The Herald

Treatment of bad debts for Income Tax purposes

There are traders who sell goods and provide services on credit. At times customers of the businesses that sell on credit fail to pay the debt and this triggers the trader to claim a deduction against their income for Income Tax purposes. The debt that is allowable as a deduction is that debt which the trader proves to be irrecoverable.

There are instances where traders claim a bad debt which does not qualify as a bad debt as required under Section 15 (2) (g) of the Income Tax Act [Chapter 23:06]. It is important that traders understand the conditions to be considered in deciding whether or not it is indeed a bad debt.

Conditions to be met before a debt is declared a bad debt for Income Tax purposes:

The debt must be proved to the satisfaction of the Commissioner General of Zimra to be irrecoverable:

The taxpayer is responsible for proving that a debt is bad. The following information, although not conclusive and exhaustive, may be submitted to support a bad debt claim as deduction:

Clients should take note of the following:


This article was compiled by the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority for information purposes only. Zimra shall not accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from use of material in this article and no liability will attach to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority.

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