Laws of Success: Honour Prophet Makandiwa

MakandiwaRender therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Romans 13:7

Honour is a key that unlocks doors to your success. Sometimes there are moments when you do not feel like honouring certain people. But, it is so unfortunate that most of what you desire in life is hidden within certain people that you do not admire. What you desire in life is oftentimes hidden within certain individuals that you do not admire. In simple terms, what you like in life sometimes is never found in people that you like.

Honour is a very important ingredient, it is simply respecting people because of their achievements. Some people have achieved what you have not achieved as yet. An achievement is not always in terms of money. That is why sometimes the word of God encourages us to respect and to honour elderly people.

What they have achieved is not really in terms of business but they have lived a longer period than you have lived yourself. You have to give honour to whom honour is due. The moment you begin to respect a person simply because of his achievements you are likely to attract the same achievement.

The easiest way to inherit someone’s achievement is simply honouring the achiever. What you honour you attract, what you despise you repel. Everything that you despise will be kept far away from you. If it is knowledge it will be kept far away from you, if you despise marriage it will be kept far away from you.

If it is time or money that you despise it will be kept far away from you. You cannot attract everything that you despise. If you want to grow old you have to honour those that have achieved years. Respect those that have already achieved, who have lived longer than you. If you want to get what they have achieved honour them. Honour is a secret and a key to success.

Your uprising or your downfall in life is determined by what you choose to honour. It is not just the people but anything that you choose to honour. There are certain people that when you look at them you think they do not deserve your honour and respect but they have done something to earn it. The Bible is talking about giving money to whom money is due, taxes to whom taxes are due.

That principle does not have to be applied just by the citizens, it is a scripture written to all of us including the Government. The Government has to give to the citizens what is due to them as well. It is not just the citizens honouring the Government but the Government is also supposed to honour the citizens by giving to the citizens what is due to them. Whatever it is if it is electricity and it is due, it has to be given.

Honour has to be due before it is given. Sometimes your poverty is determined by the people you decided to dishonour. What you attack and criticise you will never attain. You should never move around criticising men of God that are into healing if you would want to be healed one of these days.

If there is a man of God somewhere who knows how to teach proper business maybe even the kingdom way do not criticise him for that area if you would want to make money one of these days. You have to respect and honour those that have achieved what you are still trying to achieve.

Everytime you choose to honour people you will attract what they have attracted. What makes God a mysterious being is that He hides what people are looking for within certain individuals. When you begin to honour people you will realise that there are certain individuals that God has given an ability to define other people’s lives.

These are life defining people, people that when you look at them, listen to them and follow their path, your life gets a definition. I have looked at different people and I have never seen a man who defines one’s life like Jesus, He gives meaning to life. But how far Jesus can define your life is also determined by how much honour you are willing to give to Him.

There is an authority given to certain people which overrides certain authorities given to certain places. When a traffic officer stands at any traffic light you no longer take orders from a traffic light but you focus on the man. His power supersedes the power of the traffic lights.

If the light tells you to stop and he tells you to go there is no law broken just because of the presence of the man in that place. The traffic officer you see standing there has to be honoured because he can tell you to go when you are not supposed to and there is no offence there.

When everything in your life is telling you to stop, curses from your generation and from anyone else who cursed you telling you to stop, one man can stand and give you a signal to go but you have to be willing to honour the man.

Jesus carries a different legislation from that of Moses. His laws and principles are different, if you honour Him He will honour you. When you find yourself in Jesus, He becomes your confidence. He defines life for you and gives it a meaning just because you have chosen to honour Him. Who have you decided to honour, respect and listen to? Who speaks into your life and you can listen? That person determines where you are going in terms of success. Who you listen to matters.

When God came down after Adam had sinned, He first asked Adam where he was because sin puts people in a different location. Sin puts you in a place where God cannot identify you, He cannot see you and therefore He cannot protect you. Adam told God that he had hidden himself because of his nakedness. God then asked who had told Adam that he was naked.

The biggest concern that God had was not the sin committed but the voice that had whispered in the ears of Adam. When you commit sin, it opens another channel of communication. You will begin to have multiple voices speaking into your life. God was concerned about the person who had told Adam, not the sin committed. When you commit sin, sometimes it is not really the sin that bothers God but the communication that you open. There is another voice that will begin to have access into your spirit.

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