The Herald

The body’s state of equilibrium

Continued dehydration puts one at the risk of developing kidney stones, headaches, fatigue, and lack of mental alertness

Innocent Choga Fitness Column
This week I thought we should discuss an important question that was asked by a certain body builder, but the issue relates to all fitness enthusiasts and athletes.

Since discussions on Principles of Priority Training were technical, I never thought many people would read the articles but I was surprised by the feedback from a lot of weight trainers and physical education colleagues I met. This proves that weight trainers are hungry for platforms to discuss issues pertaining to their fitness activity and not just the usual coverage of contest results .The same also applies to physical educationists and their profession.

QUESTION: During my preparations for the National Bodybuilding Championships I looked massive and defined. I then took a break for two days before the tournament and during this period I stopped drinking water in an effort to flush out extracellular water and bring out maximum muscularity, but instead I lost size, gained water and appeared small and smooth and I felt weak. What could have been the cause for this decline in condition?

ANSWER: The quest for immediate weight loss is common in sports where competitors are classified into weight categories like bodybuilding and boxing. Some athletes strive to lose weight to compete in what they think are less tough lighter divisions. Ordinary individuals also strive to lose weight to get employment in jobs that have height and weight limitation considerations. Others will do that to look good for special occasions like a weddings, etc.

The body functions efficiently and effectively when it is in a stable state and operating in a stable environment. Each body system, every organ, cell and molecule functions in a way that maintains this balance which known as homeostasis.

This natural state of equilibrium is maintained when the body has enough, appropriate levels of gases, nutrients, irons and water. The body must maintain the appropriate temperature and the optimum health of the cells. Any imbalances of the above will disturb the body’s natural state of equilibrium and put a strain on the body system.

When we exercise or diet strictly we disturb our bodies’ natural state of equilibrium. Therefore, it is imperative that exercisers and athletes should be aware that the high intensity workouts, serious diet programmes and dehydration unsettle the body’s state of equilibrium. When these activities are prolonged they can seriously strain the body system and can result in injuries, diseases and even death.

Exercise disrupts the body’s state of balance through increased energy demands placed on the metabolic system due to excessive energy expenditure and the subsequent biochemical and physical conditions. These factors will challenge the body’s maintenance of blood acidity of which the ideal level should be 7.35 -7.45 and they will also disturb the maintenance of the core body temperature which ideally should be 37 degrees Celsius.

Continually fluctuating external environment also puts a strain on the body system. Exercising or performing in high altitude areas also strains the system as it results in the decrease in the saturation of arterial oxygen content. The body has to work harder to maintain a state of equilibrium, its ability to adapt enables us to maintain a relatively stable internal environment. Failure by the body to return to normal levels will result in severe health implications.

Dehydration caused by excessive sweating, diuretic abuse and the deliberate limitation of water intake will cause a reduction in blood plasma volume, thereby limiting nutrient supplies to body cells and causing imbalances in the body systems. Thus the state of dehydration causes limitations during performance.

Dehydration negatively influences homeostasis of blood glucose, water and electrolyte conditions in the body. It is therefore imperative that we should recover from workouts and matches through adequate nutrition and enough rest.

Continued dehydration puts one at the risk of developing kidney stones, headaches, fatigue, and lack of mental alertness. It puts stress on the heart on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.

However, the body has its own ways of fighting or adapting to imbalances. The anti-diuretic hormone is responsible for maintaining hydration in the body by fighting dehydration. Occasionally what can happen is that when water levels in the body decreases, the anti-diuretic hormone, will stimulate the kidneys to reabsorb more water to be supplied to vital organs and try to normalise the situation.

This water deficit makes the urine more concentrated and the urine looks yellowish in colour. This means we can test our hydration levels by simply observing the colour of our urine. If the colour of our urine is yellow this spells dehydration.

The reabsorbed water is thrown into the blood system causing this bodybuilding bloat and smooth look. But the water is not enough it is an emergency supply for vital organs, therefore, the starved body cells shrink making one look smaller. Experts say even minor dehydration will upset the body system, reduce nutrients supply and weaken an exerciser or a performing athlete.

Last year at the National Bodybuilding tournament I noticed some extremely dehydrated competitors. This was evident through sunken cheeks, lack of energy and uninspiring performances by some of them, despite the fact that they were in great shape.

Later on after asking some of them, I heard of this system of avoiding water for two or even more days before the tournament. Water plays an important role in the distribution of nutrients around the body. When you stop drinking completely you cut off nutrient supplies to vital organs, including the brain.

How can you explain the fact that one does not hear his name being called by the MC with a microphone standing right close to him? Constantly engaging in such stressful practices may result in permanent damage in the long run.

Dehydration has claimed the lives of many fitness enthusiasts and athletes. It is the major cause of immediate deaths of body builders. It is necessary to drink lots of water to flush out toxins. One would rather sweat or urinate excess water than be in a state of dehydration. To loose excess water you need to drink lots of water, you just have to avoid eating foods that absorb water.

People do not attend functions to sympathise with performers who have put themselves in a negative state of equilibrium (dehydration). As a performer do not make the audience wish the show was over just for your sake so that you can rest.

At times the applause is an acknowledgment that at least the show ended without the athlete passing out. People attend shows to tap energy from energetic and inspiring performers who look and feel healthy, this becomes true entertainment and recreation and not a sympathy show.

A spirited performance depends on the state of balance within the body.


Innocent Choga is a six time National Bodybuilding Champion with international experience. He is studying for a science degree in Physical Education and Sport.