Stand on the Word of God Holy-Bible


Bishop Dr B. Manjoro Dunamis
NO one spoke to us but all wondered, what manner of men are these, with a foreign number plate and not afraid to park near the president’s house? We didn’t know about that. All we knew was that God had sent us to preach in Windhoek, Namibia, and that our supplies had run out. We needed nothing but a miracle and we were not going to allow our faith to be moved. We stood on the Word of God.

Ever been in a situation or place where you need nothing but a miracle from above? A time when all natural ideas and concepts lose meaning? Such was the case with my team in one of our trips. Read on and discover how powerful it is to stand on the word of God; against all odds.

Jesus, before supernaturally walking on water spent time in prayer. He didn’t pray for two minutes or 10 minutes and said I’m done, no. He went up the mountain because he meant business.

He prayed and prayed and prayed. At other times the Bible records he spent all nights praying alone. After that he comfortably walked on water. Today I say to you don’t pray in panic over the wind and storm rising against you, no. Stand on the Word of God.

Water is liquid, yes but when you stand on the word, that situation which is very liquid and impossible to walk on will be made solid, in order for you to walk on it. The word of God is powerful, don’t take it lightly. It can entirely change your life and circumstances.

And always remember; when you walk by faith and stand on the word of God, you don’t believe in yourself, your pastor or your church but you believe the word of God.

You will be surprised after walking a kilometre, how did I get this far? Friend, the word of God is powerful and will stand not for one day, or two, but forever. What God says will stand forever. If he says I wish above everything that you prosper … or I am the Lord God your healer … then recognise him as such.

Sickness is going to be afraid because it understands your doctor. It knows that you have, Dr Jesus. Listen to me in this year you are only going to succeed, be healthy, prosperous, have a happy family and all you want because of the word of God!

Looking again at the story of Peter we see that, Peter could not just jump on water because he was waiting for the word. It meant all to him. At one time he said, Lord we have toiled all night and caught nothing, but nevertheless, at thy word, we will launch our nets into the deep.

He and his partners got the biggest catch in all their years in business, to the point that their ships began to sink. O hallelujah! I like it, I like it. The word of God is so powerful! Do you have a crippled business and withering project that has run you into more debt and problems than it has brought you profits? Believe God.

But bishop where do I get that kind of a word like Peter got? Where do I get a word for my marriage, business, children, health or community? Good, you have asked well. That word you are looking for is right there in your Bible. Money, healing, whatever you go through is recorded in the Bible.

All you need is to just believe and walk on what he said. If he says you are the head and not the tail then don’t spent 15 years being an office cleaner or spanner boy, no.

Climb up the ladder. Is it bad to be such bishop, No, but it’s bad to remain such all your lifetime. It was just a starting point in your life. Get stirred and go up the ladder in your field. Walk on the word.

But at the same time here is another problem, you can’t walk or go anywhere you have never seen in life. It all starts by seeing. You see what you want to be before you actually see it. Perception is a key to what you get or become in life. We see God talking to Abraham after Lot had left him and chosen the best parts of the land. Don’t worry if you have friends or relatives that turned their back on you. No! And also don’t waste time weeping over them. Look on God. Some hinder the move of God. If you have a prayer partner who is saying, “Ah I’m tired of going to church, praying or serving God”, let him/her go. “Lots” contradicts where you want to go in life and what God has said to you. Let him go!

After he had gone the Lord said unto Abram, “Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art northward, and southward, and eastward, and westward. For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever” (Genesis 13:14-15). Lot had gone down to Sodom; Abraham I believe was near Jericho. But how do you see Syria when you are sleeping in a tent in Jericho? How do you see Beersheba, Mt Sinai and all the places God promised him? Friend, it’s not the seeing with these natural eyes that will make you succeed in life. These eyes are good yes but they are not enough.

When I say “seeing” many worry thinking how does this happen. It’s seeing with the eye of the mind. Abraham saw through the eye of his mind, he had seen all these places. Everywhere he saw, he got. It’s the same seeing that Martin Luther had when he said, I have a dream. He had not dreamt whilst asleep. No. With this kind of seeing you even dream awake. He was seeing it with other eyes yet today its happening. A real dream has to outlive the dreamer!

You could be dreaming of having a supermarket of your own but people are laughing at you and saying, “hehehe masupermarket aye azovakana manje” (it will amount to nothing.) Don’t give up and don’t let the opinions of others derail your vision. Go for it. You will never go anywhere or get anything in life until you see it. The success of your children, joyful marriage, good health and all you desire – you have to see it before you see it! You don’t get what you don’t see! See tomorrow before tomorrow comes.

So was it with my team in Windhoek, Namibia. We saw ourselves preaching in Namibia before we began to preach there. Our pocket couldn’t even stop or limit us. We stood on the Word of God. Sure enough a man came to us on a bicycle, who said, I will take you to my pastor.

After a long time the pastor was not found, until another man said, “Ah, let me take you in.” To, my surprise in the morning we were taken to the broadcasting centre and they were announcing on radio every 30 minutes: “We have an evangelist from Zimbabwe in town.

Sick people came as far as 900km from Katutura. The following day half of the page in the newspaper had my face with big words, “Evangelist from Zimbabwe healing the sick, casting out devils”. Ah, glory to God; it is him who works in us according to his good pleasure. We just obeyed, for we had gone there by faith. God saw us through and was faithful for we had seen ourselves preach in Windhoek and God did it. O hallelujah! To date, the church we planted in that place is very strong and flourishing.

At the well also the woman of Samaria said of Jesus, “Sir I perceive that you are a prophet.” From that time on she was transformed.  Change your perception of your tomorrow. Don’t die before you are dead. Even if it’s tough say to yourself “this is just a season”.

After independence here in Zimbabwe we had a terrible drought such that we never thought we would see the rains again. Some flocked to other places yet some hung on and remained in the land for they had told themselves, “it’s just a season”. Sure enough it ended since the drought was just but a season. Whatever you are going through now, lift up your faith and stand on the word of God.

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