United States loses moral ground on world stage President Biden is fighting Russia in Ukraine through his proxy President Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine

Chamunorwa Chomi Correspondent

For many years the United States has touted itself as the best democracy in the world, the country with the best moral standing to be the world’s policeman and the best defender of human rights.

The US therefore abrogated itself the right to check on other countries and prescribe solutions and leadership straightjackets using its perceived moral standing.

Many political leaders in the world believed the US and tried to model their countries alongside these fantasies, only to discover later that the US does not practice what it preaches.

The US throws out through the window, all those perceptions and becomes a real monster that spills blood, where it smells of cheap raw materials like oil and other                         minerals.

Now it has turned out that the US is a big and well-oiled machinery for greatest deception and subsequent plunder of resources from other nations, especially in the developing world.

The US can do anything from going to war, imposing illegal sanctions and sponsoring regime change all to get to natural resources.

The talk about democracy, human rights and good governance is high sounding, nothings.

Today that cheap talk can no longer be said about the US. Its world moral standing has gone up in smoke.

The current world image of the US is that of a rogue and delinquent big brother state who cares less for smaller nations and abuses its military, political and financial mighty to destroy governments it does not agree with.

The US has become the Goliath of our time, sponsoring wars outside its territory and killing millions of people, among them innocent men, women and children; all disguised as interventions to defend and promote democracy, good governance and accountability. What democracy? Whose democracy? Whose values?

Go to Libya, you find the US hand in spilling blood there.

Who killed Gaddafi? Go to Afghanistan, you see US hands dripping with blood. Go to Iraq, you will see US hands dripping with blood. Go to Pakistan the same story.

Right now US tricked Ukraine into provoking Russia and is spending billions of dollars against Russian special military operation and who is dying?

Obviously Ukrainians are dying not Americans. What business does the US have in Ukraine?

It is Joe Biden and his son Hunter’s corrupt activities and bio-labs that those billions of taxpayer’s money are defending. It’s massive corruption.

Biden’s idea is to fight Russia, but Russia and Ukraine have territorial issues.

They are neighbours with real issues and naturally they can fight, especially when Ukraine reneges on the Minsk agreements.

Instead of US urging Ukraine to stick to the agreement, it urged it to renege and spark a war. Poor Zelenskyy lacked political knowledge and found himself in a very difficult position. In fact, the US has no business supporting Ukraine.

What moral ground does the US have in the bilateral disagreement between Zimbabwe and its former coloniser Britain that it illegally imposes economic sanctions that have hurt and affected millions of people in the small nation?

The same could be asked about sanctions the US imposed on Russia and many other countries.

Britain itself is not as keen and as hard-hearted as the US in the conflict with Zimbabwe over the land reform which saw the previously side-lined majority back people gain back their land. It is mere cruelty. The US is akin to an outsider mourning more than the bereaved.

In the final analysis, it is very clear that the US has lost its moral ground through blatant disregard of the ambitions and aspirations of other nations to chart their independent course for themselves.

Everything must be done the way Uncle Tom sees and feels. Mighty Uncle Tom has become the dictator of the world, telling everyone what to do and how to do it.

Punishing everyone who does not do things the way US wants it done.

And yet in the key tenets of democracy nations must do what is good for their people, regardless of how the US feels or sees.

It is pure madness and dictatorship for US to try and run the world. At the end its hands drip of blood as its killing machine goes after perceived enemies.

At the end, the US as created and supported opposition political parties that have destabilised nations. The US has sided and supported rebel movements that destabilise Governments they disagree with.

The chief arms of US machinery are USAID and National Democratic Institute.

They have been used to manipulate governments and tilt everything in favour of regime change in many countries.

There is indeed nothing democratic about NDI as it seeks to destabilise sitting governments not favoured by the US.

Today the US cannot stand in front of the world, sticking out its head high and preaching about democracy, human rights and good governance.

It has lost the moral ground and like they say, it will be akin to a devil running away with the Bible.

Chamunorwa Chomi is a Zimbabwean political scientist based in Cape Town, South Africa. He writes in his own personal capacity.


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