THE schools feeding programme has started fairly well. There are deliveries of mealie meal to rural schools and, from what our reporters have seen, many schools and their parent communities are playing their part by sorting out the vegetable relishes and the cooking duties. This was set up as an emergency measure in a drought […]
Gibson Nyikadzino Zimpapers Politics Hub Proposals by all countries to put an end to all forms of war around the world are welcome. It however, seems the broader progressive and humane Global South world is now experiencing a ‘Palestinian-fatigue’. There now appears, only in existence, messages of solidarity without the mass mobilisation of people to […]
Elliot Ziwira Senior Writer Dr Simon Vengayi Muzenda, affectionately known as Dr Mzee, who died on September 20, 2003 aged 80, left an indelible mark on Zimbabwe’s history. He was buried at the National Heroes Acre on September 24, 2003. As the country’s Vice President, the late national hero and Soul of the Nation, championed […]