The Herald

Walking in Spirit: Breaking down walls

2 Corinthians 1:10; “He delivered us from such a deadly peril and He will deliver us. On Him we have set our hope that He will deliver us again.”

During a conversation with someone, they said something very profound to me, they said “sometimes you have to bring something down to bring it up again.” The statement is so true.

We often get caught up in things that we are not sure how to entangle ourselves out of. We work very hard and the subsequent result of our work are the things we accomplish and gain, which include, but are not limited to material possessions and the titles we end up with. It could also be the friendships and the institutions we are adjoined to.

Not long ago a friend was experiencing a major downturn in his business and fortunes, the whole experience of failure was new to him and he was not taking it very well. He just could not believe his life was crumbling and that everything he had worked so hard for was systematically falling apart.

I met with him and we had a very long discussion about the situation at hand, we looked at the possibilities and the reality of his situation. I suggested that he might need to offload some of his assets and reduce on the liabilities he was piling on every month. We had the same discussion repeatedly over the next few months until he got to a point where he agreed that he needed to offload and probably start again.

The possibility of losing things that we have worked very hard to acquire is very difficult to fathom, the thought that all our effort is going to waste is a very difficult pill to swallow. We respond differently when confronted with a reality we do not like, the quickest form of action is to bury our heads in the sand and be in denial about our reality.

The Bible tells of the story of Job who literally lost everything. In pain he cried out; “I came to this earth with nothing I will leave it with nothing.” We are all so caught up in the business of acquisition that we sometimes forget that our stay on Earth is very short lived and that some of the burdens we carry, are really not necessary.

So when you are confronted with an impossible set of circumstances where holding on can only drain you more and take from you, consider the option of letting go, breaking down the walls and starting to bring them up again.

Be blessed.

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