The Herald

Women’s League in soap making project

Bulawayo Bureau

Zanu PF Women’s League in Bulawayo has started making soap as a business to uplift women at grassroots levels.

They started last week on a trial run in Emganwini suburb, covering Zanu PF Area 5 District 26 B, in a development that speaks to people’s everyday needs. 

Participants recently underwent soap production training. 

District 26B Women’s League chairperson Cde Cathrine Dube said the soap making was liberating for most women. 

“We started a soap making project after realising that soap is used on a daily basis in every home,” she said. “

“At the moment, we have not scaled up our production because we want to make sure that we have a quality product before we start selling to the public. 

“At the moment, the soap we are producing is mainly bought by our members as we are still improving the quality of our product.”

Zanu PF Women’s League Bulawayo interim chairperson Cde Rebecca Manjere said it was the party’s hope to scale up production as soap has a ready market.

“Soap is a product that is used by every home, it will keep the women occupied while also generating income,” said Cde Manjere.