The Herald

Taking responsibility for collective destiny

The principle of human oneness reflects an eternal spiritual, moral and physical reality

Flora Teckie : A Bahá’í Perspective

The basis of a strategy that will engage humanity to take responsibility for its collective destiny must be “the consciousness of the oneness of humankind”. Deceptively simple in popular discourse, the concept that humanity constitutes a single people presents fundamental challenges to the way that most of the institutions of contemporary society carry out their functions, says the Bahá’í International Community, in its statement entitled: “The Prosperity of Humankind”.

For example, glorifying the struggle between classes and other social groups, or the competitive spirit dominating so much of modern life; and accepting conflict as normal in human interaction: these are the by-products of the materialistic approach to life that has taken root in our societies all over the world.

In the Bahá’í view, belief in the oneness of humanity provides both a unifying vision and the foundation for a new system of values. Only when we, as individuals, see ourselves as members of one human family, sharing one common global homeland, will we be able to commit ourselves to the far-reaching changes, on both individual and collective levels, which an increasingly interdependent and rapidly changing world necessitates.

The Universal House of Justice, the governing council of the Bahá’í International Community states: “… the principle of the oneness of humankind, as proclaimed by Bahá’u’lláh, asks not merely for co-operation among people and nations. It calls for a complete reconceptualisation of the relationships that sustain society . . . ”

Unity of diverse elements

To accept the oneness of humanity is to embrace the variations that characterise human society, and to desire for every individual the opportunity to develop and express his or her unique capacities and inherent talents.

Bahá’u’lláh compared the world to the human body, to which we can look as a model. Human society is composed of not only a mass of diverse people, but of associations of individuals, each one of whom is bestowed with intelligence and will.

The main principle operating in the human body is that of unity in diversity. This diversity of form and function is necessary for the life of any complex, well-developed organic entity, such as a human being. No cell lives apart from the body, whether in contributing to functioning of the body or benefiting from the well-being of the whole.

Lotus temple in Delhi

The same way as the perfect functioning of the human body is due to the unity of diverse cells and organs, so the well-being and well functioning of body of mankind is dependent on the unity of its diverse elements – of all races, nationalities, religions and ethnic backgrounds.

The principle of the oneness of humanity does not imply that we should abandon legitimate loyalties, suppress cultural diversity or abolish national autonomy. These are all essential if the evils of excessive centralization are to be avoided.

Oneness of humanity, in the Bahá’í view, implies having a wider loyalty, a higher aspiration. It implies subordination of national and regional impulses and interests to the imperative claims of a unified world.

We need to recognise that: it is because of our diversity that we have a beautiful and colourful human family. The Bahá’í Writings state:“Consider the flowers of a garden: though differing in kind, colour, form and shape, yet, inasmuch as they are refreshed by the waters of one spring, revived by the breath of one wind, invigorated by the rays of one sun, this diversity increaseth their charm, and addeth unto their beauty.

“Thus when that unifying force, the penetrating influence of the Word of God, taketh effect, the difference of customs, manners, habits, ideas, opinions and dispositions embellisheth the world of humanity”.

Science endorses the reality

of human oneness

Reality of human oneness is fully endorsed by science. Anthropology, physiology, psychology, sociology and genetics all confirm that there is only one human species, although infinitely varied in the secondary aspects of life. The principle of human oneness is not just another vague hope or slogan. It reflects rather an eternal spiritual, moral and physical reality.

However, various types of discrimination due to differences in race, nationality, religion, gender or ethnic background still persist in our societies.

As affirmed by the Bahá’í International Community, in one of its statements: “At the root of all forms of discrimination and intolerance is the erroneous idea that humankind is somehow composed of separate and distinct races, peoples or castes, and that those sub-groups innately possess varying intellectual, moral, and/or physical capacities, which in turn justify different forms of treatment.

The reality is that there is only the one human race. We are a single people, inhabiting the planet Earth, one human family bound together in a common destiny, a single entity created from one same substance”.

The principle of human oneness reflects an eternal spiritual, moral and physical reality

Our spiritual nature

According to the Bahá’í Writings, human nature is fundamentally spiritual. Although human beings exist on earth in physical bodies, the essential identity of each person is defined by an invisible, rational, and everlasting soul and “ . . . the rational soul has no gender, race, ethnicity or class, a fact that renders intolerable all forms of prejudice”.

Recognition of oneness of humanity helps in overcoming not only various kinds of prejudices, but to go beyond intermediate concepts of tolerance and acceptance of other races, cultures and religions.

Through spiritual principles one can find solutions for every social problem. Overcoming our prejudices and acceptance of the oneness of humanity require a profound change of heart and a new mind-set. It is the power of the Word of God that can produce such a necessary transformation.

The principle oneness of humanity should be taught at schools, if we are to have a future generation who regard everyone, irrespective of religion, ethnicity, or any other affiliation, as a fellow human being, looking beyond their own interests, and care for the interests of their neighbourhood, society and humanity.

This principle should animate relations among the nations of the planet and be applied within both local and national communities, if they are to prosper and achieve lasting unity. Progress towards implementing this principle will require from all of us immense perseverance, sacrifice and willingness to change.

We are members of

one human family

We all belong to one human family,only varied in the secondary aspects of life. We are all citizens of one planet, created by one Almighty Creator.

As the Bahá’í Writings affirm: “Every human creature is the servant of God. All have been created and reared by the power and favour of God; all have been blessed with the bounties of the same Sun of divine truth; all have quaffed from the fountain of the infinite mercy of God; and all in His estimation and love are equal as servants.

“He is beneficent and kind to all. Therefore, no one should glorify himself over another; no one should manifest pride or superiority toward another; no one should look upon another with scorn and contempt; and no one should deprive or oppress a fellow creature”.

The coming together of the peoples of the world in a harmonious relationship is the most crucial need of today. Advances in human knowledge have brought about a greater interdependence between the nations.

The central task now is to lay the foundations of a global society that can reflect the oneness of humanity.

Creating a universal culture of collaboration and conciliation will require commitment to oneness of mankind and return to spiritual awareness and responsibility.

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