The Herald

Your day, hour has come

Bishop Dr B. Manjoro Dunamis
No matter how bad, barren or empty life can be; there has to be a time in human life where enough has to be enough.

A day when the storm clears; when tears of sorrow turn into tears of joy; a day when a nation’s hardships and turmoil turns into ululation and a testimony; a day when a broken and wounded family have to walk back together, reconcile and enjoy life as one happy family once again — there has to be a day!.

You could be in a hospital bed right now, wondering what shall become of your life. In your office, in your house, travelling and just wondering, ‘For how long shall my life be like this?’

Reader, there has to be a day in life, when dreams become reality; a day when hopes, beliefs and dreams become tangible; a day when pain has to cease and joy springs up.

There just has to be a day for you.

Despite what you are going through right now, I challenge you to lift up your faith and shake yourself, for your day has to be today!

Job 1 and 2 tells an account of a man of Uz, by the name Job. The man feared God, was upright and shunned evil.

The man’s life was attacked by the devil, who afflicted his body, family, wealth and all.

It appeared the enemy had dominated, but Job refused to waver.

He was bold in his God, ‘my Redeemer liveth’ was his response in the middle of such chaos; losing his businesses, children and even a marital case with his wife. Do you feel like you have reached the cross-roads?

Feel like there is no more point or reason to live another day?

Contemplating suicide because of the huge debt haunting you?

Thinking of running away? Just going anywhere because life has been hard on you? Hold on. Take heart, there is hope in God’s Word. There has to be a day when every shut door has to be opened. A day when the despised, rejected and miserable have to be honoured, delivered and be set on high, 1 Sam 2:7.

There has to be a day when answers, miracles and the desires of your heart come knocking at your door. There has to be a day!

Job stood on God’s Word.

He hoped and believed for a day!

A day in which God would vindicate and fight for him.

You could be sitting and wallowing in prison right now wondering what become of your life, children and family.

Beloved there has to be a day when right prevails over wrong; a day when the weak have to lift their heads up high and say ‘I am not weak, but I am strong’. A day when the once sick, diseased and barren stands up and declare, ‘I am neither sick nor barren but healthy and fruitful in every area of my life.’

There has to be a day. There has to be a day when people who have been toiling but getting nothing have to be rewarded and enjoy the fruit of their hands.

There just has to be a day when life turns around.

Are you reading this and you are saying, ‘Bishop, this is my article. This is my word and my message?’ I pray for you right now, let this day be your day. Let a breakthrough come your way and let today be your day.

If you could not sleep because of attacks in the night, depressions, stress, worry or pains in your body, I declare that this day has to be your day. Whatever it is let it be broken, depart and disappear!

Today has to be that day when what you have been seeking yet eluding your hands has to be seized and stay in your life. Those opportunities you were desired for a long time have to be released! When the clouds be full, they empty themselves.

If there was a day for Job’s turn around, a day for Hannah to hold her baby, a day for Bartimeus to receive his sight and a day for the woman with the issue of blood, surely there has to be a day for your life.

It could be 12 years of being in and out of court rooms, 12 years of being brutally abused in a relationship, 12 years of labouring in vain, 12 years of struggling in business, 12 years of being in and out of theatre dying with disease, friend I challenge you today there has to be a day for a turn around.

Shake yourself and agree with the Word of God that today has to be your day. Enough just has to be enough.

You could even be saying, ‘But pastor my case is different, I am suffering because I have been bewitched by someone who died, so it can no longer be reversed’ or ‘I am suffering because I did not go to school, I will never make it in life.’ Beloved, despite your case or the level of witchcraft or disadvantage in your life, there just has to be a day when all that has to be broken.

There has to be a day when enough is enough. Today can be that day. Lift up your faith. What you are going through must become history. A new day must come. It has to be today.

In case you are saying, ‘I am too poor, too behind and even too unqualified,’ Here is wisdom for you; ‘the race is not to the swift, not the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill, but time and chance happeneth to them all’ Ecc 9:11. Have they told you, you are too weak, too cursed, too broke, too dumb, too old or too undeserving? The race is not unto the swift. There has to be a day for you. Time and chance happen to all people; no-matter the backgrounds. Every person has an opportunity to shake off the past and turn on a new page and a new day; there has to be a day for your life. I pray, let that be today. Let your situation change and turn around in Jesus name! This has to be your day! Let God restore what has been lost in your life. For with God all things are possible, Mark 10:27.