‘Shun factionalism, refuse to be used’ President Mugabe

Evadiki vedu vakanga vabva kuhondo pavo voga. Emadzimai nevarume  pawo oga, mamwe aive emadzimai oga. Pane zvikwata zvemaco-operatives zvitatu izvi akabudirira ndeamadzimai vari voga.

Takazoenderera mberi, kuti sei tichida kuongorora. Vakomana vaive vorwisana vachiti uyu haauyi mazuva ose kubasa, Ava havasevenzi zvakanaka, vava kurwisana pachavo voga. Ndozvakaita kuti maco-operatives evakomana arege kubudirira nekuti vakanga vava kurwisana pachavo. Dzimwe nguva kutorerana mari. Akasangana vakadzi nevarume, varume vakanga voda kutonga vakadzi.

Ndzizvo zvakataura madzimai, zvekare varume vanenge vorwisanisa madzimai dzimwe nguva vava kunyenga uyu neuyu. Ndizvo zvimwe zvizvivi zvaitaurwa nemadzimai izvozvo. Vakati hatichada varume nekuti vari kutirwisanisa, ndiwo akabudirira iwayo.

Now you are meeting in preparation for the National People’s Congress at the end of the year, in December. And at that Congress all the leaders of the party at the Central Committee level, Politburo level must resign, all of us must resign, so new ones can be chosen. And I am sure you are aware of that. There are naturally people who want to be elected to certain positions.

They want to be this or that in the party and ambitions at their highest. There would be picking individuals to campaign so they can be elected into the Politburo, into the Central Committee with the hope of going into the Politburo. Some are already campaigning vigorously and even using lots of money. And so they would want to see the Youth League, the Women’s League producing persons whom they think support them and who will, at Congress, combine in electing them.

Ndoda kuzviisa muShonawo izvozvo, kuti iyezvino tichivamba neYouth League yatakapedza mazuva maviri apfuura neWomen’s League nekumaprovinces kwese, kune varikushereketa iyezvino vachida hurongwa hwekuti ah vanozobuda ikoko, vanobuda muno vasarudzwa kuti ndivo vakuru ndivo vachazenge vachizoenda kuCongress  kunomirira vazhinji vose. Kuti ivavo vanosarudzwa vave vanhu vanotisapota isu kuti mangwana acho tizovoterwa. Ndidzo nyaya dziripo. Ndizvo zvatiri kuona zviri kuitika. Saka  imi mongo chenjerawo kana muchida kuitwa zvimbwasungata, zverudzi irworwo, zvinoiswa makashu muhuro, kuti tasvika kuCongress tozoziva zvekuita  aah zvinenge zvava zvenyu izvo zvekuti mabvuma kutengwa, mabvuma kushandiswa.

Isu tinenge tichiti vanhu ngavaregerwe, vano zvisarudzira vavanoda. Iye zvino tinenyaya dzekugadziridza maprogrammes edu eZim-Asset. Tiri kutsvaga mari yekuti tisimbaradze maprogrammes iwayo. Zvino tinenge tichida kuti pfungwa dzedu tive pamwe chete.

Ma elections achauya.

Mukuita basa renyika nebasa re party, wakatarisana nebasa iroro kuti ribudirire, ndipo paunoonekwa nevanhu kuti unogona. Kwete kuti uchisevenza, unenge uchiti yah rega ndigadzirire, ndopa mari ava ndovangu, ava ndivo vekwanhingi. Ndozviripoka izvozvo. Iko zvino vamwe vari kuto zvirova zvipfuva zvichinzi ah tava navo vakati, vakati, vakati, ehe tirikuenderera mberi vachitiona,  vachakuonai vanaani?

Our fight is a fight against imperialism and colonialism and those imposing sanctions against us. We cannot wage a fight against each other. That destroys our unity. We are also facing the endemic enemies of hunger and disease and poverty. And in some cases, even ignorance also that we must wage a war against, through education. And these are the areas which must be addressed by Zim-Asset.

Those are the enemies we must fight because they affect us all, they affect our people. We need to uplift the standards of our people. The standards that when spelled out mean their economic status which is getting them to be wealthier than they are, getting them to be healthier than they are, getting them to be more enlightened, more highly educated than they are and getting them to be freer in the environment, to be capacitated generally than they are. That is the fight we must fight. Not the fight to be this or that in the party or to be this or that in government. The people when we carry out, we are carrying out the fight against these enemies, the people will certainly reward us at the end of it.

And at the end of the day leadership, good leadership, is disciplined leadership. The more you respect the freedom of others and be free from no interfering with them. Are you yourselves sufficiently disciplined, in terms of the way you conduct yourself or you are weak, sexually weak. Uyu mukadzi unongotora, wotora uyu, wotora uyu, wotora uyu. Chimiro chako ndicho chatiri kutaura. Chimiro chako se mutungamiri chakaitasei? Unozvibata here? Kana uchidhakwa serombe. Hauvimbikani. Une hutsotsi pakati pako, zviito zvako. Hausi pachokwadi. Une huori, unosarudza. Ava ndivo vangu, ava havasi vangu. Haungave mutungamiri wakadaro. Kana ini handingambokupawo vhoti yangu.

Saka ndinofara kuti mose mauya kumusangano uno kubva kuma provinces ose. Mauya makakwana. Saka handi mose veprovince mauya kuno ndimi makasarudzwa kumirira vamwe vari ku province. Saka tinoda kuti mabva muno munoenda wo mozonovaudzawo kuti zvatakataurirana ndezvizvi nezvizvi. Muchaita ma resolutions enyu, zvisungo zvenyu maererano nema programmess edu eparty nemamwe anocherechedza zvikwata nezvikwata zvenyika yedu. Kusimudzirwa magariro edu. Saka kuchava nema resolutions amuchaburitsa kubva muno. Nezvichemo zvamunazvo zvamungada kuti muone zvichiitwa ne party, zvichiitwa nehurumende.

Kukusumudzirai mumagariro enyu, tinozvida izvozvo. Asi ndinoda kuti tive vanhu vakabatanawo. We must be united. tive nerunyararo pakati pedu. Tive nerukudzo rwekukudzana. Iwe pauri ipapo uri nhengo yeparty. Unopiwa chimiro chaunacho nemusangano. Chimiro chatinacho isu sevatungamiri, chinobva musarudzo. Sarudzo yamakatiita imi ndimi makatisarudza. Saka tinosungirwa kuramba tiinazvo mundangariro medu kuti ukuru hwatinahwo hausi hwekuzvarwa nahwo. Hwekuzvarwa nahwo ndehwe ushe hwekuti kwa Zvimba hweGushungo, ndiwo wekuzvarwa nahwo. Kuti ndive President we Zanu pamusana pemhuri, membership ye Zanu yakandisarudza,.  Ndiri munhu akasarudzwa nevanhu anosungirwa kuongorora zvichemo zvavo, kuterera. Kunangana nezvichemo zvavo izvozvo. Ndizvo leadership yedu zvainosungirwa kuita. We are leaders of the people for the people. So are you imi mese mauya kuno. And that is why we must have that unity. Organic unity from branch, from cell, to province, Central Committee the whole party together.

So you must be united you the women, the Women’s League, the Youth League, the Main Body together. And when it comes to national elections we vote as one. So we must recognise the essence of unity to recognise the need for the party to survive, it can only survive on the basis of unity. That’s why you must refuse to be divided. Murambe kusiyaniswa. Murambe kuti mukwezwe neanoti uyai kudivi redu.

Rako iwe ani? Munongoti divi randinoziva idivi rimwe chete reZanu-PF. There is only one, one, one, one one leadership. It is the leadership that obeys the core that Zanu-PF, Zanu-PF, Zanu-PF is my only political father and mother. It is that entity Zanu-PF I shall obey and I obey it because it is the one that has given me, that has given the whole of our people the freedom, the independence the ownership we have. Ownership of the land, ownership of natural resources…

So I want to say to you all, well done for having come. Well done for having obeyed the call to represent your provinces. Well done for the unity you have shown. And congratulations on your having succeeded in starting this meeting without many hassles, as many as we encountered when we started the Youth Conference. And I wish you successful deliberations. I wish you also to produce resolutions of the nature that address the needs of the minds that you feel as members of Zanu-PF. Resolutions that express your wishes.

We don’t have much time, it’s just today and tomorrow therefore we have to proceed with that sense of trying to expedite your business without protracted debate and protracted discussions. You succeeded yesterday I can’t see you not succeeding today. So the women don’t know any failure they will succeed. Success, success, success.  The women when left alone, they always unite. They must show unity.

Unity of purpose at this conference. The women are the backbone they have always been the backbone of the party. Let them show that backbone at the end of the deliberations at the end of tomorrow.

And with that I want to say once again best wishes for the successful and we looking forward to receiving your resolutions kusasa. And I thank you for the support that you gave me. Without that support I am a nobody. It is only when I have your support that I say Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.

Pambili ngekubambana, pambili ngekubambana. Zimbabwe will never be a colony again. Zimbabwe will never be a colony again. Zimbabwe will never be a colony again.

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