The Herald

President hits out at party admin

President Mugabe

Farirai Machivenyika Herald Reporter
President Mugabe yesterday hit out at the manner in which the affairs of the ruling party Zanu-PF are being handled which has resulted in the recruitment, of people with questionable backgrounds at the party’s headquarters.
The First Secretary and President of the party also bemoaned failure to come up with a proper membership database, among other ills.
President Mugabe said this while giving his closing remarks at the 6th Zanu-PF National Women’s conference at the Harare International Conference Centre last night.

“The party, as we look at the organisational side despite the restructuring we started doing long ago, the party remains without the correct statistics of our organic structure,” he said.

“Hatina chokwadi chekuti province vanhu vakaorganizwa vanemadistricts anozivikanwa nemacells nembranches anevanhu vanozivikanwa, kuti province neprovince yakamira papi, hatisati tasvika ipapo. Regai kutinyepera vakuru veparty.

“Dai takadaro, ko chinozoita kuti tishaye mari pasubscriptions dzinouya chii? Macards zvinombonzi vanhu vakuita macards erudzi urwu zvozonzi iyezvino takuzoiita maelectronic cards, izvozvo zvichaitika zvikapera riini?

“Kuheadquarters kwedu aah, hameno vanhu vanouya vanopinda basa ikoko hakuna order kuti vanotaurwa kuti taakupinza vanhu vakadai, uyo anongopinza vake uyo achipinza vake, ingave party iyoyo? Kunongokumbwa, kunonzi nevanonzi ava vai criticiser leadership yeparty tinavo vozodakara vaiswa kuhurumende zvichibva kuparty in other words administration yedu haisati yanaka.”

President Mugabe said that a number of companies owned by Zanu-PF were also performing poorly and not generating any revenue to fund the party’s activities.
The ruling party owns or has shareholding in several companies among them a holding company Zidco and Tregers Holdings, Jongwe Printers and Catercraft which runs a catering service at Harare International Airport, among others.

“Konzi hakuna kana, party haina kana macent tinongova nechikwereti chirikuramba chichingokwira tichingopihwa overdraft kumabank,” he said. “Ko, zvatinoziva kuti vanaTregers, kuCatercraft tirikowo, Zidco yanga ine mapetrol station kunanaMutare kwese uko nedzimwe nzvimbo dzakasiyana siyana, tanga tiine farm kunanaGoromonzi tobva tatadza nemombe dzanga dziriko nembudzi dzavaMugabe dzaimbovhiyiwa nevakomana vacho vadhakwa vanana (Solomon) Mujuru nana (Herbert) Ushewokunze.

“Management yedu ngaimuke tive vanhu. Tine vanhu vatinoti ava vanobhadharwa neparty kuheadquarters vakangomirira kuita basa reparty, so day in and day out we must ensure they are doing something saka ndirikuti imi zvamatiratidza shungu yenyu tinoda kuti shungu iyoyo iuye kuheadquraters vanenge vanzi avandivovamatipa vave vashandi ikoko vatinoona kuti varikuita basa chaizvo.”

President Mugabe said that the same levels of organisation were expected at all party structures from the provinces, the districts and cells.
On the women’s conference, President Mugabe commended the women for the manner in which they were organised and carried out their deliberations.

The Women’s League elected their leadership by consensus with Bulawayo Provincial Affairs Minister Eunice Sandi-Moyo retaining her position as the Deputy Secretary.

“We came from 10 provinces, there were 10 teams, therefore, and on the face of its physically different but in terms of their sense of belonging they were one,” said President Mugabe. “They sat in 10 places and one wondered whether the mathematics would remain 10=10 or 10=1.

“The 10 were not different except in number, except in appearance but they all belonged to one revolutionary party Zanu-PF.
“They sat and debated, deliberated giving their ideas as if they were different, but they emerged with harmonious positions, agreement which has seen this document (resolutions) of the 6th National Women’s League conference which we interpret as the voice of our women, one voice from 10 provinces.”

President Mugabe said the outcome of the conference did not mean the women did not have divergent views and interests.
He applauded the manner the women managed to overcome their differences and unite without skirmishes unlike what was witnessed during the Youth League conference last week.

“They deliberated, discussed one’s view pitted against the other, one’s wish pitted against the other, one’s ambition pitted against the other and from that pool of wishes, pool of ambitions they have agreed who will be in that position, that position and that position by agreement and not by election and so surely we have a wing of the party which we can rely on,” he said.

He congratulated the winners, adding that the women had set an example that should be followed, especially by the male members of the party.
“Tinoti makorokoto nekusimbaradza kwamaita musangano. Makorokoto nechiratidzo chamatipa tose varume vakuru, varume vadiki kuti ndizvo zvinoitwa izvi,” said President Mugabe.

“Surely within the party, surely within Government there has to be a definite programme, a set of programmes to do justice to the women’s cause.
“The promises and pledges which have been made in the past and remain unfulfilled must be fulfilled, Let us recognise this excellent support given to the main body of the party.”

The President also said the women had refused to be divided or follow factional lines in selecting their leaders and had made the party proud.