Putting back the magic into Christmas

xmas2Monica Cheru-Mpambawashe Lifestyle Editor
Christmas is no longer Christmas. The magic is gone and as you parcel blame, the economy is first on your list. Then you can add the other reasons like how you cannot give anything special to kids who seem to already have it all. So the holiday turns into one damp squid as boredom is the order of the day. But there are ways of making Christmas glitter once again.

Find religion

The parties and presents are a great bonus, but in reality this day and the whole season are about the religious significance of Jesus Christ. For families that are truly religious rather than church attendees, there should be no issue on the specialness of the day. So why not build up towards a special religious event that really sets the day apart? It could be as a church group or family, whatever works for you. A production like a nativity play helps give focus and helps in building up expectations then delivering them with a successful show. But even more, it is a great way to pass some of those important messages on love and goodwill to all mankind which should form the core of the holiday.

Create the magic

Special Christmas décor sends the psychological message that something out of the ordinary is happening. Put up a Christmas tree. Go the whole hog and put up a nativity play. Do the whole 12 days of Christmas thing and get the whole family involved in the countdown. A Christmas tree with wrapped presents to be opened on the day may be so old, but once you start the tradition everyone will be anxious to find out what is in the box. While the wrong contents may produce tears instead of joy, the important thing is to teach children to value the gesture and not the material gift. Also get a unique family tradition like hugging everyone and telling them that you love them on this day.

Feed the masses

Many parents say that providing a special feast has become a challenge as most kids get to eat whatever they like whenever they like. So it becomes tricky to give them anything that they would consider a treat like no other. In other countries there are special Christmas meals that are eaten once a year, but not in Zimbabwe. This is not a bad thing as it gives you room to build a new tradition around what your family really loves. There is always something that you have not given them. It need not be caviar and champagne. The braai stand filled with special meat cuts that may not be affordable at any other time is a great idea for Zimbabweans who prefer informal gatherings for unlimited guests. You could also learn to make one special dish from anywhere else in the world to serve each year on that date. You could roast a whole goat and pig on a spit. The possibilities are endless. Alternately, you could take the family to a ritzy restaurant that you would normally not patronize. Pre-booking is often a requisite with the places that open on the actual day.

Fun Balls

New clothes for Christmas are a tradition best left to bumpkins, but costume parties are a trendy way of making the day stand out from the rest. You could choose a theme for each year and ask all guests to come up dressed accordingly. They could be hippies from the seventies, Munhumutapa empire citizens or anything. The décor can be done up to match the theme. There should be a lot of hilarity from the efforts which will also serve to impart some cultural knowledge in the guest.

Family ties

Many families no longer spend quite so much time together. So just making sure that as many member of the extended family are gathered in one place for that day is an event in itself. Of course it may also prove to be a thorny point with some couples as to whose family they decide to mix with. Alternating years between his and hers or accommodating one on Christmas and the other on New Year’s day could be the answer.

Make it sparkle for others

Christmas is the time for giving. So take a little to make it special for at least one other person. This need not be financial consideration. Visiting old people and orphans, helping someone with some chores and giving away stuff that you no longer need are three wonderful ways of brightening the season for other people. The joy you bring to others will gladden your own heart and bless you with that elusive magic which is the real Christmas.

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