Victory to Mugabe, Zanu-PF! President Mugabe
President Mugabe

President Mugabe

Akili Secka
In 1963, the government of Ghana, led by President Kwame Nkrumah, moved a motion to the United Nations Security Council. The motion stated that Britain should not hand over the British military, with massive amounts of British weapons, and a well-equipped British air force to the illegal European settlers in Zimbabwe.
The illegal white settlers made up less than 5 percent of the population of Zimbabwe, called Southern Rhodesia at the time. This group of settlers, governed by the Rhodesian Front Party, which was the Dominion Party, avowed to establish a “white dominion,” consisting of Zimbabwe, parts of Zambia (copper belt) and Katanga (the richest province in Congo), on the apartheid model of South Africa, and to link with Portuguese Colonialism and apartheid South Africa.

Britain was accustomed to stealing the resources in these locations and therefore vetoed the resolution to stop the arms handover, and armed the illegal settlers in Zimbabwe, giving them airplanes that were a threat to newly independent African states in the region.

This was because Britain saw the illegal white Dominion Party, under Ian Smith, as the most feasible organ for continued theft of Africa’s resources in that location. We can clearly see the economic motive behind Britain’s decision on who to arm.

President Nkrumah urged the Independent states of Africa “to take the initiative of their own defence and that of the people of Zimbabwe.” On November 19 1965, he “Requested the Secretary General of the OAU to convene a meeting of defence Ministers and military chiefs of staff to plan ahead realistically to meet the danger which at the moment threatens Africa” and “Wrote to African heads of state proposing the signing of a Treaty of Mutual Defence and Security.”

President Nkrumah also trained soldiers from Zimbabwe, in Ghana, to go back to Zimbabwe and fight against the racist illegal settler colonial state of Southern Rhodesia, with arms. This training was given by the Ghana Armed Forces, not only to combatants in Zimbabwe, but throughout Africa, that were fighting against Colonialism and foreign domination.

Africans in Southern Africa organised themselves into fighting forces and made the ultimate sacrifice, their blood, to defeat the European settlers and forcibly take over political power throughout Southern Africa. In Zimbabwe, after a 14 year bloody war, the Ian Smith led RF government was defeated, in 1980. In Angola the MPLA (Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola), with Cuba and SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization), defeated the Portuguese military, the Apartheid South African military, and their surrogates, UNITA and FNLA, and freed Angola and Namibia.

Emergence of neo-colonialism
European Colonialism, entrenched into Africa from the time of the Berlin Conference of 1884, was finally defeated with the coming into political power of the African National Congress in South Africa in 1991, influenced by the armed struggle of the ANC’s Umkhonto We Sizwe and the PAC’s Azanian People’s Liberation Army.

European Imperialism had to reshape itself to maintain its economic interest in Africa; this was to be led by the USA. In 1960, democratically elected Prime Minister of the Congo, Patrice Lumumba’s government was overthrown and he was assassinated.

According to CIA station Chief for the Congo, Larry Devlin, Mobutu was promised, by the CIA, US support to launch an overthrow of Lumumba’s government. Also according to Larry Devlin, US President Eisenhower sent him instructions to assassinate PM Lumumba.

He cited US access to the Congo’s cobalt (the raw material for producing jet engines) as one of the important factors in arming Mobutu, and overthrowing and assassinating Lumumba. Another CIA backed overthrow was launched in Ghana on February 24 1966, by traitors and paid agents within president Nkrumah’s military and police force.

This was in retaliation for Nkrumah’s moves to secure control of the resources of Ghana for its people, and his work to free and unify the rest of Africa from Imperialism. Along with the publication of his famous book, Neo-Colonialism, the Last Stage of Imperialism, which exposed US neo-colonialism as the number one enemy of Africa and called for its destruction.

In fact, US military aggression, facilitated through the CIA, used financing and distribution of arms to traitors in Africa as the principle means of securing control over Africa’s resources. Between 1963 and 1971 seventeen African states have known successful coup d’ etat . . .” And, Africa has had more than 60 successful coups since independence (1952 Egypt’s Monarch was overthrown)) . . . Over 30 out of Africa’s 51 independent countries have experienced at least one coup and 14 have had more than one,” Reports Nigeria Tribune, Thursday, May 24, 1984

This is how US Colonialism has come to dominate Africa, or rather America’s (new) Colonialism; Neo-Colonialism. According to Kwame Nkrumah, “foremost among the Neo-Colonialists is the United States which has long exercised its power in Latin America.” In 1961, at the 3rd All African People’s Conference held in Cairo, Egypt, African Heads of States, liberation movements, revolutionary pan African political parties, and African Trade Unions condemned “the US, Federal Germany, Israel, Britain, Belgium, Holland, and France (as) the main perpetuators of neo-colonialsm.”

Neo-Colonialism is an alliance between European and US Imperialism and the indigenous “anti-people’s class;” the most corrupt, immoral, unprincipled, greedy and selfish class of Africans.

This is the class that facilitated the man hunting, murdering, buying and selling of their own kind in exchange for European manufactured goods, under the organisation and economic control of the European capitalist class (Slavery). This is the same class that facilitated the massive robbery and exploitation of Africa’s wealth and labour under the direct foreign political and military occupation of Africa by colonial Governors and soldiers, through the policy of “indirect rule” (Colonialism). Today they allow EU/US companies to control and steal the most valuable resources in Africa, while they facilitate foreign domination and exploitation over the citizens (Neo-Colonialism).

Nkrumah states, “the danger to world peace springs not from the action of those who seek to end neo-colonialism but from the inaction of those who allow in to continue.”

The struggle for Zimbabwe
Today we see Zimbabwe being attacked by US and British media terrorism. Their attack is under the guise of bringing “democracy” to Zimbabwe, led by US imperialist fronts like, the National Endowment for Democracy. In reality what they mean by democracy is “bourgeois democracy.”

According to Nkrumah, under bourgeois democracy, “freedom is confined to the political sphere, and has no relevance to economic matters.”
Many Africans have been deceived by the imperialist doctrine of bourgeois democracy, as a result of constant imperialist propaganda.
Lenin said that dialectics show “…under what conditions [opposites] are identical, transforming themselves into one another…”

This can be applied to Zimbabwe’s elections to determine what conditions take free and fair into the category of un-free and un-fair. The imperialist assault on Zimbabwe’s economy, using US/EU sanctions, has created mass poverty and hunger within Zimbabwe.

The imperialists have invested massive amounts of capital to develop a surrogate force within Zimbabwe, the MDC. Imperialism and its surrogate, the MDC, have harmonised their propaganda to blame Zanu-PF for the hunger and poverty created by the MDC/US/EU sanctions; all financed by the US/EU capitalist class. They have also conveyed to the people that voting for MDC, the surrogate of the US/EU, is the key to stopping the economic assault, and the resultant hunger and poverty.

Imperialism controls the productive forces in Zimbabwe (mines, banks, industries) and Zanu-PF is making a move to control those very forces with the indigenisation and empowerment policies.

Under these circumstances, imperialist aggression and infiltration, economic sanctions, media terrorism, and antagonism over the productive forces, Zimbabwe elections cannot be considered free and fair. In reality Zimbabwe represents the front line in Africa’s just war against US led neo-colonialism.

US imperialism is playing a vicious game on Africa.
They use military aggression and CIA overthrows to gain control of Africa’s resources. They put a vassal class in power over Africa’s people to facilitate the expropriation of Africa’s resources and the exploitation of Africa’s labour.

They confine African political activity to voting on who will facilitate our exploitation for American Imperialism.
They attack revolutionary and progressive forces, using bourgeois democracy and terrorism propaganda, to establish moral authority.
They disguise American imperialist puppets as independent leaders.

Zimbabwe is endowed with Uranium, Platinum, Chrome, Gold, Diamonds, Methane Gas, Coal, asbestos, copper, nickel, iron ore, tobacco, and cotton. US imperialism sees Tsvangirai’s MDC as the weapon to stop the people of Zimbabwe’s advance on these valuable resources.

Morgan Tsvangirai and the MDC are tools for imperialist robbery in Zimbabwe and this is why the US and UK are hell bent on the destruction of President Mugabe and the Zanu-PF government in Zimbabwe. They will not succeed in their nefarious plans.

Zanu-PF strikes imperialism
President Mugabe has seized the land from under a European Settler Colonial State for the first time in history. This is unprecedented and one of the greatest accomplishments in modern history. It also exposes the hypocrisy of settler colonial occupations in Namibia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, North America, and Israel, posturing as champions of democracy. Native Americans in the US and Aborigines in Australia clearly have no vote on how they see fit to control their own land and resources, which is real democracy.

President Mugabe has also instituted indigenisation and economic empowerment policies in Zimbabwe. Policies which are putting the Zimbabwe people in economic control of Zimbabwe’s means of producing wealth and economy by requiring by law that indigenous Zimbabweans own at least 51 percent of the key resources, banks, and industries in Zimbabwe.

How would the imperialist react if this was done in neo-colonial Ghana today?
In other words, he is standing up to US Neo-Colonialism and saying NO to the status quo. This is a great example for all of Africa and the world.

Akili Secka is Organiser, Pan African Improvement Organisation of Ghana. This is a reproduction of a prior article.

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