The Herald

Magada educates people on COVID19 through art

Brian Magada

UPCOMING musician and actor Brian Magada (23) well known as ‘ Zecco B’ has recently released a single album entitled ‘ Ngirozi Yangu’ with the aim of educating people on the effect of the new novel coronavirus.
“It is through art, drama and music which draws human attention to understand the gravity of the disease especially in this period where covid-19 cases are increasing yet many people are not taking the necessary precautions to protect themselves and their peers. So in this song, I’m asking for the
grace of our Lord God and his mercies to be upon us such that the deadly virus passes without racking much havoc in human lives, economically,” he said.
He said, in Zimbabwe and world over most businesses have come to a halt due to this pandemic hence all interventions be they from the health experts or spiritual should be taken with due care in order to save the human generation.
“People should not shy away from the truth because it is the only thing that will save us. Corona virus kills and we still have people who have become ignorant to the advice from Government, World Health Organisation, Ministry of Health and child Care even from the media. The figures are
increasing daily many of which are locally transmitted by our communities are still in a denial mode just because they have not yet seen people dying from the virus close to home. Millions of people are dying across the globe but our own local people still doubt the screens hence more platforms of
education are required like music and drama to make it penetrative,” he added.
He said it’s high time that Zimbabweans joint hands and prepare themselves to fight this health time bomb which has affected the human kind.
The album is on YouTube Leisure tv, Zeeco B CORONA.
This week passed the 100 day mark from the day His Excellency President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa addressed the nation about the 21 day lockdown due to covid-19.
Currently there are 885 positive cases with 206 recoveries and nine death.
While the majority of the positive cases are recorded among returnees, the merging trends of local transmission is worrying and there is not cure yet for the disease hence the lockdown measures by the government had the thrust of minimizing the transmission.
On the global stage, infections continue to rise with current statistics at 12 million with 6.5 million recoveries and 548 000. Zimbabwe’s neibouring country South Africa were the majority of its people are working has not been spared.