The Herald

Walking in Spirit: Spring-clean your life

Romans 12 vs 2; “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

I called one of my cousins the other day to check on her. When I asked what she was doing and how she was spending her day, she said she was spring cleaning. She said that over time she had accumulated a lot of clutter and she was trying to sift through it.

This clutter included unnecessary paperwork, clothes and toys that the kids had outgrown and old antiques and ornaments that were all over the house, but were of no use anymore. I just need order in my life so I am slowly sorting out my stuff, she said.

It got me thinking that we all go through intense moments like that where we look around at our surroundings and realise that we need order. It’s a bit like spring-cleaning, where you tidy up, reorganise, clean and dust things so that the home can come alive again.

It’s funny, but our lives are a bit like that, we need to constantly restore some order in all that we do. It starts with the small things that we are getting wrong like time keeping, to sifting through friends and relatives and deciding which of them need to go. For many, this would also involve starting afresh in different spheres of their lives, picking up new habits and letting go of old ones.

The Lord created us in a way that, at some stage we come to a crossroads where we want to change our being and take on a new character. We are able to reflect and conclude that we need to take a new path if the one we are on is not taking us anywhere.

I am a firm believer in giving life your best shot, whatever the odds. There is nothing more painful than to see wasted talent, people with amazing capabilities clinging onto things that let them down like bad habits and wrong ideologies.

Are you at that point where you feel you need to decongest your life, get rid of the clutter and lighten your load? Ask the Lord to give you the strength to make the tough decisions and stick to them.

In order to achieve that you must be willing to make the sacrifices that come with life and be bold enough to make the uncomfortable decisions that will make your life better.

Be blessed.

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