Christianity in Diaspora on the decline The Johannesburg Central Seventh Day Adventist Church that was robbed.

Dr Masimba Mavaza

New studies have a projection that the religious identity in the UK will drop below 50 percent by 2070. The religious decline had been cushioned by the influx of immigration. 

As many Zimbabweans trek to the diaspora, they realise that evil is so common and the blasphemy is so thick. 

A Johannesburg Central Seventh Day Adventist Church was robbed at gunpoint on Saturday afternoon.

According to reports on social media, six armed men entered the church as visitors, and when the preacher was at the podium, the men got up, ordered him to lie down, and took all cellphones, wallets and other valuables from the congregation and stomped out. 

To shock our conscience more, the church was robbed by Zimbabwean speaking men and the church is predominantly Zimbabwean. 

This is evil at its best in the diaspora. 

In the United Kingdom, many holy churches have been turned into beer halls. One most sickening one is where a church in London has been turned into a brothel. 

Evil is that which is morally wrong or sinful; it can also be defined as the absence of good. 

Since God is good and the measure of goodness, evil is essentially that which goes against His nature and His ways. 

Evil exists in our world because some of God’s creatures rebelled and continue to rebel against Him. 

The behaviour of our hosts in the diaspora is bad. But our behaviour in trying to outdo the hosts is evil. 

Peter, a Zimbabwean man living in Norton, United Kingdom, met the “devil” in his house. 

His son came for holidays from a University in Wales. He stayed with his friend at the house. On the fateful evening, Peter was having dinner with his family. 

While on the table, the son said to Peter: “Dad this is your son-in-law. We are planning to get married. We are gays.”

Peter looked at his son in disbelief. He gave a wild lost gaze and collapsed in a heap of dejected bones.

With food half way the throat, Peter choked on his food and was gasping for air. 

The family panicked, none of them was trained medically and little was done to relieve Peter of his chocking. 

He started rolling his eyes and he passed out. The emergency services arrived in the nick of time. Peter was taken to hospital, but the starved lungs developed an infection. 

By God’s grace he survived the food, but not the shock. Peter degenerate into a mental health problem that he has been suffering from since the day. His son walked out of the house and out of the family. 

He was embraced by some gay rights organisation who bought him a house and are looking after him and his husband.  

The first creature to rebel against God, therefore, becoming the author of evil, was Satan, and other angels joined Satan in his rebellion (Isaiah 14:12–14; Ezekiel 28:12–18). 

Humans followed suit when Eve fell to Satan’s deception and Adam willingly partook in her sin (Genesis 3).  Then Zimbabweans joined in after they left for diaspora. 

Is there going to be a future religious revival in United Kingdom and South Africa. But given the world’s steady trends away from faith affiliation, experts don’t know what it would look like.

The more we stay abroad, the more we depart from the glory of God. 

There are some who say that revival never happens in an advanced economy. After secularization, you can’t put toothpaste back in the tube. 

Maria Maponga from Higfields in Leicester, United Kingdom, was so excited when her daughter joined her in the UK. 

Her daughter was 17 when she arrived in the UK. Life promised to be better. One day she found her daughter in the house with three boys. 

She went mad and beat up the boys, who got injured and the police were called in. Maria was arrested. The court described her as a very violent African mother who could kill an elephant with her anger. 

She was sentenced to eight years in prison and her daughter was taken into care. Eight years for simply protecting her daughter.  

The glory of God has departed, people are giving up on Christianity. 

And if you’re trying to predict the future religious landscape in the United Kingdom the question is not whether or not Christianity will decline. 

The sad thing is Zimbabweans becoming the catalysts in the evil process. 

In the new study by Pew projects, in 2070, Christians will likely make up less than half the UK and US population.

Currently, 64 percent of people say they are Christian, but nearly a third of those raised Christian eventually switch to “none” or “nothing in particular,” while only about 20 percent of those raised without religion become Christian. 

If that ratio of switching continues at a steady pace, then in roughly half a century, only about 46 percent of Americans will identify as Christian and none of the British will be a Christian, never mind the hanger on brothers from our mother land. 

If the rate of switching continues to accelerate, as it has since the 1990s, the percent calling themselves Christians will drop to 35. The rate of change could also slow down. 

“Trends don’t tend to continue forever,” Kramer said, “and there’s probably a core of Christians who are committed and never going anywhere.” 

If the future takes that path, slightly less than 40 percent of the population will say they are Christian in 2070. 

Where would our people be?

Christians are continuing to shrink as a share of the world population, even under the counterfactual assumption that all switching came to a complete stop in 2020.

Few of the people leaving Christianity appear to be joining other religions, but many are becoming Muslims.

Zimbabweans in diaspora are literally walking out of the garden of Eden to the wilderness. 

Genesis recounts the rapid growth of evil.  Adam and Eve’s firstborn son murdered his brother and then lied about it (Genesis 4). 

About one thousand years after creation, “The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time” (Genesis 6:5). 

God destroyed the earth with a worldwide flood, preserving Noah and his family (Genesis 6—9; 1 Peter 3:20). 

Shortly after the flood, we see sin again—Noah got drunk and exposed himself inappropriately (Genesis 9). 

The question is how many Zimbabweans are exposing themselves inappropriately in diaspora. 

The other questions flying around atmosphere are: Why are so many Christians losing their faith? Is Christianity irrelevant to people in the 21st century? Or is it actually modern Christianity that is irrelevant to God?

The evidence is weighty and undeniable—Christianity in the West is crumbling. Its authority and influence is fading; its adherents are disengaging.

In the United Kingdom, the authorities have helped to bring evils and destroy Christianity. 

They have removed bibles from many hotels, they have made it punishable to preach in the street or to any one. Praying for the sick is frowned at. The children now grow with empty heads which are filled fast with evil.

Everyone is aware that we live in a sinful world, though not all people recognize that migration is the culprit. 

The diaspora allows this to happen by trying to be their hosts. Bad behaviour shows its effects in the moral evils we see in society, and sin results in “natural evil” in the afflictions and miseries of this life. 

In light of these unmistakable facts of life, unbelievers often deny that God exists, or that sin exists, or both. 

Yet even when they ask how a good God could allow evil in this world, they assume that good exists, an assumption that is the backdrop against which we understand sin in the first place.

This question and related assumption will either drive us back to the good God, who is good and does good (Ps. 119:68) and who is the fountain of goodness, or it will drive us to deny both God and ultimately good and evil. 

Yet evil still troubles us, and neither the Christian nor the atheist is comfortable living in a world full of evil.

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