The Herald

Celebrations end in Mozambique

The Rhodesia Herald, June 30, 1975

MAPUTO. — Mozambique’s official independence celebrations ended here last night, concluding a hectic five-day period of festivities for the passing of 500 years of Portuguese rule.

Hundreds of diplomats, representatives of Southern African “liberation movements” and other dignitaries came to witness the birth of the new African state.

Since the proclamation of independence on Tuesday night when the new flag was seen here for the first time, replicas have appeared in shops and offices and decorating car windows in an expression of local pride.

The first ambassadors have been accredited to the People’ Republic of Mozambique and President Machel has been receiving wild cheers whenever his state car, flanked by motor cycle outriders and proceeded by police vehicles, has brought him to official events.

The city is slowly emptying after the influx of visitors for independence, which prompted the authorities to close the boarders to all except official guests and journalists because of pressure on accommodation.

Most of the foreign delegations have already left, as well as the majority of the 536 journalists whom the department of Information counted here.

The independence celebrations, which ranged from a youth festival and the lighting of a “flame of unity to traditional dances, and an international football match against Zambia yesterday, concluded last night with international gymnastics display.

Although the main events were in the capital, cultural and sports events were also organised for regional centres. The new State made a major effort to ensure that guests and visitors were looked after and that journalists were able to report freely on the week’s events.

All hotel spaces in the city were requisitioned from June 22 until yesterday to accommodate state guests although problems arose because some delegations arrived with more members that had been invited or expected.

For residents, at least, the city returns to normal today with only the proliferation of flags, banners and posters to testify to the country’s new independence.

The President of Mozambique, Mr Samora Machel has been invited to Russia by Soviet President Nikolai Podgorny. This is the second invitation extended to Mr Machel this week to visit a communist state. Hungary earlier invited him, when he feels he could leave the country.

As President of Frelimo before independence, Mr Machel visited East Germany, Bulgaria, Rumania, China and North Korea.

Portugal and three Scandanavian countries, Sweden, Denmark and Norway, were the only Western countries to receive diplomatic recognition by Mozambique on Saturday. — Iana.