The Rhodesia Herald, 

February 20, 1971

EDINBURGH. – If a girl wants a happy marriage, she should steer clear of biologists, says a survey by an Edinburgh University research unit.

It also says that if a girl wants a family, she should avoid classical scholars.

One in eight biologists’ marriages end in divorce, and 41 percent of classical scholars either stay single or have no children.


 A biologist is an expert/scientist of the branch of science about living organisms. Biologists are interested in studying life on earth, whether it is an individual cell, a multicellular organism, or a community of interacting populations.

 Being a scientist can be very demanding. Scientists tend to be dedicated to their jobs and studies because it normally requires them to be very focused, and this takes up most of their time such that they normally do not have time or forget to do other things. 

 Albert Einstein, the iconic theoretical physicist who developed the theory of relativity, and is considered as one the most brilliant minds that ever lived, used to forget to do a lot of things, including eating.

At times staying single helps to avoid a lot of complications especially if you know that you cannot commit yourself to your prospective spouse.

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