Herald Correspondent

In the recounting of the history of Islam, the name Ali ibn Abi Talib has always been brought next to the name of Prophet Muhammad. 

In most account on Islam, he is introduced as being the cousin of the Prophet of Islam, the first person who accepted Islam, and the first Imam or the fourth Caliph of the Muslims. 

However, in these existing sources about Imam Ali, few have attempted to explore more profoundly into his character and the global appeal of his life and thought. 

One of these few notable sources in this regard is the book written by George Jordac, a Christian writer from Lebanon.

Although he was Christian, he was so impressed by the thoughts and teachings of Imam Ali that he wrote the book “The Voice of Human Justice”, in which he describes Ali ibn Abi Talib as an epitome of justice.

The power of Ali ibn Abi Talib’s personality has stood the test of time and attracts minds, hearts and souls until today even though centuries have passed. 

His virtues reached a new standard of greatness and his wisdom-filled sayings became a guidance until eternity for people of all faiths and beliefs because they are relevant for everyone and for all times. 

In 2002 the United Nations Committee on Human Rights under the chairmanship of its Secretary General Kofi Annan issued a historic resolution in a 160 pages document “The Caliph Ali Bin Abi Talib is considered the fairest governor who appeared during human history (after Prophet Muhammad)”. 

For this reason, the World Organisation for Human Rights called the rulers of the world to follow the example of his sound and humanitarian method in ruling which revealed the spirit of social justice and peace.

The UNDP in its 2002 Arab Human Development Report, distributed around the world, listed six sayings of Imam Ali (as) about ideal governance. 

They include consultation between the ruler and the ruled, speaking out against corruption and other wrong doings, ensuring justice to all, and achieving domestic development. 

Ali bin Abi Talib, also well known as Imam Ali and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammed, wrote a long letter of guidance after appointing Maalik al-Ashtar to be Governor of Egypt. 

He advises the new governor that his administration will succeed only if he governs with concern for justice, equity, probity and the prosperity of all. 

In 2015, the then UN Secretary General Kofi Annan could not afford not in talk about good governance he quoted a saying of Imam Ali’s advise to the governor of Egypt thus, “let the dearest of your treasurers be the treasures of righteousness, infuse your heart with mercy, love and kindness for your subjects, be not in their face as a veracious animal counting them as easy prey, for they are either, your brother in faith or brother in creation.” 

This meant that, all human being are but one family, who should be united and loving towards one another; it is not about a specific group or community being united.

It was in this Islamic month of Dhul-Hajjah (the month of Pilgrimage) in the year 632CE that the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad in his last sermon after pilgrimage he gathered all pilgrims at a place called Ghadir Khum where he lifted Ali’s hand and publicly announced him as his successor. 

As narrated above the world today, acknowledges and affirms the amazing leadership qualities of Imam Ali who lived about 1400 years ago. 

Henceforth Imam Ali’s admirers have every reason to celebrate the day he was appointed as the successor of Prophet of Islam by the Prophet himself as Eid Ghadeer or Festival of Ghadeer.

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