Biden announces creation of ‘intervention fund’ President Biden

SO the Summit for Democracy has become a thing of the past, whether it died down, as its organisers would like, or flashed, as it should have been.

The pathetic event, already with its title, was intended to show, firstly, who, they say, on the planet — democ­racy, and, secondly, who exactly will confer this honorary title.

However, the idea here, of course, is not just a review of forces on the eve of the upcoming battles for democ­racy. It’s all about the introduction into the world’s minds of a very simple thought: whoever is against a unipolar world is against democracy.

The rigging is rather primitive, but it fulfills the most important ideolog­ical mission of camouflaging far from value, but really geopolitical causes of the current crises into quasi-value ones.

Why such a total re-ideologisation of international relations was needed is not difficult to explain.

The unipolar model is bursting at the seams under the pressure of many countries’ aspirations for more demo­cratic rules in the world, but the irony (or rather, targeted propaganda work) is that he himself calls the authoritar­ian dictatorship of the West in the world a “liberal world order.”

Say, you do not like the fact that you are unceremoniously commanded by countries that call themselves demo­cratic? This means that you are afraid of democracy.

Therefore, the principle of selec­tion of those invited to the Summit of Democracies was also rather geo­political (according to even the highly controversial Democracy Index from Freedom House, 77 of the invited countries are “free” or fully demo­cratic, 31 are “partially free”, and 3 are to “not free”).

The key aspect is not domestic pol­itics, but foreign: impeccable loyalty to America.

From this point of view, the invited Iraq is much more democratic than the uninvited Hungary, although many citizens of these states could, to put it mildly, argue with this.

Actually, this is the main criterion for the “democracy” of this or that state today: whoever is more loyal is more a democrat.

And vice versa: he who tries to defend his sovereignty and his inter­ests is a tyrant.

To some extent, non-invitation to the summit is an indicator of the sovereignty of the respective country.

The criterion of loyalty as the true basis of “face control” at the summit is an excellent signal to all quasi-de­mocracies in the world: declare a firm course towards the West, vote correctly at the UN, and you will be allowed to do whatever you want at home.

I recall all sorts of controversial regimes in some developing coun­tries in the second half of the twen­tieth century, which, in the same way, catching the conjuncture, designated their “devotion to the cause of social­ism”, for which they received very sub­stantial help from Moscow.

At this summit, US President Biden announced the launch of the “Pres­idential Initiative for Democratic Renewal”, which provides for the allo­cation of $ 424.4 million to support loyalists around the world.

It is already clear that, in fact, a “fund for interference in the internal affairs” of disloyal states is being cre­ated. — The White House

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