted on the floor as you bring your knees up so they form the peak of a triangle. Your feet should be flat and about shoulder-width apart on the floor.

– Lift your legs up and away from your body. Once your knees are bent, lift your feet up so your legs are extended and slightly bent at the knee

– Bring your right knee to your chest and touch your left elbow to it. Twist your torso as you draw in your knee. At the same time, rotate your left elbow to touch your right knee.

– Alternate the crunch by touching the other knee with the opposite elbow. Aim for 15 to 20 crunches per set.

Coach Jason is a personal trainer from Invictus Gym and Fitness in Harare.


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