Sharon Chigeza Mutare Correspondent
Stakeholders continue to express interest in teaming up with the Environmental Management Agency (EMA), as it continues to roll out its “Zero tolerance to litter” initiative for Manicaland.

EMA set the initiative in motion as part of its 100-day target, to complement the new political dispensation’s drive to do things differently with tangible results under set timelines.

In an interview, provincial environmental quality officer Mr Norman Chitsanga said the initiative was an ongoing process.

“The new political dispensation required every sector to produce tangible results within a 100-day work plan, and zero tolerance to litter was part of our mandate as an agency. The environment does not survive for 100 days only, hence the initiative is still ongoing,” he said.

“With this in place, we have seen more organisations and stakeholders come forth and being more receptive to solid waste disposal and management processes.”

He said efforts by the city fathers to improve refuse collection services had also contributed to the success of the drive.

Environmental Impact Assessment officer for Manicaland Province Mr Simba Makonese also applauded compliance by corporates in shifting from the use of kaylites to reusable plastic containers and cardboard packaging.

“There has been a 100 percent shift from the use of kaylites, which has seen a reduction in the disposal of non-biodegradable waste, which is a move towards a sustainable environment,” he said.

He said there was still room for improvement for the City of Mutare to attain the status of cleanest city in the country.

EMA embarked on the “Zero tolerance to litter” drive early this year and also deployed rubbish bins and monitoring agents on a 100km stretch of the highway along the Mutare-Masvingo road.

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