The Herald

Powerful combination for ‘2016 Ignition’

Winky D

Arts Reporter
They bade farewell to 2015 in style and they are set to ignite the 2016 showbiz calendar in a big way. Jah Prayzah and Winky D, the men of the moment in music, will share the stage at 7Arts Theatre in Avondale on January 22 in an affair dubbed “2016 Ignition Concert”.

The duo’s outstanding performance at the “Fill up the HICC” gig on New Year’s Eve left many convinced that the combination can blow the showbiz scene in 2016.

And they have agreed to give people another explosive night on January 22 in a concert that is likely to leave lasting impressions.

Their songs have been making people wild and they seem to have a strong message to send across the music industry about their 2016 intentions.

At HICC Winky D ushered people into the new year in style and his song “Disappear”, which has become a merrymaking anthem, stole the event and made people mad with pleasure.

Jah Prayzah has enhanced his dominance on the music scene with the release of his “Jerusarema” DVD that has made waves and exhibited his creative prowess.

The video of the song “Eriza” has sent waves across the industry, especially with the enticing act from gorgeous Lady Storm, who has grabbed instant fame and pushed the track higher up the ladder of popularity.

Organisers of the “2016 Ignition Concert” said bringing Jah Prayzah and Winky D on one stage is the best entertainment recipe that will bring a delicious affair for fans as the woeful January ticks towards the end.

“This is the best combination in the music industry at the moment. For the first time after a very long time, we have two best performers of the year outside the sungura genre and this shows how the industry is dynamic,” noted the organisers.

“No one can dispute that Jah Prayzah and Winky D have real staff for a venue like 7Arts Theatre as they deliver mass-market music in an up-market way.”