The Herald

Witnesses Convention ends on high note

ended on Sunday.
Spkesman Mr Effort Mugabe said the convention whose theme, “Let God’s Kingdom Come”, was attended by more than 3 000 delegates from Harare and other surrounding areas.

Mr Mugabe said the convention saw an ordination of 70 new members of the faith as ministers.
Before this there was a discussion of the importance of Christian baptism and how to qualify to receive the blessings of God’s Kingdom.
He said the Witnesses’ Harare convention, which is one of a series to be held in Harare and throughout the country, continue to sharpen their focus on God’s Kingdom.

Mr Mugabe said: “Many around the world recite a prayer asking God’s Kingdom to come, yet they have little idea of what they are asking for.
“In sharp contrast to the often conflicting, confusing and complicated explanations, the Witnesses at their convention gave a clear and refreshing approach to the topic.”

The convention also heard about the evils of homosexuality as “this is detestable in the eyes of God and it is unChristian.”
“We always encourage our members to seek guidance from the Bible in their everyday lives and dealings.”

The youths were warned of programmes on the internet and televisions which can easily corrupt their minds.

A full costume drama based on the Genesis narrative about Joseph, a son of the patriach Jacob, highlighted how young people can stand up to ridicule and resist peer pressure. Mr Mugabe said there will be three-day conventions at the Assembly Hall catering for other districts especially around Harare.