“In an effort to improve conditions of service for ZDF, Government has provided staff with vehicles and other equipment,” President Mugabe said.

“However, a lot is still to be done to provide the forces with medical support, housing, salaries and allowances. Ndozvimwe zvavanochemawo nazvo izvi.  Mari inotambirwa yakadzikira, ndinofunga kuti nekusimukira kurikuita nyika yedu vanhu vachazenge vachibhadharwawo zvakakodzera.

“But hatingati nekuti tiri kupihwa tumari twushoma hatichaita basa renyika, kwete. Basa renyika rinoramba richienderera mberi tinoruzivo rwekuti nyika yedu icharamba ine runyararo pasina bishi nemheremhere. Ichasvika kwekuperera, mari inenge yawanikwa and hurumende yakugona kupa vanhu masalaries akati kwire.

“It is also strongly recommended that the housing projects in Dzivarasekwa, Khumalo and Zimbabwe Military Academy, aimed at improving housing provision for the ZDF, be resuscitated.”


“The ZDF corps of engineers conducted de-mining operations on the south eastern Mozambique border in the Dumisa and Gwaivhi areas,” the President said.

“The ZDF, in de-mining the country’s borders of antI-personnel landmines received invaluable assistance from two cooperating non-governmental de-mining organisations -the HALO Trust and Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA).”

President Mugabe said de-mining was a risky task.

“Izvizvi zvimbambaira zvaidyarwa zvinoputika zviya ukazvitsika,” he said. “Zvakangosara munzvimbo dzakawanda munyika, saka kunotova nebasa rinoitwa guru guru.

“Asika tinenge tisingazivi kuti ma- Rhodesia aya ndepapi chaipo pazvakaiswa nepazvichiri. Ndozvinotambudza izvozvo. Dai zvaimera sembambaira taiona pazviri. Iyezvino kuatsvaga munotosevenzesa chimushina chinofema pazviri.

“Zvino chimushina chacho ndechekutobata zvishoma nezvishoma ndokusaka basa racho risati rapera. Kune nzvimbo dzinofungirwa kuti vangange vakacherera zvimbambaira izvozvo.”

President Mugabe said to meet the Ottawa Convention on the Prohibition of Anti-Personal Landmines 2025 deadline, concerted efforts were needed.

He said the ZDF had also enlisted the services of two other de-mining NGOs – Mines Advisory Group and Apopo.

The two organisations were expected to begin operations before the end of the year.

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