A lot of people suffer for lack of knowledge and possessing the wrong knowledge. Unfortunately, wrong knowledge is more dangerous than lack of knowledge. The wise thing to do therefore if you are a student in the School of Medicine is not attempting that you are unsure of. The same applies with money concepts. It’s better to abstain from using money principles and concepts that you are unsure of, unless of course you want to be stuck in the rat race.

This article will highlight and discuss some of the most popular money lies so that you unlearn them and desist from using them.
Money is the root of all evil

This is one of the most peddled lies since time immemorial. This is an absolute lie, but unfortunately it was said too many times that it has become true to many people. Most people view money as an evil. This statement was deliberately skewed from the original text in the Bible which reads, “For the love of money is the root of all evil.” The Bible instead says in Ecclesiastes 10:19: “And money is the answer for everything.”

It’s impossible to make money if you do not have money
“I have so much that I could do if only I have money.” How many times have you heard the preceding sentence in your ears? Time and time again I bet. Most people think that they need money to make money always. That again is a lie. Ideas are the most powerful money magnet. Ideas attract money because they actually create money in the first place. Most lavishly rich people like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are reputed more for their ideas than for their money.

Rich people are the largest spenders
Did you seriously think that rich people are the largest spenders? Well, wrong! Rich people actually spend less than what they earn and that is why they are rich. They always have a surplus left from their income which accumulates into wealth.

Poor people and middle class people on the other hand are the culprits for overspending. They spend more than they get and they work most of their lives to pay off for their artificial lifestyles.

The poor are busy trying to create the illusion that they are rich when in actual fact they are digging a deeper hole for themselves.

You need to work hard to make money
The money you make is not a function of the work you put in.
Money is attracted to people who put their minds to work. It should not be the most complex of ideas you need to make money, but rather it should just be a saleable idea.

Prophet Makandiwa in one of his sermons makes mention to how a simple wire was turned into a money clip that all banks use when issuing notes out to their customers. Thinking is all you need to do, and you will seize the money opportunities around you.

Keep money to accumulate wealth
This seems to disagree with what we said about not spending. It is not. It actually builds upon.
In “The Richest Man in Babylon”, George. S Clason speaks of seven cures of a lean purse (poverty). Make thy gold multiply is one of the cures he prescribed.

It doesn’t make sense to keep your money when it could be out there making more money for you.
Investing is much more a wiser money decision than saving money. Look into where you can put your money and get more money in return.

Robert Kiyosaki in his famed book, “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, says that the poor work for money while the rich have their money working for them.
Unlearn these lies and the many money lies that you have been taking in. They are probably the reason why you have been struggling with money issues.

Look for the right information and start practising it.
Money is not a complicated concept after all, it’s just that it is not taught the right way.
Till next week, God bless you all.

Ciao . . .

The writer is a motivational teacher. He can be contacted on [email protected]

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