Laws of Success: Realisation
There are laws of success which have to be observed in life before one can succeed. Success is not something you can achieve by observing just one law, there are many most of them are interconnected. Realisation is the first key that is supposed to be considered.The definition of realisation portrays an act of one being fully aware of something that is true or is a fact. If realisation is an act then it requires an action. If it is an act of being fully aware, the only one part that guarantees awareness is your mind.
Your mind has to be the place where realisation is taking place. Realisation is a psychological action that has to be taken by your mind. Come to that place where you can be fully persuaded and informed concerning the truth of the matter. You can never succeed in life unless you come to the place of realisation.
You have to realise that you are not supposed to be the way that you are. If you are in a wrong place, for you to move from that place into another place realise first and foremost that you are in a wrong place. If we are to take away realisation, success can never be achieved. One has to realise that he is not in the right place.
Realisation is a wonderful gift that God has given to most of us. Maybe it was given to all of us but some choose not to utilise it. Yet it is a gift that God gave to us.
If you take away this ability of realising, even the blood of Jesus cannot work for us if we cannot realise that we are sinners in need of the blood of Jesus. Unless you realise it, you cannot accept the Lordship of Jesus. Realisation becomes the number one key towards any achievement.
The fact that you are born in a poor family does not mean you are born to be poor. Being born in a garage does not mean you are a car. You can be born in any place but the place should not determine who you are. You can be born in a poor family because of certain things and certain ideas that you need to look at and realise that they are lies.
You can be born in such a family but you have to realise that you are not supposed to end there. Sometimes realisation comes with maturity. If you look in the Book of Hebrews 11:24 it says: “By faith Moses, when he was come to years, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.” It was a decision that came with age. Which means when he was young he used to enjoy it so much because it was a royal family. If you are known to belong to such a family it is something to boast about.
There was a moment Moses realised that he was not supposed to be in such a place anymore. The devil has a way of predicting your future and finding out who you are likely to become. He had a plan which seemed to be good for Moses and yet it was not good for him. Somehow Moses was born and designed to be delivering people.
The system that he was supposed to fight against later on in his life was the same system that rescued, kept and preserved him. The devil is so cunning. This is the moment you will begin to realise some benefits out of the system you are supposed to be fighting. Just like when a relationship was created between Moses and the system he was supposed to oppose, still realisation has to take place.
It is a strategy of the enemy, especially if you are born to defeat poverty, when you are born in a poor family and brought up by the same system you are supposed to fight. Somehow when you begin to grow under such an environment you will begin to fall in love with poverty. You will begin to understand it well and relate with it.
Moses was a man designed by God to fight everything that has to do with Egypt and yet it was Egypt that brought him out of the water. It was Egypt that preserved his life. Every system he was supposed to fight was the system that sustained him. It becomes difficult to fight the very thing that brought you up.
Many people were born in poor families because they are designed by God to fight poverty. Understand the reason why you are in such a place. You are not in that place to be in love with that place but to fight it. That is why even when Jesus came, He came to fight the Law. That is why the Bible says He was born under the Law to redeem those who were under the Law.
(But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. Galatians 4:4-5).
The fact that He was born under the Law does not mean that He also came to observe the Law. He was born under the Law to redeem those who were under the Law. The fact that you were born under poverty does not mean you were born to be poor.
If we take away realisation, the ability that God gave to us, even God Himself cannot work well with us. It was only one thing that brought back the Prodigal Son. What kept the father looking forward to the return of his son everytime is, he was waiting for the moment of realisation of his son. The father knows that there is no one out there willing to love his son more than he does.