Nyaradzo Mavindidze Motivation For Success
In just under three weeks 2013 will give way to 2014 and this is the time that most people take stock of their successes and failures during the year.
While some will be depressed others will be elated about the year turned out. If you did not accomplish the goals that you set for yourself don’t beat yourself up.

It won’t do you any good to belittle or berate yourself.
In fact, if you did accomplish all of your goals for 2013, I could argue that you may have set them too low.

If you are like me, then each year you set many bold, daring and challenging goals. The goals I set for a year are usually so audacious.
But by setting the bar so high, I end up achieving great things – even if I only accomplish 60 percent of what I set out to do.

So don’t be negative. Celebrate the progress you have made, and concentrate on those goals that you can still accomplish by year end. Then get to work today there is still plenty of time left to finish strongly.

You are not the same person you were in January and you are not yet the person you are going to be in December. Take a look at the goals, resolutions, or intentions you had in January. Make sure they are still in sync with where your life is now, and where you are headed.

Eliminate anything that you adopted to please someone else, or because you thought you should. The hardest goals to achieve are the ones that were never really yours to begin with. Don’t hesitate to change course!

I totally do not understand the social stigma associated with saying “I changed my mind”. To me, that statement means you’re thinking rather than blindly, numbly staying the course.

Forgive yourself
Once you acknowledge where you are and what’s not working, you’re all about moving on. If you haven’t made the progress you intended so far in 2012, admit to yourself that you messed up, and then give yourself another shot. No drama.

Stop sitting and get going
At this point in the year you need to stay focused.
Just as Isaac Newton said: “An object at rest tends to stay at rest; an object in motion tends to stay in motion.”
As you reassess your year’s goals, do not get frozen into a state of paralysis. It’s often more productive to make a move, in any direction, even a wrong one.

Once you’re moving, you can decide if it’s not the right path for you and then change accordingly.
However, the longer you sit without moving in any direction, the harder it is to get going.

With your list paired down to the objectives that really mean something to you, and having dropped the unwanted bag of guilt over what hasn’t worked, you can start to move forward with renewed conviction.

Make a promise to yourself
You make promises to other people and bend over backward to stay true to your word. Unfortunately, you probably don’t give yourself the same consideration.

When you make a promise to yourself that you will work on something, you are making a commitment. Your promise is a vow you won’t break.

Your word to yourself should be just as meaningful and binding as giving your commitment to someone else.
It’s time to make yourself a priority and put a laser focus on what you need.

Drop the guilt baggage on the side of the road. You are moving on to finish your year strong.

E-mail: [email protected]

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