The Herald

So, what is casual dressing then?

Part of the proceedings at Arthur Chikasha’s funeral held in Domboshawa recently

Tafadzwa Zimoyo Senior Lifestyle Writer
Hello October!!!.

I like the statement by Henry Ward Beecher that, “October is the opal month of the year. It is the month of glory, of ripeness. It is the picture-month.”

In Zimbabwe, that is our hottest month and it signifies the blossoms of the Jacaranda trees and you can see how some people, especially women, love the month.

The reason is they call it “‘shama time” as in summer time, the season to almost wear nothing if need be because of the hot weather.

I have also seen some people taking that concept to work, dressing down, especially on Friday.

Do we understand the term ‘casual Friday’? Again how far can we go with dressing down?

Well, for those lagging behind, casual Friday is when the employer offers employees one day’s break from company dress codes, such as suits and ties, allowing them to wear casual attire — such as jeans and sneakers not trainers (take note) — in place of business wear.

It depends on organisations, some companies even define their casual Friday as wearing something with a collar only though a tie is not a must on that day.

Just be guided by your management and do not stress out because everyone has casual clothes, you just need to spice it up to suit your company dress code.

It is also arguable that some workers tend to see casual Fridays in different ways, that is viewing it as a time-saver, meaning they don’t have to iron their shirts and trousers, while others may see it predominantly as an opportunity for personal expression.

According to ‘WorkPlace’, while the concept of casual Fridays sounds simple, in reality, it feels like yet another way for workplace dress codes to confuse us.

Since many people have adopted the casual Friday dress codes, but may not detail exactly what is expected, there are some inappropriate choices that employees should avoid in order to maintain their professionalism while dressing in a relaxed fashion.

Imagine if on a Friday you are assigned by your boss to attend a meeting, to represent the company.

The way someone dresses for work can often give an impression on what type of job they will perform.

Your dressing tells a lot about yourself, so you should consider your role in the company as well.

When dressing for casual Fridays, first you need to use common sense, looking at the mirror, checking if it is appropriate or not.

Sometimes you may find it difficult to judge yourself. Just ask your children and even the maid — is what I am wearing appropriate for work.

If something is scruffy or torn, then it likely is not appropriate for work, no matter how comfortable the piece of clothing might be.

My fashion stylist Charleen from 4May —International always says that never base your style on what others wear.

“One should always dress for the job he wants to have rather than the job he currently has,” she said.

“Do not scare the cats at work with your ratchet dressing.”

Like said before, this week our focus is to identify how the inappropriate casual Friday look so that you then understand and avoid making the mistakes:

T-shirts with offensive slogans or symbols: Avoid wearing T-shirts that may be offensive. Be mindful that you do not know the political or religious opinions, family dynamics, and other personal matters of those in your office.

You are a grown up man or woman, you do not want to move around like a billboard unless otherwise.

Again avoid bright colours to work, you do not want people to mistake you for going to a picnic.

If you do wear a tee, simply go for one that is a solid colour or a geometric designed t-shirt under a cardigan with trouser or slacks.

Anything with holes or stains: Do not think no one will notice that small mustard stain in the lower corner of that favourite shirt. Someone will notice as many people are very detail-oriented. It is better to avoid the possibility and wear something without holes or stains.

It comes down to how people perceive the person and whether they see that employee as caring about the small details.

Shorts: Well that is a no. Leave shorts for weekends, no matter the length, be it cargo or sporty shorts.

Again unless one works outdoors, shorts are never a good idea for work.

Jeans: So jeans are debatable but you need to tread cautiously when wearing jeans to work. Make sure denim is neatly pressed, not faded and has no rips, tears or fraying. In addition, pair denim pants with a dressier, button-down shirt and loafers for a dressier look. It might be a good idea to avoid jeans that are dominated by teens.

I know the faded jeans are the in thing but why not just wear a plain normal dark jean. Be it blue, black you do not go wrong.

Flip flops and tennis shoes: Ladies, well, those flip-flops are meant for going to the supermarket not finding their way to the office.Tennis shoes shout a message that the wearer is relaxed and carefree.

This is not necessarily a bad thing, but one should consider the image he wants to present at work. Which is better, to be known as carefree or diligent?

Sports jerseys: While at the office the only team you should be concerned with are those among your staff.

Please we are in the office not a soccer stadium where you want to display your favourite team. Remember on Monday you will be in a shirt and tie, you do not want other colleagues to laugh at you over tea or lunch, about last Friday.

I know some will say a sport jersey is fine but why not leave your sports attire for when you are watching the game with family and friends.

Tight knit shirts or sweaters: Yes, you should feel good about being physically fit, but do not wear shirts or knits that outline the shape of your muscles. While it is not suggested that you wear a baggy sweater that is too big, a knit sweater that complements your shape is ideal. Muscle-tops are a no-no on Fridays.

Athletic wear: Save your gym clothing for the gym. Sweatpants, athletic shirts, and performance wear are not appropriate choices even on a casual day at the office.

Sleeveless tops or under shirts: While they may certainly be comfortable, wearing an undershirt or sleeveless tank top or muscle shirt, even in warmer weather, isn’t an appropriate office look any day of the week.