‘Zanu PF won’t bribe opposition’ The late Cde Khaya Moyo.

Herald Reporter

Zanu PF has dismissed as unfounded allegations by MDC-Alliance secretary general Mr Charlton Hwende that the ruling party attempted to bribe opposition leaders

Posting on social media, Mr Hwende sensationally claimed that President Mnangagwa offered millions of dollars, cars, mines, farms among others to MDC-A leaders in a bid to destroy the opposition movement.

However, Zanu PF spokesperson Cde Simon Khaya Moyo said President Mnangagwa has no business sponsoring opposition leaders.

 “In a statement on Monday Mr Charlton Hwende of MDC Alliance claimed that His Excellency President ED Mnangagwa and First Secretary of Zanu-PF had made attempts to pay millions of dollars to MDC Alliance officials in an effort to destroy the party. Surely one wonders what weed Charlton Hwende smokes. For some time, he has been quiet on the political scene, but resurrected when President Mnangagwa had given out cars to Political Actors Dialogue leaders to use on development work,” said Cde Khaya Moyo.

President Mnangagwa on Friday handed over 19 Isuzu D-Max vehicles that he promised principals of Polad so that they seamlessly implement national programmes.

 Cde Khaya Moyo said it was not President Mnangagwa problem that the MDC Alliance had refused to join Polad.

 He said the cars were publicly provided to Polad leaders so that they contribute to nation building.

Cde Khaya Moyo said while Mr Hwende and his counterparts are fixated with criticising Government, the ruling party is focused on crafting economic policies to transform the economy.

 “President Mnangagwa is a principled revolutionary leader whose focus is on unity, peace and development and would not stoop so low as to bribe leaders of opposition parties running short of oxygen. Zanu PF is not a charity organisation to rescue parties like the MDC A whose future is doomed. 

“Zanu PF is a very well-oiled machine with sound principles and organs. The country’s economy is on the rebound and people are assured of food security,” he said.

“The MDC A has nothing to offer to the people of Zimbabwe. As we battle to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic through mass vaccination and resuscitating the economy, let day dreamers like Charlton Hwende and the MDC A continue in deep slumber. They are used to receiving from donors as we know, Zanu PF has no such.”

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