‘Emulate Chitepo, Mwashita’
President Mugabe

President Mugabe chronicles the roles played by Cdes Victoria Fikile Chitepo and Vivian Mwashita in his address to mourners at the National Heroes Acre yesterday

President Mugabe’s speech at the burial of Comrades Victoria Fikile Chitepo and Vivian Mwashita at the National Heroes’ Acre yesterday

Chitepo family, the bereaved family of Mwashita, the Honourable Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa and Mrs Mnangagwa, Honourable Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko and Mai Mphoko, Honourable President of the Senate Mai Ednah Madzongwe, Honourable Speaker of the National Assembly Advocate Jacob Mudenda, Chief Justice Honourable Godfrey Chidyausiku, Honourable Ministers, Honourable Members of Parliament, our service chiefs, representatives of the War Veterans, War Collaborators, Ex-Detainees and Restrictees, members of the diplomatic corps, ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends.

Taungana pano tichiunganidzwa nemadzimai maviri – Mai Chitepo naCde Vivian Mwashita.

Nhoroondo dzavo dzapihwa nehama, nhoroondo yatinoziva maererano nehupenyu hwavo inhoroondo yekuzvipira.

Mwashita achiri mudiki, kusiya chikoro, hezvo achifamba rwendo nevamwe kuenda kuMozambique.

Achiri mudiki, vamwe vangangoti imhepo yehudiki yakamutora. Asi yaive mhepo yokuti nevadiki vose vaive neruzivo rwokuti nyika yakapambwa, nyika inosungirwa kurwirwa.

Takavatambira vari vadiki kuChimoio 1975, Mwashita nevamwe vatichinavo, vana Mai (Oppah) Muchinguri nevamwe. Umwe waive mudiki uyu wakamhanya nhanho achiri nadzo dzeupenyu. Asi, pfungwa irimo mundangariro ingange yave pfungwa isati yazarisisa, asi irimo mumoyo, ndangariro yokuti nyika yakapambwa nyika inosungirwa kurwirwa.

Vakuru Mai Chitepo, havana kuzvarirwa muno. VaChitepo vaenda kuchikoro kuNatal ikoko sejaya vakangoitawo meso-meso, hazvirambidzwe kana uchiri jaya.

Asi meso-meso akanowira dzimwe nguva pane benzi hamheno zvako.

Zvino meso-meso ake akanowira pane musikana Victoria, akati uyu ndiye wangu uyu. Zvokuti ndingodzokera kuZimbabwe maoko-oko pasina chandakabata, aiwa.

Hezvo naye naye mwanakomana ndokuchata naye Victoria Chitepo, mai ndokuva Mai Chitepo. Kwaachata, kwaabva kune bishi remabhunu achiti nyika ino tisu tinosungirwa kuitonga. Ndeyedu, mabhunu mufunge!

Hanzi takasvika muno umu kuCape ikoko 1652 pakauya (Jan) van Riebeeck vari mugwa vachizoona vachipfuura, vaifunga kuti vari kupfuura vachienda kuIndia kwainzi kune zvakakosha, asi vakagara imomo.

Vakazogara paCape ipapo vachiburuka vachiona vakaona kuti ahh yakanaka. Hanzi kwakanga kusina vanhu. Ndozvaitaura mabhunu. Hapana munhu watakaona takangozosangana nemabushman nemaHottentot.

Imimi maBantu makanga musiko kuno uku, takatozosangana pakati peAfrica. Hamheno kwamaibvawo, saka hamungati Africa ndeyenyu kana kuti South Africa ndeyenyu, ah ah ngatiti ndeyedu tese, asi isu tisu tine simba rekukutongai.

Saka kwaive neANC yakanga yavambwa kare kareko yazvipirawo kurwisa. Kwovouya kuno, Mai Chitepo vosvika vachiwana, aah kwakamboita ANC kutanga asi yakazopfumbira kupfuura ANC yaive National Democratic Party yakavambwa muna January 1961.

Hezvoka, rwendo rwoofamba zvino vakanga vasingazivi kuti rwendo rwakadii, vacharasikirwa nomurume. Kuno ukuwo, mabhunu okuno achichama kuti tisu tinotonga kuno. Kwavabva zvimwechetezvo kuSouth Africa.

Zvino moona kuti magariro evanhu akanga akaita sei mazuva iwayo ku- South Africa, kuno, zvinova ndozvakaita kuti kuve nemusangano wokumutsiridza pfungwa dzevanhu dzakanga dzarara tichiti, hamusi kuona here kuti makagarwa matumba? Hamuri kuona here kuti nyika yatorwa nevauyi?

Hongu, Chimurenga chakambonge charwiwa, asi nekurohwa kwakazoitwa vakuru vanoti takarohwa nezvamboko, hapana zvakadaro mushure meChimurenga chaana Mbuya Nehanda. Vakanga vachiti tonho, vakanga vachivabvuma zvino kuti aiwa, hapana zvatingagone kuita, vakauya nepfuti takakundwa, takakundwa.

Vana National Democratic Party kubvira kuANC, ndozvavairamba izvozvo kuti titi takakundwa. Saka ndiyo environment iyoyo yakava environment yaBaba naMai Chitepo yokuti kwava nemusangano mutsva. Unoti tamuka ndisu mapfupa akanzi naMbuya Nehanda achamuka.

Nyika ndeyedu, asi haikwanisi kurwirwa nemaoko, kungochema nemuromo kuti haa maBritish ndimi makatumira vanhu kuno, huyai mugadzire zvinhu kuno. Aiwa, vanga vasingateerere izvozvo.

Ukati usumudze izwi, wabatwa waiswa mujeri. Saka kwakazofungwa kuti nzira yokurwa nayo, yokuzvisunungura nayo inzira imwe chete chete. Titore gidi tizvisunungure.

Ndiro gidi rakafambirwa naana- Mwashita nevamwe vasikana vadiki, kwaive nevakomana asi nhasi tiri kutaura nezvevanasikana.

Tiri kutaura nezvevanasikana vakazvipira kunojoinana nekono, hamheno vaiti tiri kuenda ikoko. Ko veMozambique vakawana sei nyika yavo? Yakanga isati yauya chose Independence yeMozambique. Yakatozouya muna 1975 imomo vatovako vanaMwashita.

Kuno kumusha, vanhu vari kuti zvinhu kuzviorganizer zvakasimba, nhasi veDemocratic Party, ZAPU, ZANU, kuzobuda zvino, maparty abhanwa zvino. Hezvo tiri kuenda kuZambia, tiri kuenda kuTanzania, tiri kuenda kuMozambique.

Mai Chitepo nemamwe madzimai kuno kumusha vakazviorganiserwo. Mai Chitepo vaive mai vemusangano chose, zvichireva kuti vana vakomana, vainodya kumba ikoko. Ndakataura kumba ndichida kupa nhoroondo pfupi kuti nemudzimai wangu wekutanga achibva kuGhana, wakagara kumba kwaMai Chitepo tisati tachata.

Saka Mai Chitepo vaive Mai vake. Dakara azoshaya, vakange vakasungana kudai. Vakazobatana nevamwewo, KuMatabeleland kwese, vana Jane Ngwenya kuti vaite Women’s League.

Uko kunze kukafashairawo, vanasikana nevakomana vari kubuda vachienda kunze. Zvoreva kuti muvengi nouturu hwake achazenge achitevera kwatiri kuenda. Kuno kumusha achibhubhusa vanhu zvekare; vari kutorwa vachiiswa mumajeri, madetention. Ikoko vari kutevera nemabomb, nendege kuchibhombwa. VanaMwashita ava vachayeuka, pfuti vaorganiser, vakomana vachangoenda kuNyadzonia.

Saka camp yekuNyadzonia yema refugee yakanga yakazendamira kurukova, iri padhuze nerukova rweNyadzonia. Kuti vana vatize, vanotizira kupi? Vari kurohwa nepfuti? Uku kune mvura, uku kune pfuti. Takarasikirwa nevanopfuura mazana manomwe (700) mugore iroro, I think 1976.

Votora pfuti nemabomb muna1977 taorganiser zvakanaka, kubomber kuChimoio. NekuZambia futi, zvimwe chete izvo. Asi hazvina kutidzosera shure.

Taichema zvedu tichirasa vana se1977 mabomb akakandwa, vana tudiki tumwe twainzi vatoto, vatoto zvichireva tuvana tudiki twaive pachikoro pasi pemiti, mabomb achiuya, napalm. Waiona vava mushure vovheneka kuti kuchine vapenyu here.

Twumwe twana twakabata mabhuku, kaoko kadashurwa kabata bhuku.

The brutal actions of the enemy.

Hapana, hapana panyika dzose vakafirwa sekufirwa kwatakaitwa tichibombwa nema camp medu imomo. KuZambia, pagirls camp vakavingwa, vaitungamira vachinzi ivo pfuti, pfura vamwe vako vachiramba, vodashurwa.

Zvimwe chetezvo kuTete. Zvimwechetezvo vaibhomba recklessly. Vasingambode kuziva kuti vangaite distinguish between marefugee camps from military camps. Saka toll yekufirwa vanhu, tanyora pasi vakawanda.

Hapana nyika muSouthern Africa yakafirwa sesu. Kuti tonho zvedu, ha kupfavisa moyo, takaita bishi rekuti maBritish ngavatipe compensation yakakura.

Asi even after that takati tapedza tahwina, hazvinei, zvitema zvakaitwa zuro. Ngazvipfuure. Let by-gones be by-gones. Ireconciliation yatakaita kuregerera vana Smith. Murume uyu akafa hapana part yake yaungati it was not bloody.

He had the bloodiest hands of all, Ian Smith. Asika mukati macho umu chakaita kuti tirambe takagwinya chii? Iorganisation yaivepo. Rufu rwaVaChitepo pakatevererwa achinzi ndiye wave musimboti weDare reChimurenga reZanu-PF. Makuseni otora kamota kake achidriver aende kakaiswa bomb ndobva kaputika. Njodzi huru kuparty. Njodzi huru-huru kuna Mai Chitepo nemhuri.

Asi Mai Chitepo havana kudzokera shure. Vakaramba vakagwinya. Vakaramba vakagwinya dakara tawana Independence. Sakawo takavasusukidza muhupenyu vakava Minister. Minister weNatural Resources, nemamwe maportfolio atakavapa vari minister dakara varitaya.

Zvimwe chetezvo vana Mwashita. Mabhomba aikandwa kunana Chimoio nekunana Tete. Havana kudzokera kumashure. Vakaramba vachienderera mberi vanasikana.

Vakakurira kuhondo dakara kudzokera kumusha. Asika, hupenyu hwemusango hahuna kuita sehupenyu hwekumba kwaunowana zvose. Unenge wakazvigwinyisa, asi muviri wako unenge zvishoma nezvishoma uchizvikuvadza.

Saka vakawanda vatarasikirwa navo vachienda vachiri vadiki vazodzokera kuno kumusha. The toll of the struggle, the pressures of being out. And the fact that musango tinenge tisina vana chiremba vakawanda, saka tazouya kuno kumusha, zvirwere hezvo zvowanda. She died I think at 60 only.

Chitarirai iye zvino nemagariro akanaka vanhu vanokanganwa kuti upenyu hwakanaka uhu hwatava nahwo, rusununguko rwatava narwo rwakarwirwa rukatambudzikirwa zvikurukuru.

Saka ndichapa nhoroondo zvishoma shoma yandadambura ndichireva Mai Chitepo ndozoenda kuna Mwashita.

Just as we were about to meet as Central Committee at the party headquarters last Friday, we received the sad news of the death of Mai Victoria Fikile Chitepo.

We learnt that Mai Chitepo passed on while she was preparing to attend the Central Committee meeting, which is true testimony of her unfailing dedication and devotion. Commitment to the party, which she served loyally throughout her life.

Upenyu hwavo hwese musangano. Ipapa vakanga vaondoroka zvakati kuti zvaionekwa. Asi zuva remusangano rasvika, vakati ndoda kuenda kumusangano.

Hezvo tomuka voenda kubathroom. Chauya chauya, ndokubva vafira ikoko. Vari munzira! Tinoti vakafa vari munzira yekuuya kuCentral Committee. So, on behalf of Zanu-PF, on behalf of Government and on behalf of our nation and on behalf of our family I want to convey my deepest condolences to the Chitepo family on this saddest loss.

I say to the children be rest assured that your painful loss is also our loss. Mai Chitepo was no longer yours alone but ours together as the daughter of the soil, semwana wevhu. Mai Chitepo as she was affectionately known was an angel of a character.

She was warm, loving, caring, humble and motherly. She was equally strong, courageous and nationalistic. If she was convinced on a matter and on a basis of principle, you couldn’t move her away from that.

Two people immensely influenced her political career. Her father was a member of the South African National Congress. And her husband was a lawyer. The first African lawyer in Zimbabwe. So, she had those two personal backgrounds.

Then she saw us go through the National Democratic Party, Zapu and Zanu. And she refusing a bed of red roses and a life of relative comfort owing to a good educational background and her teaching career, Mai Chitepo chose a bed of thorns characterised by nationalist politics of resistance against oppressive white settler regime.

And because of her political condition, Mai Chitepo’s life became one of life-long commitment to the liberation struggle. Fighting alongside her husband when he was still alive, and alongside other comrades in Tanzania and Zambia after the death of her husband and alongside other comrades in Tanzania and Zambia after the death of her husband.

With her late husband, the Chitepos were a formidable couple fighting against racial inequality and injustice. They took great risks upon themselves when they opened their Highfield home to many black nationalists, where we held many of our clandestine meetings to strategise and plot the downfall of the colonial regime.

KuHighfield taiitira party kumba kwavo, Central Committee yedu Va (Joshua) Nkomo vaiuya toenda ikoko dakara vazoti, ah, imba iyi taa kuipa kuna vaNkomo, ivo ndokuchizoenda kune dzimwe dzimba dzakanga dzavakwa muHighfield. Chikava chipo chavakaita.

Saka, yakazova ndiyo nzvimbo yatakanga toitira musangano. VaNkomo vakabva kuBulawayo tosanganirana imomo.

The Chitepos risked their lives. If the enemy got to know they were using their house as a safe haven for political activities they would have been pounced upon.

Mai Chitepo was privy to the goings-on in the party including the founding of the Salisbury City Youth League, a resistance movement in which she was active in the women’s and youth wings.

These two wings became very active, carrying out numerous acts of sabotage to destabilise the colonial regime.

Mai Chitepo was one of the women who would visit political detainees at holding centres like Gonakudzingwa and Sikhombela – smuggling books and other literature for them to read.

Tasungwa taiswa kunana Sikhombela uko, vaiuya. Murume akanga aposhwa nehurumende yeTanzania akumbirwa nava (Mwalimu) Nyerere kuti ngaauye aedze atibatsire kususukidza mukomana wedu anga achiri munyowani ari gweta, arakidze kuti mhosva mucourt dzinobatwa nemutoo upi as public prosecutor.

Saka isu tasungwa vaiuya tiri ku-Sikombela kuGokwe. Vaiuya nemamessages achibva kuna VaChitepo. Maa mushure vauyazve mai. Ndivo vatakazopa tsamba nekuti party yatanga, tichida kuti party kunze kwenyika ive nezvairi kuita.

Vasungwa ava vakuru vese vanana Takawira vana Sithole vanana Muzenda taive tese Sikhombela, saka takagara dare tikati ngakuitwe dare kunze uko rinotungamirirwa naVaChitepo. Ngavachisiya basa ravari kuita kuTanzania. Vakanga vatomboita makore anenge maviri, matatu vachiramba, vatore vose vakapoya vasina kuzenge vasungwa vemuCentral Committee vaive kunze taive navo vakati kuti vanana Chikowore, vanana Shamuyarira, Mukono nevamwe vagoumbana.

The secretary for external affairs was Mutambanengwe, is judge now kuNamibia. Vese ivavo vakabatanidzwa pamwe chete kuvamba Dare reChimurenga, ndokuzoti nevakomana vanga vari kunze vana Tongogara naKadungure naMayor Urimbo, vese chiuyai tivambe Dare reChimurenga.

Saka Dare reChimurenga iroro ndoratisvitsa pano apa. Pavakazofa isu taive muHighfield tichiri kuno kumusha. Ndopakazogarwawo dare kuno ini ndonzi chienda unoedza kuita basa ranga richiitwa naVaChitepo. Ndopandakazoenda kunze kwenyika 1975.

Ndanga ndichitaura nezvevasikana vanaMwashita. Ehe ndokwatakavaona kuZhunda kuChimoio. Tichivabatanidza vese vaisvika ikoko vese vakabva kuuniversity anana Mutsvangwa ava.

Saka tanga tatumwa neparty kuti tinoita mission iyoyo. Ndoyatakazoita tichizobatanawo pamwechete tichizoita musangano kunze nema British tichibatsirwa nanaNyerere nanaKaunda kudakara tasvika muna 1979 kuenda kuLancaster House, dakara tauya nema British tawana Independence yedu.

Mviromviro muri kudziona. Saka tisina mviromviro idzodzo, Chimurenga chedu chainge chakatora nguva. But zvakaita kuti tikwanise. Vese machinda amuri kuona vakazouya kunze, maService Chiefs ese, hapana ainzi uyu ndewekuno kumusha, aiwa. Tinenge tichida musvo chaiwo musvo wavo ndowatakasarudza ndovatakasarudza tikaisa kana mapurisa, VaChihuri vaitova instructor kunze uko nekuprison kwese vana Zimondi waiva musvo wacho chete .

Vese vane chidhindo, war veteran, war veteran – vese ivavo. Eeh, but rubatsiro taipiwha shure ikoko vakaita sana Mai Chitepo.

Nyika dzakatibatsira. Lots of help from Tanzania, lots of help from Zambia, lots of help from Botswana nana Nigeria vese and eventually the Organisation of African Unity. Saka Independence yedu haisi yekutamba nayo.

Kana muchinzwa vamwe vachingoti ah tinodawo kuita liberate Zimbabwe, ungaite liberate Zimbabwe iwewe iwe zvako?

Vamwe vakadududzawo vari kutaura. Ndofunga ndiBiti ari kutaura nyaya idzodzo – a lawyer. Now look at this woman, even as she was away in Dar es Salaam, she remained politically hyperactive.

She offered her home to the comrades, vanouya vachibva kufront, those who were injured from the warfront and she would also offer counselling services to the wounded and mourn comrades as well as arranging for decent burials for those comrades who would have succumbed to death.

After Independence we appointed her as a Minister, but first we appointed her as Deputy Minister of Education between 1980 and 1981, then Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism between 1981 and 1990 and Minister of Information between 1991 and 1992.

When she retired from active civil service, she remained active in politics, holding senior positions in the party until the time of her death.

Today this nation pays back Mai Chitepo in a small way though by granting the highest owner of national heroine status. Ndoo zvatakwanisa kuitawo kuvatenda.

It is our small way of acknowledging her services, a modest tribute to the great woman as she joins other great fighters whom we have laid to rest here before her. And we say to her, Mai Chitepo go well. Go well daughter of the soil. May God rest you in internal peace.

And tribute to Mwashita. Allow me to turn to Cde Vivian Mwashita, a second heroine we are burying today. Cde Mwashita died at Parirenyatwa Hospital on Friday morning.

She had been admitted to the intensive care unit suffering from a repeat stroke they say on the previous day. We understand she suffered her first stroke in 2014, which left her wheelchair bound.

She had become hypertensive and diabetic as well. May I on behalf of the Government, party Zanu-PF and my family express our deepest condolences to the Mwashita family.

Cde Vivian Mwashita was a vibrant cadre of the party who accomplished a great heroine deed, which contributed to the liberation of our people and the attainment of our Independence like many of our peers, some of whom are ministers of Government today.

Vivian responded positively to the clarion call by our respective political parties Zapu and Zanu then, to cross the border into neigbhouring Mozambique and join the ranks of our young women and men who were prepared to take up arms and wage the protracted liberation struggle in order to end colonialism.

She crossed into Mozambique and joined the liberation struggle under the auspices of the Zimbabwe National Liberation Army in 1975.

We are reliably told that she went there in the company of Cdes Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri, Winnie Nevanji, Erina Mukudu Nyamweda, Susan Muchinguri and the late Tokodo Murinda.

The inhuman and unattainable political situation in racist Rhodesia had convinced Vivian and fellow comrades that the situation demanded of them to take up arms and fight for freedom. She answered the clarion call and as we said the clarion call as “Iwe neni tine basa”.

Tine basa reyi? Rekusunungura Zimbabwe. After crossing into Mozambique, Vivian took on a new Chimurenga name. She was called Cde Kundai Mabhunu. Quite apt in order to protect her identity and that of her family from the Rhodesian security agents.

When she completed basic military training in Mozambique, Cde Kundai Mabhunu received further military training in Ethiopia where she graduated as a military instructor. The military training of female military combatants was very crucial for them to ensure that they were able to defend themselves when they came under attack by the enemy in the armed struggle.

As a military instructor, Vivian Mwashita trained many great fighters moulding them from being raw recruits into accomplished guerrillas, versatile, enough to withstand the vagaries of a brutal war.

When deployed to the war front, she was able to demonstrate what she had been taught to the other recruits. History records her military prowess and exploits on the battle front as deputy detachment commander at the time.

She saw active combat in Hwata, kwaHwata, Chitsungo and Gota areas of Guruve. She was there for the famed Hwata and Mukombe battles and as commander, she endured the agony, losing some of the comrades during encounter with the enemy forces.

Vivian suffered two raids by the marauding Rhodesian forces, firstly the Nyadzonia massacre of 1976 which I talked about and, secondly, the Chimoio air bombardment which I also talked about of 1977.

She was very lucky to escape those two deadly attacks. Vivian witnessed some gruesome scenes as she assisted during the burial of hundreds of comrades who had been slaughtered like animals during the attacks.

Each time she tried to recount those horrific scenes that is later on, she felt tormented and she would break,down in tears. It tormented her for the rest of her life and yet she never contemplated deserting the war.

Her deep face was rooted in the principles of justice, freedom and self-determination which spared her own against all odds. At independence Vivian came back home to a country she had helped to liberate from the jaws of the British imperialism.

When the liberation war was over, there was an economic war to confront and that war is still moving on. She was employed in the Central Intelligence Organisation, the security where her military training and combat experience were brought to bear in the course of transforming the organisation from a colonial outfit into a people-oriented institution.

When she retired from the organisation, we brought her back into the mainstream of politics of the party, she became our candidate for Harare-South constituency as Member of Parliament and later on, even as Senator for Mvurachena constituency.

Although poor health interfered with her career, she never retired from politics until her untimely death last week. Today, although with heavy hearts, we stand proud, here, to say to her, Comrade Mwashita, go well daughter of the soil, go well. You fought a good fight, a good fight, and your role was a good example and remains a good example to other young girls.

The fight now might not be bravery but in economic terms, it must be an honest fight for all of us without corruption. Yours was an honest fight for everyone.

You put your life at stake like all comrades did and we say may God Almighty grant you eternal rest, we want to thank you, we thank these two women for the exemplary lives that they led, and we say to other women, and especially to the young girls, they are the two examples, choose, if you want to be a Mwashita, follow her but your fight must now be a fight in order to assist Government in transforming our economy and improving the lives of the people, that’s a fight we must fight and we need you young girls.

So be Mwashitas in our socio-economic struggle, be Mwashitas in our ZIM-ASSET, we need you. And to the rest of the women who are mothers, and who are mothers to be, we say there is an example of Mai Chitepo, very humble, she was not born here.

We brought her from Zululand, uko kwaandiudza kuti aah musha wangu kwandakazvarwa, uripadyo padhuze nemusha waPresident Zuma kuZululand. Saka wakabva kunze kwenyika akauya akashanda nemadzimai edu kuita Women’s League yedu, kuvaratidzawo kuti mudzimai akashinga anokwanisa kuita zviito zvinoitwa nevarume, anokwanisa kuratidza chido kuvana vasiri vake, kuda vanhu vose, kuda vana, vamwe havana vabereki.

Kwete kungoti vangu chete ndoovandinoitira, kuchengetawo vana, vangave vana vehama, vangave vana veshamwari, vangave vana vevavakidzani, ukakwanisa kubatsira kana uyine maitiro aungaite nawo, mwana mumwe chete, vana vaviri, kuyendesa kuchikoro, ungave munhu arikutevera Mai Chitepo.

Tiri kuvaviga nhasi. Ndinotenda nemawuyiro amaita. Zvinoratidza chokwadi kuti aiwa, madzimai maviri aya, madzimai vaviri atirakidza kuti ayiwa, handi varume vega vanogona, nesuwo madzimai tinogona.

Saka nekuvarume, they are examples, examples of love, charity, of the outgoing givenness to the causes of others. Determination now on the part of the younger ones to defend the country at all costs, to remain vigilant, to remain prepared to defend the country and to follow the path, the path of acceptance, that if you want to be leaders, you must first want to be also followers.

You must be prepared to be followers in the first place, and to be leaders who lead honestly. Leaders who are not selfish, who do not think of themselves first, who do not think of their positions first. Who think of the people, and the people and forever the people, because it’s the people we fought for. And the person includes naturally, our women.

And for us the men that our women can also surpass men and that they must be recognised in life, that they must get positions in life. Its of course now the Chimurenga chekusimudzira nyika, mabasa haangova evarume voga.

So ehoo, kana muridzo vati vanokwanisa kuridza, havoo, vanokwanisa kuridza mheterwa. So we men must recognise our women. Tinoda kuvatendesesa, toramba tichivayeukawo.

Vasiya vana shure, vana tinoda kuti vakudzwe nenzira imwecheteyo kuitira vana mai vavo vakateerera gwara rorusununguko, rekurwira nyika, isu hatingade kuti vana ivava kana varipwere vatambudzike. Vadiki sevaMwashita vatadze kuenda kuchikoro nekuti havana vanovabhadharira tinganyare chaizvoizvo.

So let’s look after the families, let’s befriend them and let’s make them part of us so that they don’t feel the loss.

We were together in the struggle with their parents, with their relatives, let us, even after they are gone be together with them and we will be together with them and we get associated, you know related to their families, visit them, invite them and ensure that they don’t suffer from loneliness.

Loneliness in a country whose freedom they have suffered. Aiwa tinoda kukutendai zvikuru nekubatana, tirambe takabatana.

Pamberi nekubatana! Pasi nevasingade kubatana.

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