The Herald

Govt fills MSF funding vacuum

Herald Reporter
Government has taken over the funding of HIV and Aids programmes in Beitbridge District after Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), a local non-governmental organisation, was chased away for allegedly meddling in local politics.
Briefing Health and Child Care Minister Dr David Parirenyatwa, during a tour of the district hospital on Monday, Beitbridge district medical officer Dr Takaitei Kanongara, said the process of capacitating clinics to offer HIV and Aids services, where MSF used to operate from, was almost complete.

“Our main focus now is to try and decentralise and we are in the process of capacitating our clinics. So far we are at 80 percent in terms of capacitating our clinics to become anti-retroviral therapy initiation sites,” Dr Kanongara. said

“Despite MSF leaving us last year, we have done our best to make sure that the difference is not felt. We are coping although it would have been better with more support,” he said.