Sheikh Abdullah Makwinja Correspondent
Muslims across the globe are holding celebrations to commemorate the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Mab’ath –  the anniversary of the day Prophet Muhammad was chosen as God’s messenger.

On this day, Muhammad was commanded to openly declare his prophetic mission and invite people to Islam. The incident occurred on the 27th of Rajab on August 10, 610 AD and the day is duly marked worldwide by Muslims to express gratitude to Almighty God for the greatest blessings of sending Muhammad to guide humanity.

On this day, Muhammad had retreated to the mount Hira cave outside the holy city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia, to pray to God; to reflect on the true meaning of life.

The angel Gabriel came to Muhammad in the Hira cave bringing him the message of God Almighty, telling him he was appointed as the last Prophet to guide mankind out of ignorance.

The first word revealed to Prophet Muhammad from God was “Iqra” which means to read; to seek knowledge; be Educated!

The word “Iqra”, implies the concept of “learning”, “exploring” and “seeking enlightenment”. This demonstrates that reading is the way to approach the Creator of all that exists. This demonstrates that Islam from its very inception, views education and knowledge as central to human development.

Islam encourages the acquisition of knowledge and its use for the benefit of humanity. Furthermore, the principles of justice, equality and equity are important in Islam. By extension, this entails acquiring knowledge, wisdom and skills to carry out one’s duties.

While knowledge is needed to fulfill religious and spiritual responsibilities, it is also highly important for achieving social and economic development, for the wellbeing of the community, and for ensuring social harmony, freedom and human rights. Education has a multidimensional impact on communities, and it is widely recognised as one of the building blocks for sustainable development, and furthermore education is instrumental in promoting equal opportunities and higher income levels amongst the entire population.

The Holy Qur’an Chapter21:107 states “We have sent you as a mercy to the world” This refers to none other than Prophet Muhammad, whose character was excellent, conduct exemplary, and whose treatment of others is the epitome of good manners and civility. Moreover, the Prophet, was not sent as a mercy to just the Muslim nation, but to humanity as a whole.

In many instances during his lifetime, the Prophet, showed great leniency and mercifulness when dealing with the very people who abused, opposed and mistreated him consistently.

Prophet Muhammad and all divine Prophets tried to promote moral values and virtues, monotheism and servitude toward the Almighty, among humans. They tried to teach the human race how to live piously and tread on a path towards the peak of human perfection, an indication that the intellectual progress of mankind in the course of history has resulted from the teachings and instructions of the prophets

Even today humanity is in great need of the message of be’that (official appointment to Prophet hood) and the teachings of the great divine prophets. Thus the day of Mab’ath which means resurgence, is the resurgence of not just humanitarian values but the basic purpose of life and the goal towards which mankind is moving. Therefore, the anniversary of Mab’ath is a blessing for all humanity, not only for Muslims.

:National Director: Ahl-ul-Bayt Islamic Guidance Council of Zimbabwe

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