The Herald

The dangers of living in denial

In 2005 Artwell’s marriage broke down and the two went their separate ways. Artwell said the cause of the marriage breakdown was that the two did not live together due to work commitments.
The wife, who was reserved, did not explain the cause of the break-up but just packed her bags and left for Victoria Falls where she grew up.
She later left their daughter in the custody of her mother as she sought greener pastures in the UK.
In 2010, Artwell suffered from  pulmonary tuberculosis and for three months did not respond to medication. The family was worried as his health kept deteriorating.
He asked to be moved from Mutoko Hospital where he was receiving treatment to Harare. On getting to Harare, the doctor requested that he undergo an HIV test since he now had a variety of other infectious diseases.
He had pneumonia which was recurrent, herpes simplex and thrush in the alimentary canal that made swallowing difficult.
The doctor pointed out that there could be an underlying cause since he was now susceptible to opportunistic infections. With failing health, Artwell requested that he see his daughter.
The young girl, who had not seen her father in over five years, was overwhelmed and wept as she saw a bedridden “father”.
Artwell had not kept in touch with the young girl since his separation from his wife. The old lady said she was not shocked to find her former son-in-law in such a state. She revealed the real cause of her daughter’s marriage breaking down.
She told those who were present that her daughter wanted to have a second child and before she conceived she had taken an HIV test which had come out positive.
She had requested the husband to come along too and take the same test but Artwell had flatly refused.
In the old lady’s words, he is reported to have said: “If you have tested HIV positive then you must explain the source of the infection.”
This did not go down well with the wife as she was faithful and felt betrayed. Instead of apologising to his wife Artwell  accused her of being unfaithful.
He opened up to his dark past as he lay sick in the presence of his former mother-in-law.
“Mom, I would like to say sorry first to my wife, my child and the rest of the family. I knew that I was HIV positive two years before my wife found out.
“That was after I wanted to take out life insurance. It was a requirement so I had known of my status for some years.
“Blaming my wife was my downfall, I should have done the honourable thing and admitted that I was wrong,” said Artwell.
“Since I separated from my wife I have changed hospitals as if I am on a shoe shopping spree. If I was asked to take an HIV test at any hospital I would just change and move over to the next.
“I already knew my status but kept telling myself that I was negative. I wished HIV away,” he said.
Artwell said he went on to cohabit with two women since his marriage break-up.
“In Mutoko, since I ran a successful bottle store, I ended up living with the barmaid. I only dismissed her when she said that she wanted to have a baby.
“I knew that having a baby was a no no for me, and when I was transferred to Magunje I again settled with another woman,” he said.
Despite knowing his HIV status, Artwell said he did not use protection. No wonder he was now getting a host of opportunistic infections!
People living with HIV/Aids can face serious health threats from what are known as “opportunistic” infections (OIs).
These infections are called “opportunistic” because they take advantage of the weakened immune system, and they can cause devastating illnesses.
OIs are signs of a declining immune system. Most life-threatening OIs occur when the CD4 count is below 200.
Why was Artwell living in denial if he knew his status for such a long time?
Not only did he live in denial, he went on to have unprotected sex thereby fuelling the spread of HIV. He too put himself at risk as he kept getting cross infections.
Artwell was counselled and initiated on anti-retrovirals but his health got a knock for the worst.
ARVs are a combination of three different drugs and cannot fight the virus well if one develops some drug resistance.
Also starting highly active ART when one is bedridden will at times not work. The body is already wasted away and the strong drug regimens will only make one “worse”.
It is therefore advisable that one’s health is monitored from the time one tests HIV positive and initiated on ART when the CD4 count is at 350.
Above that threshold one is able to stand opportunistic infections.
Artwell left the virus to replicate and this cost him his life.