The Herald

Will Trump stick to his word on foreign policy?

Donald Trump

Stephen Lendman Correspondent
Will Trump follow through responsibly on what he told supporters in Fayetteville, NC, saying:

“We seek harmony and good will among the nations of the world, and we believe that respect for mutual sovereignty helps form the basis of trust and understanding.”

“But we don’t want people taking advantage of us anymore . . . We don’t want that . . . We want to be the smart people. We don’t want to be what we’ve been over the last long period of time.”

“We build up our military not as an act of aggression, but as an act of prevention. We pursue and build up arms not in order to seek conflict, but in order to avoid conflict. We want to be strong. In short, we seek peace through strength.”

His remarks sent mixed messages.

On the one hand, suggesting an anti-interventionist agenda.

On the other, wanting greater US military strength at a time when America’s only enemies are ones it invents to keep waging endless wars of aggression.

Saying “(w)e will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn’t be involved with” sends a positive message, adding: “Instead, our focus must be on defeating terrorism and destroying ISIS, and we will.”

He may want more than he’s able to deliver, prioritising guns and butter, saying he’ll spend greater amounts on America’s military while fixing its neglected infrastructure.

“We don’t want to have a depleted military because we’re all over the place fighting in areas that we shouldn’t be fighting in,” he said.

“It’s not going to be depleted any longer,” while adding US policy of “intervention and chaos” must end.

How he didn’t explain. America’s empire of bases operates globally in scores of countries, its military footprint and imperial agenda the greatest threat to world peace, stability and security.

To what extent, if any, Trump intends diverging from longstanding policy is unclear.

He’s under enormous pressure to continue dirty business as usual.

Is he strong-willed enough to go his own way?

Will he end regime change practices, as pledged, or continue them?

Fighting terrorism first of all requires cutting off all support — by America and its allies.

Without it, ISIS and other groups can’t exist.

Their guns, tanks, artillery, missiles and other weapons don’t materialise out of thin air.

They’re supplied by Washington, NATO, Israel and other rogue Middle East states – along with training and direction on their use.

Most often, political promises are breached once candidates take office.

Obama broke every major one he made, his tenure reflecting deplorable rogue governance.

Will things be different under Trump? Judge him on his actions once inaugurated, not by his rhetorical pledges. — Global Research.