The Herald

Questions on pre-payment meters answered

Frequently asked questions on prepayment meters continued.
Question 9: Is there any set limit for purchase of electricity for prepaid meters?
Answer: For now minimum denominations for purchase of tokens have been set at $5 but customers can purchase as many tokens as they want. Plans are also underway to even reduce amount on a unit token to even $1 for affordability purposes.

Q 10: How can I get a prepayment meter?
A: ZETDC is currently in the process of installing prepaid meters to all domestic and small business entities. ZETDC will also be distributing notification fliers to customers to announce the imminence of the project within the customer’s neighbourhood.

Q 11: What happens if the price of power from ZETDC changes?
A: The cost of a unit (kWh) of electricity will be purchased at the prevailing rate but tokens already purchased will not be affected by the change in tariffs.

Q 12: Can I get money back out of my meter account?
A: No, it’s the customers’ responsibility to manage the balance in the meter. If a customer knows that he/she will be moving out soon, he/she should buy enough credit to last until the expiry of the change of tenancy.

Q 13: What should I do if I lose the credit token before entering the credit number into the meter?
A: Report to ZETDC and get a duplicate token. There will be a nominal fee for production of a duplicate token.

Q 14: Who is responsible for the replacement of damaged Customer Interface Unit (CIU)?
A: Replacement of CIU is the customer’s responsibility. The CIU would be placed at a nominal cost of $60.

Q 15: How accurate are the pre-paid meters compared to post-paid meters?
A: The pre-paid meters are accurate and in any case it is mandatory that all meters are tested before installation.