LOOKING BACK: PF chiefs not going to London
The Rhodesia Herald, December 9, 1977
LONDON. – The British Government has been officially informed that neither Mr Joshua Nkomo nor Mr Robert Mugabe will take up the Foreign Secretary’s invitation for talks in London.
The message reached the Foreign Office via the British representative in Maputo.
Iana-AP in Maputo said the Patriotic Front issued a statement at a Press conference in the Mozambique capital saying it would not go to London next week because of Dr David Owen’s support of Mr Smith’s settlement talks with Rhodesian-based nationalist leaders.
Until Dr Owen again committed himself to serious discussion, the Patriotic Front would concentrate on fighting the war against “Owen’s colonial forces” rather than talking, the statement added.
The PF alliance also emphatically restated that it was in favour of democratic elections.
- Dialogue plays a critical role in resolving conflicts. The refusal of both leaders to participate in talks indicates a breakdown in communication channels, which can exacerbate tensions and prolong conflict.
- Fostering open lines of communication among conflicting parties remains essential for peace-building efforts. Governments and organisations should prioritise creating environments conducive to dialogue, even when initial responses are negative.
- The statement regarding the ZAPU leader (Dr Nkomo), and ZANU leader (Cde Mugabe) not accepting the British Government’s invitation for talks in London was rooted in the historical context of Zimbabwe’s struggle for independence and the subsequent political dynamics between the British government and Zimbabwean leaders.
- Although the invitation reflects Britain’s attempt to engage with all leaders to foster stability and address concerns about governance, it was, however, disingenuous because the leaders of the liberation struggle were first among many. They distrusted the colonial master.