The Herald

Zimhost eases shopping

The internet has truly revolutionalised not just the old brick and mortar way of doing business but also the lifestyles that we are used to.

The way in which we are now able to shop has been made much more convenient and in real time, thanks to the introduction of online local payment gateways like Paynow, Ecocash, Telecash etc.

When using that internet, you will notice that the average online store is well organised with prices, description and pictures of products very visible because there is time and specialisation that goes into the creation of the websites for these stores, such as e-commerce websites.

With e-commerce websites, it is fairly easy to search for an item you are looking for and be able to purchase it using popular integrated payment gateways then get it delivered to your address if the business store offers such a service as an add-on.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) also adds value by making your product searchable and to be on top of search results thus leading users to your e-commerce website. Taking into consideration that you can purchase items rights from the comfort of your bed or living room is a great satisfaction.

In certain cases, dropping everything that you are doing to run to the shopping mall can sometimes be time consuming as opposed to placing an order from the comfort of your home.

Most Zimbabwean online shops will soon be able to deliver goods right to your doorstep making things even more convenient. When getting your e-commerce website designed it is of paramount importance that it can capture payments from both the local and international market and there are several payment gateways that can be integrated for such.

Capturing international customers

Paypal is one of the most popular and secure payment gateways to integrate on your website as it is trusted in almost all countries and supports visa, Mastercard, Maestro, American Express, Diners Card etc.

This means a user that wants to buy something from your e-commerce website just needs to either have any of those cards or a paypal account in order to process the online transaction.

There are also other international gateways like 2checkout, Worldpay, Skrill etc though the first two tend to be more challenging when opening an account or even to set up than Paypal

Capturing local customers
Most local users (potential buyers) do not have Paypal or international cards (Visa, Mastercard) to allow them to buy online but have some form of mobile payment like Ecocash, Telecash, OneWallet and also Zimswitch cards.

These now have online payment integrations that allow us to transact online. There are also gateways like Flocash and Paynow that have merged or integrated these payment options under their platform making it convenient for one to use them.

ZIMHOST Webdesigners, a 14 time ICT company of the year award winner can easily offer you an e-commerce website with all the above payment gateways integrated into it.

Our “Out of the box” e-commerce websites come with a vast number of add-ons and features and can be set up within 48 hours assuming your preferred domain name and products have been supplied.

The e-commerce website runs independently on your preferred domain name and is not hosted on a sub domain like or

This means you can also have emails based on the domain eg, etc.

Mr Leslie Nyahwa, one the ZIMHOST Webdesigners had this to say about the e-commerce websites, “e-Commerce websites and applications are revolutionising the standard ways of purchasing by enhancing transaction efficiency, in business, by creating more jobs in transportation, packaging, management, security and cutting those long mobile banking queues in grocery shops, I am sure you have been there before. Get online with ZIMHOST Webdesigners.”

This is not just the time to put your business online but to be able to trade and sell online.

ZIMHOST Webdesigners, 1st Floor, Angwa Hse, Cnr Angwa/G Silundika, 0771 111 222, 04 796528,,