The Herald

‘Without discipline you can’t have a sense of sacrifice’

President Mugabe

This is the full text of the address by President Mugabe to the Zanu-PF Women’s League Assembly at the Zanu-PF National Headquarters in Harare yesterday.

THE First Lady Mai Mugabe; our Vice President and Second Secretary, Cde Phelekezela Report Mphoko, Secretary for Administration VaCde Ignatius Chombo, Secretary vedu veCommissariat Cde Saviour Kasukuwere, ah I omitted Cde Sekeramayi vazosvika. Members of the Youth League here present, vachitungamirirwa naVaChipanga vauya kuzokusapotayi, Politburo and Central Committee members here present, VaMushohwe vari pano? Yah ndavasiya VaMushohwe varipo; Government ministers here present, Women’s League National Executive Council, Women’s League National Assembly members here present, invited guests, ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends.

Takakokwa nemi neruzivo rwenyu rwekuti party haingova chete Youth League kana kungova chete Central Committee asi kuti party ine maorgans akati kuti. Madzimai, maYouths and kwese uko kune maorgans wo ariko. Nhasi izuva renyu reWomen’s Assembly. Mune mamwe mameetings amuchaita right up to mazuva atinenge toti gadzirirai Congress.

Ndinoda kutenda, kutendesesa nekutikoka kwamaita. VaMphoko neni ndisu vepamusorosoro, mumwe wedu aendawo nerimwe basa tauya kuzoteerera basa ramunoita neramakaita tichinzwawo zvichemo zvenyu. Hatina kuuya kuti isu tizokuudzai zvimwe zvebasa renyu zvamunoziva imi zvamunosungirwa kuita.

Hongu tinosangana, patinenge tasangana ndipo patinotaurirana zvemabasa edu. Patinonzwawo zvichemo zvinenge zviripowo mumusangano wedu. Asika imi kana masangana semasanganiro amaita, shuwa, we listen to your complaints, to your cries, we listen also to your recommendations.

Saka we have been listeners, and we are good listeners. We have heard and we have registered in our minds some of your programmes, programmes achieved and programmes ongoing. And over and above that, your complaints and recommendations. Well, I hope that your recommendations will reach us at the Central Committee level starting with the Politburo and then we discuss them as the Central Committee together. Whatever we should take to Congress we shall do so. Nyaya dzinosungirwa kuenda kuCongress, kunova ndiko kwakaumbwa bumbiro ratinoti the constitution of Zanu-PF.

But I want to say that as the party we cannot ignore what you recommend, and recommend in order for you, firstly, to be in a strong position as an important part of the party, important organ of the party; and, secondly, as women who should be on an equal basis with men.

Tazvinzwa zvichemo zvenyu, tinovimba imiwo muchazvisesekedza mberi sezvandataura kuti zviongororwe kuCentral Committee. Tauyawo tichida kuti mukati menyuwo muve nekubatana. Have unity within you. The unity within you, the Women’s League. The unity within, the Youth League and the total unity within the main body, the party itself.

But, of course, we have provinces, 10 provinces and you all also come from the provinces. At that level, the provincial level, from the cell to the branch, the branch to the district, the ward between and main body of the province, we expect unity. That’s where the unity of the party is born. That’s where the membership of the party derives from, that’s where we are born, the same, the province.

What is happening in our provinces? Are we united in there? Are there no quarrels within the provinces? Have you yourselves also, in some way, looked at the provinces? Some provinces are very well organised and strong but you have others, perhaps one or two only, which need much more work. And all of us should try to assist the provinces that are weak so they can be as strong as others.

We are meeting here in Harare, our capital. This is where our headquarters is. Here we are, buildings, are we strong in Harare? Is our party strong in Harare? No! If you say yes, ah you wouldn’t be telling me the truth, and this is the weakest of all our provinces. Ngazvitaurwe!

Why? Capital, headquarters of our party and Harare, the capital city of Zimbabwe? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? What’s wrong? Tokurirwa muno neMDC? Pamusana pei? Vanhu havana kubatana. Nezuro uno takanzwa kuti, hameno kana dziri nhema, kuti VaTawengwa vatanga tati vabate chigaro, ah vakanga vabviswa. Pamusana pei? Navana ani? Vachida kuti vadii vakavabvisa? Ko kana vakatadza, ngazvisvitswe kwatiri kumusoro. Izvi zvekungotsvingira vanhu hatisi kutamba nhabvuka muno umu, kwete. Saka zvekutsvingirana kwese kwese, tinozviona. Hatingave nezvigaro tese tese zvepamusoro, hazviiteka.

It’s one at a time and this time chairman watakanga tabvuma ndaVaTawengwa. Iwewe kana uchida chigaro cheuchairman, ah mangwana kana mangwana ayo richavawo jana rakowo kana vanhu vakusarudza. Kwanhasi ndaVaTawengwa and recognise that. Zvino kana tichiti kwete hativabvume, ngativabvisei nerwe seri, no! This backdoor business must stop! And ndoirikutiuraya iyoyo, this backdoor business and failure to observe marules eorganisation yedu.

Let us be a party that is disciplined. Kushaya discipline ikoko. Ndakasarudza, semaonero andakaitawo, ndakasarudza maResident Ministers. Kuno kuna VaChikukwa, Mai Chikukwa, kwaMutare kuna Mai Chimene, kuMidlands kuna VaMachaya, VaDinha kuMash Central, ndiri kungotaura ivo vana chete, asi ivava vaoneswa nhamo. Vaoneswa nhamo, vanondiudzazve? Havadiwe nevamwe.

“Uri ani iwe uri pachigaro ichi? Ndini ndainge ndakaiswa ipapo.” Ko varegerei vamboita basa iroro, mangwana zvimwe iwe uri kudaro dzimwe nguva uchaiswawo ipapo. KwaMutare ah Mai Chimene nevamwe vanongobvaruranawo, hapana kubatana. But apo pane mudzimai ane nharowo futi, akaendawo kuhondozve. Asi anongotukwa, achinzi kuhondo ikoko hapana chawakaita, waingozvara vana chete. Aah, zvino tobva tasvika ipapo?

Tikada kutaurirana zvivi zvaiitika kuhondo, tikazviti bvuu, and ini ndonyatsozvizivaka zvakanaka zvemunhu wese. Hapana angasare, hapana angasare, kubva kumusoro dakara zasi. Varume nemadzimai vese ndinoziva, ndine bhuku razvo umu, asi bhuku racho ndakavhara, hapana anokwanisa kuri verenga nderangu ndoga, ringauraye musangano wedu, ringatiuraire musangano.

VaMachaya vanongobvumbiswawo vanondiudza kuti aah mazuva ano vari kuti zvakanyarara. Vanoti vekumusoro ndivo vari kuvashusha, vekumusoro vanoda kupa zvigaro, vachiti vazovhoterwa mangwana, nevaya vavanenge vapa zvigaro. Vavanoti ava ndevavo vari muhomwe vakagara vaorganaizwa kare kuti imi ndimi masupporters edu kare, saka uyu haasi mugroup redu. Haasi mugroup redu, kusupporter mukuru ari kumusoro watinotsigira. Musangano haungafambe nemutowo iwoyo. Tasvika pano, takasvitswa pano kwete chete neni, asi nevamwe vari kumakuva hatina kumboita nyaya yerudzi irworwo

VananaNkomo, vananaMuzenda, vananaChitepo tisu takamusarudza, vananaJohn Nkomo, vananaMsika vanaJZ Moyo, vose mudungwe wose, vananaKadungure vakatisiya, vose variko. Taivapa zvigaro, vachitambira zvigaro izvozvo vasingamwumwuzhike. Wapihwa basa iroro ndiroro. Vakanga vachimwumwuzhika, vamwe vachitoda kuita macoups, taivasunga, taivasunga, kuvabvisa muparty. Dzimwe nguva tavaisa mujeri redu munana (inaudible)…

Kubuda muparty, vananaChikerema vaiti tisu takavamba ichiri ANC, ihama yanguka, mwana wava tete. Wainzwa achiti, mumwe munhu ari very selfish, “ndini, ndini ndakabata Nkomo kuti ave kumusoro uko, ndakamubata nemaoko angu aya ndikamuregerera anodonha”. Aah, musangano kana wakadaro, ndiChikerema uyo, very selfish but vakazofamba sei muZapu imomo, havo, pfocho vakazobuda vakuita chiFROLIZI nana- Nyandoro.

NaNyandoro was very good waingofurirwa chete naChikerema achingoti kwaenda Chikerema ndokwanoendawo. Havana kuzoguma vari vatsvene mumusangano. Nyandoro akazozvidzora asi Chikerema akabva angova chidhakwa saka hatina kukwanisa kumuisa paHeroes Acre. Ndiri kungokupai example, uyu ndinotaura nekuti mwana wava tete vangu wandakakura naye tichienda kuchikoro pamwe chete kwaKutama. Saka ehe tinoda discipline ka. Ko tingagofambe tisina discipline here? Ko inoreveiko discipline?

One, inoreva iwe pachako, kuti uve nechitendero, chitendero chekuti ah party inoti, izvi zvinoitwa izvi hazviitwe. “Ndine chigaro ichi changu ini chinotevera ngana, ndine vanguwo vari pazasi vandinotungamirira asi ndine vari kumusoro vandinosungirwa kuterera.” Mumoyo mako umu. Uchizvisunga.

Discipline inotiwo zvakare, “ndikanzi enda kwakati handirambe, ndokwandatumwa neparty”.

Chitepo afa nebomb rakaiswa nema- Rhodesians, tarasikirwa munzira naTongo tisati tasvika mushure me- Lancaster, kunze kwataive tadzoka takati tisati taenda kusisina on the Zanu side leadership yakati kuti, vemusangano takagara pasi muhotera yaMushandirapamwe kuHighfield zvikanzi hatisisina mutungamiriri kunze uko, rangova group revashoma vakasangana.

Tinoda kuti iwe Comrade Mugabe uende kunze unoita basa ranga richiitwa naChitepo handina kumboti ah kwakadii? Ndinonogara kupi? Aiwa, ndakangoti zvakanaka. Ndingangode mumwe wandingaendewo naye. Vamwe vakanga vanzi iwe ungakuende here, vakati ah kwete, iwe ungaende, ah kwete. Tekere ndiye akozobvuma.

Saka pahuviri hwedu tose kunze ini ndini ndaingokuziva nekuti ndave ndakamboita nerimwe basa kunze but takanga tisingazive kuti kwakamira sei, party yakanga yakamira sei kunze uko. Takati handei. Mafambiro tichikwanisa kuronga and takaita marongero atakaita. Tikaenda nekuInyanga tatakurwa navaMahachi vatakakumbira vaingosevenzawo kuCold Comfort ikoko, vatakati titakurei, vakati zvakanaka.

Tasvika kuCold Comfort tikati zvino nzira ndedzipi? Tinoenda nekupi? Tikati ah kune vakavakidzana kuno uku, kumuganhu, kuCold Comfort kuInyanga uko. VekwaTangwena ndokwatakabvunza. Iyewo zvakare Chief Tangwena akati zvamurikutumwa uko hamungaende moga. Mudzimai wake akati enda tungamira vana ava. Tangwena ati vanaChitepo vakafa ndichayeuka saka ndimi maleaders atakuisa kuti atitungamirire kuti nhamo dzatinadzo idzi handei. Ndinokutungamirirai.

Ndisu tinoziva kuti muRhodesia kuno, kwaiva nemugwagwa wakanga waitwa ikoko uri very wide wekuti vaone vari kunze masettlers kuti kuri kubuda vanhu here. Wakapiwa raNicole. Nezuva ravainzi havafambe, Tangwena akati ah toenda musi iwoyo netsoka. Toyambuka mugwagwa uye tichiita kumhanya kuti tirege kuonekwa. Fortunately, Tangwena akati ndine masabhuku angu maviri ari kumhiri uko, kwokuti ukapfuura mugwagwa watova muMozambique, vakada kunogara ikoko nekuti tanga tichishushwa, ndokwatichambonongara.

Ndozvatakaita, tikapfura, kuchinaya, nemakumbo tikasvika kwaHeadman Satagadza. Tikagara ipapo, zvikanzi ah kune vakomana veFrelimo vanoguarda mapost ndivo vachitiyamura and chokwadi ndovakatiudza. VanaSamora vakange vasati vawana independence asi vakanga vakurira Maputukezi vachironga zuva reindependence yavo.

Saka takazotorwa ipapo tonosvika pakatazouuya kuzotorwa nevakomana vedu vaive mberi vari dhuze nemugwagwa unoenda kuTete. Tikagara ipapo tichirara ipapo mumatumba ikoko dakara tanzwa kuti vanaSamora zvino vazocelebrata independence yavo, vavakuzvitonga.

Ndopatakazofamba tichienda kuCatandika. KuCatandika ndokwatakazowana mota dzakazotiendesa kuChimoio, tambogara tafamba netsoka kwenguva yakareba kudaro. Takanga tisingambozive kuti kunze uko tinonowana zvakamira sei nekuti OAU yanga yati ah Zanu neZapu zvabatana pasi paMuzorewa. Hatichada kunzwa nezveZanu, hatichada kunzwa nezveZapu. Isu tatumwa kuti tidii? Tiende muzita reZanu. Hapoka.

Vakomana nevasikana vakanga vachibuda zvino vainzi ndevaMuzorewa veANC. Redu basa rakava rekuvatwasanura kuti aiwa hapana Muzorewa kuno uku, hakuna. Tinoziva Zanu kuno uku, Zanu (PF), Zanu (PF) yanga isati yavapo, takazobatana afterwards. Zapu wo yakazoonawo kuti ah, zvaMuzorewa hazvishande ndopavakazobuda wo vari ikokowo. Asi vakanga vasiya vana JZ Moyo kunze vachiti ndezveZapu.

Takazobatana zvanzi kwakuzoitwa musangano nemaBritish wekutanga tanga watakaitirwa kuItaly. VanaNyerere zvino, vese vakanga vasisatide, takanga tisisadiwe kuti tive Zanu kana kuti tive Zapu. Asi pakauya musanagano isu takati aiwa isu hatife, vananaMuzenda vakange vazotijoinawo, hatife takaenda kuANC, tiri Zanu ndoyatinoziva yakavamba hondo.

Ndopakabva zvino, kwanzi chibatanai kuti muende makasimba. Asi hatina kuti tinobatana nanaMuzorewa takati tinobatana neZapu ndopakavamba Zanu, Zanu-PF ipapo, kuGeneva ndokwataienda, kuGeneva conference. Ndopakavamba musangano ipapo, dai tisina kutumwa, Zanu neZapu zvainge zvakangoparara zvichinzi tavaANC and ANC nanaSmith vaive vanhu vanaSmith vese.

Revolution yainge yakaparara nekutika vaive vasingadi hondo vese ava. Masettlers vaingoregerwa varimo hanzi aah the Rhodesians are citizens. Muone zvinoita discipline, zvinoitawo gwara futi kuti musangano wedu uya ukaita gwara irori nekuti izvi zvakaitwa neOAU. Vanenge vasitsanozivurura magariro edu dai takatevedzera izvozvo nekuti havasairivo vane constitution dzeduka, havasirivo vaive neruzivo rwakakwana, asi isu taiziva kwataida kuenda. Kuti direction yedu ndeipi. Zvatingaite kuti tive vanhu vakasununguka ndezvipi? We had to adopt the policy we adopted of defying the OAU and getting united as Zanu and Zapu because the enemy, the Rhodesians, were the problem that we were fighting. They were the enemies here, yaMuzorewa they were friends.

So ava vananaNyerere nanaKaunda vese, nanaSamora vakazoona kuti aah vanhu vari kuita nharo ava. Takangoramba tichiita nharo chete kuti aiwa we are Zanu and Zapu. We are the fighters, the actual revolutionaries in the country. K uti aah isu hatisirivo maRhodesians, as they called us, Rhodesian politicians. They know better, in fact they are the ones with forces outside regerai titerere zvavari kutaura.

That’s where we saved our revolution. Tainge nanhasi tichatsatsarika Parliament yaiva yemaRhodesians ega ega with a few Africans but then we wanted majority rule. We wanted sovereign power to be in our hands, the hands of the Africans. We wanted certain grievances to be remedied. Land to the people first, the equality amongst us and even the issue of our women being equal. Equality of women to men. Zvese aingove magrievances and discrimination kuma jobs, equal pay for equal work. But varume vakange vasingapihwewo equal pay, aiwa.

As for women even less than what the men were getting but isu taive, aive ma grievances, these were the grievances and I am repeating this just to show you kuti discipline inorevei. Without discipline you can’t have a sense of sacrifice, kuzvipira. Kuzvipira kuti pane zvakanaka, the objectives that are truly revolutionary, truly in the interest of the people, I shall not be the one to sacrifice them. They cannot be sacrificed.

I will stand by those principles ndo imwe discipline yaunosungirwa kuita. The principles to serve, you are there to serve the people and are you truly given as one? We committed to serving the people or are you selfish at heart to serve the people ,yes, make the people in turn serve me so I can become this, so I can be made a rich person. No!

You serve the people so the people can prosper, so the people can be in better positions, be free in their own country, be owners of their own countries, be able to do businesses on their own without let or hindrance. Their children, educated and not discriminated against kuti havaendi kune zvimwe zvikoro zvinonzi A, A, A schools is it?

Zvevarungu zvainzi ndezvevarungu chete, and only one or two, you know opened themselves, only one or two schools, in a small way, vanaSt George’s, kuti vashoma ngatiwaneiwo vatema vashoma muzvikoro zvedu not many, not many to overwhelm the few whites, no hatidi kuti vaite overwhelm varungu zvinoramba zviri zvevarungu. In essence and only a few Africans can go to those schools.

The A1 school zvese takazviita abolish izvi. The schools must be open to everyone and, of course, because Africans are in the majority, they should be the majority in those schools. That’s what they are now. Education kwete chete yevarungu kuti ndivo chete vanosungirwa kuti vana vavo vese vaende kuzvikoro. No, all our children must have the opportunity to go to school and be educated. Zvabva kupi?

Chionai kwatakabva uko, kure kure. Now this is history yatanga tichitaura iyi. Tauya kumusha kuno zvino tahwina why should we drop those principles of sacrifice? Why should we now want to be selfish? Why should we now want to impose ourselves as leaders over others?


Why abandon, why abandon the principle that if I am appointed to a position I should be satisfied with that position? Kwete kun’un’uzhika. Why should I be jealous kuti ah ah Amai Mathuthu vazopihwa iya, I should have been given the post. No! She is the one considered now as fit for the job congratulate her and say we wish you well and not to try undermine her.

Ndiri kungo kupai example. If we had that kind of attitude then our party would be a formidable one, a party of principles, a party of unity, a party with direction and a party which should be admired by many. So let us have that kind of party. Kwete kungogara tichinyeyana, day in, day out. Tichinyeyana haa kukanda mumapepa, zvese zvimwe zvinonyorwa mumaopposition papers zvinobva kwatiri. Ngatizvirege.

Ko, I was sent, I obeyed. I was chosen tiri kunze, I din’t want to be pakabva VaSithole, I didn’t want to be made President, ndaiti, aah let us wait until we get home. Asi party yazoita meeting kuChimoio vakati ah tingagoite sei kuno kunze ndisu tatova party tisina musoro so please accept, so ndakaita accept zvangu kuti yes asi tava kunze tozopota tichiita congress zvakanaka but for now I agree and that’s how we moved to here.

Ko I agreed to be President, I agreed to be your candidate also pamaelections atakaita 1980 muna March was it? Atakahwina aye and I became Prime Minister I still felt kuti ah we should be together naVaNkomo. Let’s have our Cde Nkomo as President, Head of State in ndova Prime Minister but VaNkomo vakaramba. Ndakatuma Enos Nkala katatu eh ava vachiti ah kwete.

Perhaps our views were different there but I never feel that being at the top means I am must act alone. I am a child of the party, actually, I should act with others and anyway my belief in leadership is that the leader is not a leader of himself. You are a leader of yourself when you want to do what you like. You are a leader of the people, which I believe in, when you are looking at the interests of the people and you say the policies dzedu dziri people-oriented.

I am given birth to by the people ndovakaita kuti ndive pano saka ndovandinosungirwa kuterera zvido zvavo ndinzwe kuti ndezvipi zvichemo zvavo, apa nepapa. The people are the ones who have chosen me, ko manoeuvres aya anozoitwa nerweseri and organisations twese twumwe even of young people vatakange tinavo kuhondo kuti vaswere kunditsoropodza mumapepa. It’s not Vanana- Mutsvangwa per se.

Mutsvgangwa takamutambira paChimoio achibva paUniversity pano apa nevamwe vakomana vari four. Tikavati welcome ndonhasi vakuti ah President ngavabve, zvinorwadza but they are not alone, they are being sent by those at the top.

The military, vese, they have no right, you know, to be interfering with the political processes. Theirs is to support, they can give their own views within the Constitution and according to, also the principle that politics shall always lead the gun. And not the gun politics. Iyo inenge yava coup iyo. The gun should not lead politics but politics the gun, that’s the principle.

Zvino chiona zvimwe zviri kuitika zvichibva ikoko kuvakuru vari ikoko kuti ah President ngaachibva. Ngaachibva, kuchipinda ani? Ndiani akatarirwa kuti ndiye anosungirwa kupinda? Isu hatina kumbotarirwa kuti ndiwe uchazopinda. Haisi nhaka, senhaka yepfuma. Achazopinda ndiyeye anenge asarudzwa nevanhu. Kwete anenge azvisarudza kuti ini ndinoda kupindawo.

Macandidates, yes, when the time comes vanokwanisa kuti aah neniwo ndoda kumbovawo candidate. Kwete kufana wati ah ndini next, no! It does matter who you are, it’s not within the principles of the party. It’s disgraceful for anyone to say I am the one now, the President must go! You are the one by what virtue and principle? Kungozvirova dundundu kuti yes I am the one now? Aiwa hatidi, hatidi, hatidi!

Takafundisa mwana akatanga kuedza kutaura akabata ichi toti hatidi, hatidi. Akabata chatinenge tichiona kuti ichi chiri dangerous toti hatidi, hatidi so kaakugona kuti hatidi hatidi! No! No! No! But also when the people want a certain so and so to take a position apa nepapapa let’s accept the choice that has been made by the people. Ndozvasarudzwa nevanhu izvi kumaprovinces kuti uyu ave chairman, vave secretary, let’s accept that.

But kana vouya zvino ikoko nezvimeeting zvinenge zvaitwa nevamwe nerweseri zvonzi ah let’s have a vote of no confidence. Vote of no confidence yakaitwa pana chairman ngana, ah wavamutorododo, echoes everywhere, vote of no confidence, vote of no confidence ah kwete zvinonyadzisa. Let the province truly say ah chairman wedu taona nezviito zvake zvakadai zvakadai zvichionekwawo, hazvina kuvamba nhasi, zvagara zviripo taona kuti ah kwete. Saka party yedu yakatsanogara ichitevera murawo, yakagara pasi ikamuudzawo kuti ah apa wanga uchikanganisa saka vakapasa vote of no confidence. Saka tiri kukupirai imi vekuPolitiburo kuti ehe asi ndezvechokwadzi zvivi zvake ndezvizvi nezvizvi.

Kwete iyi yekungoti ha, hatidi hatidi apa wakazotaura zvakati hatidi. And then the province cannot pass a vote of no confidence kumunhu akasarudzwa nesu ehe, ari muPolitburo, vakuru vePolitburo vakasarudzwa ka ava and vane zvigaro zvakati. Vanokanganisawo, huyai nezvavakanganisa kwatiri. Zvivi zvavo tinozvitora and isu ku Politburo ndisu togara pasi, tine disciplinary committee kuti ah kwaita zvichemo zvakati zvakati iwe unoti chii? Disciplinary committee yedu yoongorora. Kwete kuti province yogara pasi yoti ah tiri kuita pass a vote of no confidence in VaUndenge aiwa, ah VaUndenge ndivo chairman?

Yeah they can do that but on say VaMushohwe or any member of the Politburo kuti ah tiri kuita pass eh a vote of no confidence, no you cannot do that. Ah hazvisirizvo zvinosungirwa kuitwa. It is a wrong procedure kwete kuti we should accept zvitadzo zvinobva kumusoro aiwa. Zvichemo huyai nazvo kumusoro kwedu. Right ndanzwa zvimwe zvi tinotenda, we want to congratulate you on the projects and programmes dzamuri kuita amongst the people eh dzekuvapa huku nezvimwe zvakadaro kuti vagoita maprojects avo kana kuti vagowana some money, some earnings. Continue along those lines.

Tinotenda tinozvitenda vana vasungirwa kuenda kuzvikoro, vana vanosungirwa kudzidziswa good morals, kuzvibata, rukudzo, kusadhakwa, you have that role, that hard work, it’s a lot work for you anamai.

Asi munoda, hongu takakuisai ndare. Takanga tabvumirana kuti one out of three positions dzinenge dzaiitwa hold neparty kana neGovernment should be that of women. Zvakangozosvika panguva yanaMai Mujuru zvakatikanganisa and ndopatakati ah zvino toisa ani apa patakaisa murume I think it was Va- Mnangwagwa, yah, we can correct that. We can correct that either directly kuconstitution yedu kuCongress or another way ingava kuti zvatagara taita accept that change why shouldn’t we look at our constitution, a constitution is made to serve the people not the people to serve the constitution.

Tione kuti hapana here other ways of doing it but I would want you to consider kuti perhaps we could leave that position as it is then if you insist we will change it but ndakungoita ndangariro yekuti other countries have more than two. One country has three deputies and correct this position that way. Chimbofunga naizvozvo, two choices: One to revert to our position of two vice presidents and one being a lady but another of having a position of vice president we have three vice presidents and one a woman. Think of those. Mere suggestions toenda kuCongress as you like but think it out and we discuss it kuCongress but, secondly, we have offended against you and I must apologise for that.

Anyway, you have been doing good work we should thank you for the good work you have been doing lots of good work. We can’t do without you. Our party cannot be a party, can’t succeed without the two wings – the Women’s League, the mother and the Youth League, the child. Look at what our youths have done; encourage them to continue that way, being united. And, of course, as the First Lady has said, don’t interfere with the good work the youths are doing. VanaChipanga vari kuvingwa vachinzi ah endai kudivi rakati kuti vajoine one or faction or so.

Iye Chipanga tiri kumuti you have done good work so far, excellent work. Keep it that way, don’t listen to those who might want to influence you to go off the rails and once you go off the rails we will not support you but for now you should congratulate them. Muridze mipururu yekuti vana varikugona. The youths rallies they are organising daily these rallies are already part of our campaign for the elections and when we come close to elections we will have very little to do, nekuti basa munenge matoita kare.

Look at the numbers they are organising now, they are the numbers which are frightening the MDC, and vari kutotaura vari imomo kuti ah tinonoruza. Vamwe vacho vakaruza kare. So it’s work to get our people together, it’s not work to defeat the MDC aiwa, kuronga vanhu vedu.

Look at other programmes the one in agriculture now, we have said now let’s do it in this kind of Command way but it’s not real command ,it’s a system itself that will command us. Huyai together, join kana muri padhuze nemvura, we will give you inputs, seeds, fertilisers, equipment and power we work together to produce. It’s really co-operative system, cooperation of you our farmers and Government. This one is a winner, let’s keep it.

Then, of course, those outside kunenge kusina mvura will rely on the heavens rain those ndivo vamunosairirawo kudivi raPresident kuti vabatsirwe nePresidential Scheme. Vari kumacommunal areas, vari kumaruzevha nevamwe vangadai varimuA1 ne A2 kunzvimbo dzisina madhamhu. We must now proceed beyond maize, cotton and tobacco to add other crops – horticultural but ndaiti, a few days ago, kunaCde Mnangagwa why can’t we, chichemo changu chandakavamba nacho day one of our independence, farm and produce rice?

We can, instead of spending lots of money on rice from Malawi, rice from Thailand, rice from afar and we have adopted rice as part of our diet. Kare ko hongu, vairima rice (mupunga) apa nepapapa just mushoma, wekudya mazuva, sezvataiita kwedu nanasekuru mazuva makuru paChristmas munguva irikure. Sadza nemupunga aah rakanga risingauye mazuva ose ose, now we have rice almost every day isn’t it? And we don’t produce it. So why can’t we produce it? Ivhu redu rakati here handidi kurimwa rice sezvese zvimwe izvi?

Kana tichikwanisa kurima wheat ana cotton vese vana soya why can’t we produce rice? When we started our independence maChina akati tell us the number of things you would want us to do as you enter into your, now this new situation yeindependence, and ndakavaudza zvakati kuti neWoman’s League ndakati vatibatsirei ikoko nemachine yavaida and rice production, taiida, silk also mazuva acho, producing silk hatina kumboita effort yekuti vatibatsire zvakakwana. Ofcourse ravo rice vanoita neflooding water, madhamu emvura yakawanda saka vanenge vaine good rain seasons dzatisina but all the same tinokwanisa kurima iroro rekuita irrigate. At least if we were producing at least half of the rice that is now on our tables taisaver mari yakawanda zvikurukuru and zvaitipawo zvakare some capacity and knowledge on how to produce not just one variety of rice but many varieties of it.

Ndoda kupedzisira ooh the First Lady (laughs) moto, moto. Zvimwe zvichemo ndanga ndichizviziva asi aah ndanga ndisingazivewo zvana complain against vanhu ommiting maslogans kana zvekuti vati ah kuna President don’t trouble idzo ndanga ndisingadzizive so eh eh eh. Well, well, we shall I am sure look at them and see and I assure you if you are offended, and Women’s League is offended we shall stop it! Mphoko handiti, you agree that we stop it?

Aiwa ndinoda kukutendai zvikurukuru nekutidana kwamaita, we are at the top of the organisation and rest assured we think of you. We think of you as individuals in society, who are mothers of children. We think of you in society as participants in the tasks dzefamily, you lead in some cases, the family as you toil hard for the children, children to go to school, children to have food, the family to have food. We think of you as, finally, our partners, our cultural partners, I would want to believe it’s all cultures that allow that. We must have women as wives, we must have women as mothers of our children and without you there will be no husbands, there will be no children and I often wonder and you now put it in my mind kuti ah if I was a woman to carry a baby nine months dumbu rakazara nemwana ah I would not have been able to do it. I am glad someone is able to do it for me and for you Cde Mphoko huh would you have managed to carry a baby, I dont think so? Ah ini dai ndadirini ndaiti aah handizvigone anyway but our mothers vakati vanozvigona zvisingagonekwe nemi, and ndozvamunogona zvisingagonekwe nevarume izvozvo. So let us be together, so let us be partners in the party nezvezvichemo zvese 50/50 I am sure you will be assisted by Amai to put all you think even if you have said it before put it on paper so we can continue to have it and discuss it.

Thank you for having come, vamwe vachange vachaenda kunzendo ndefu, just take care. I want you to take care of vanobva kure mabuses amunotora, dzive buses dzine reputation (inaudible) Zvine njodzi ende obviously migwagwa yedu tinosungirwawo kuigadzirisa and we are having that programme of widening our roads dualising them and improving them so that they may not be the cause some of and these are many of the accidents.

Pamberi neZanu-PF, Pamberi nekubatana, Pamberi neWomen’s League, neWomen’s League, neWomen’s League!

Pansi leMDC, Ngiyabonga!