The Herald

Walking in Spirit: Abiding in God’s presence

Proverbs 8 vs 17

“I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me.”

What is it that ushers you into the presence of God? We all need God but not all of us seek Him. It takes extraordinary circumstances to remind us that we should never wander away from His presence.

Many people only seek the Lord when all else has failed, when life comes crashing down in a spectacular fashion.

Everyday we should seek to commune with the Lord, He should take us to a happy place where all else does not matter.

When we interact with the Lord, regardless of whatever state we may be in, we develop the habit of fortifying what really matters in our lives; which is worship.

The father is calling “peace be still” to each one of us and He is offering us the opportunity to find peace in His presence.

If we respond to His call we can sit with Him at His feet, bask and soak in the glory of His warmth and wisdom as it covers our lives.

Make it a habit to spend time with the Lord daily. It starts with a conscious decision to implement it, and from that will manifest a lifetime of immeasurable benefit of both emotional and spiritual growth.

Spend time with God today.

Be blessed!


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