The Herald

Not under my watch: President

President Mugabe addresses mourners at the burial of Mai Maria Msika, widow of former Vice President Joseph Msika, at the National Heroes Acre in Harare yesterday

Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter—
President Mugabe yesterday lashed out at economic saboteurs manipulating the currency to cause inflation and panic buying of commodities to abet illegal regime change, saying they were bound to fail. Addressing mourners at the burial of Gogo Maria Msika, widow of Vice President Joseph Msika, at the National Heroes Acre yesterday, the President said some of the saboteurs were part of his inner circle. “There are those who are eager to manipulate the currency,” he said.

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“Kune vamwe vedu vanoda kukanganisa zvipo zvaMwari vachida kutamba nemari dzedu — manipulating the currency so that they can trigger inflation, to cause panic buying. Ndony’any’a dziri pakati pedu idzodzo. Vamwe ndevavo sevakataurwa naJesus’ Last Supper kuti vandinodya navo ndovachazondichera. Vana Judas Iscariot varipo pakati pedu. Saka ivavo ko ngativadzumbunureizve, tivanyadzise.” The President first blasted the saboteurs soon after arriving from New York where he attended the 72nd Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

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Some people, President Mugabe said, were clandestinely working to overthrow him. President Mugabe said he had a mandate to serve as Head of State and Government from the people and when the time comes for him to rest, he would inform the people who would then choose his successor. “Vamwe vanoda maitiro ekuti kuchinjwe hurumende kuchiuya vatsva,” he said.

“President achibva pachigaro. Ko ini chigaro handina kuita chekubvuta. Ndakapiwa nevanhu. Chigaro chevanhu, saka handidi nacho. Kana rasvika zuva racho ndinoti makazviita mose vemhuri yedu yeZimbabwe chigaro chenyu ichi mosarudza wamungada kuti achigare, but kwanhasi ndakati zete pachiri. Aiwa, zvakanaka. Tochenjerera husiku tirere takuita ngonono ndopanouya varoyi, ndakaudzwa kudaro. Saka toregerera kuita ngonono dzerudzi irworwo. Tova nemaziso akati dwanana masikati nehusiku kuchengetedza chigaro ichocho. Aiwa, tinoda kuvimbisa Gogo Msika avimbisewo kana vachizosangana nemurume Joseph Msika kuti aiwa chigaro tichinacho. Hachisi chekubvuta, ndechekupiwa nevanhu.

“Mbavha neavo vanoita misikanzwa yehasha vanovamba zvavanoda kuvamba kuti vanhu vamukire hurumende, hapana kwavanoenda nekuti tine maziso, hatisati tave mapofu. Saka maziso edu anoramba akati dwanana kutarisa kuti chii chiri kutambwa – itsoro yerudzii wayi.” President Mugabe stressed the importance of unity, saying the same unity of purpose that prevailed during the liberation struggle should continue today. “We are one people – inseparable,” he said. “We are all bound together by the fact that we are all sons of the soil. Zimbabwean soil, that we belong to this geographical entity we call Zimbabwe. We are equal as citizens, we are equal, therefore, as the children of the country yatiri kurumbidza nhasi mushure mehondo, senyika yakasununguka isisiri Rhodesia. Yave Zimbabwe.”

President Mugabe said it was important to preserve the country’s culture and wealth for posterity. He said no country had a right to interfere with another country’s affairs despite its military powers. President Mugabe equated such actions to imperialism and colonialism. “Naizvozvo tinoti apa ndopatakanzi tive neupenyu,” he said. “Tine pfuma ipapo nevhu rinotiriritira zvichinzi iri ndiro ivhu renyu, iyi ndiyo nhaka yenyu. Nzvimbo nenzvimbo pasi rose ndozvatakaitwa naMwari ndosaka tichiti pavakapiwa ndepavo. Anenzenge obva kunze achida kupovera munzvimbo dzevamwe akanganisa kunyangwe aine hukuru hwakadii, kunyangwe aine mauto akaita sei, pangu ndepangu, pako ndepako.

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“Wauya pangu wakanganisa. Its imperialism, its colonialism. Tinokurwisa nekuti nhaka yedu tinoida. Tinoda ropa reduwo ratiri kupa vana vedu, riri muvana vedu kuti rizonge richifara nenzvimbo idzodzo neupfumi ihwohwo. Muchiona tichisadharara nzvimbo nenzvimbo kurwisa vauyi. Ndozvatakaita, ndonyaya yakanyorwa ipo pano apa. Vose vari pano ndiyo nhaka yavakarwira iyoyo.”