The Herald

Nobody can change history: Xi

Xi Jinping

BEIJING. — President Xi Jinping said yesterday that history and facts can never be changed while attending a ceremony commemorating the start of the war of resistance against Japanese aggression.“History is history and facts are facts. Nobody can change history and facts. Anyone who intends to deny, distort or beautify history will not find agreement among Chinese people and people of all other countries,” president Xi said, referring to concern that Japan is trying to distort the history of the war.

The ceremony was held at the Museum of the War of the Chinese People’s Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

“It’s a pity that a small minority of people still ignore the iron-clad history and the fact that tens of millions of innocent people sacrificed their lives in the war nearly 70 years after the victory of the Chinese people’s war of resistance against Japanese aggression and the world anti- fascist war,” he said.

This minority has repeatedly denied or even beautified the history of invasion, undermining mutual trust among states and creating regional tensions. Such behaviour has been strongly condemned by the world’s peace-loving people, said Xi.

“History is the best textbook, as well as the best dose of sobriety,” Xi said, adding that Chinese people who remember the torment of war have always been in pursuit of peace.
“History tells us that any aggression by force is doomed to fail,” Xi warned. “China will unswervingly pursue the road of peaceful development and hope all other countries in the world can take the same road.”

Senior Chinese leaders took part in the ceremony in Beijing on Monday to mark the 77th anniversary of the beginning of the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. — Xinhua.