The Herald

Joy in Madamombe as Chikomba Clinic opens to the public

Victor Maphosa recently in Chikomba
Days of walking long distances for health services are now over for the people of Madamombe in Chikomba district following the commissioning of Madamombe Clinic, built by Government using devolution funds.

The opening of the clinic brought relief and joy to the Madamombe community and nearby villagers who have been walking for close to 20 km to the next clinic for services.

While Government availed devolution funds, the community assisted with labour and Chikomba Rural District Council provided technical support.

Commissioning the clinic this week, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Mashonaland East Dr Aplonia Munzverengi applauded Chikomba Rural District Council for channelling devolution funds towards the construction of clinics across the district, thereby bringing health services closer to the people.

Beneficiaries of the clinic thanked Government for availing funds that are channelled to projects meant to improve their livelihoods.