The Herald

First Lady undergoes op

First Lady Dr Grace Mugabe

First Lady Amai Mugabe

Tendai Mugabe Senior Reporter—
First Lady Amai Grace Mugabe recently had an appendectomy procedure in the Far East to remove her appendix that was troubling her, President Mugabe has revealed. Addressing thousands of Zanu-PF supporters soon after touching down at the Harare International Airport from his annual leave in the Far East yesterday, President Mugabe said the First Lady was discharged from hospital on Tuesday.

“I want to say ndine urombo takatora nguva yakareba tiri kunze,” he said.

“Hatina kumbodya Christmas kuno aihwa. Amai Stop It vaive neparutivi paivarwadza pagara pachivarwadza tikati tinoda kunovhenekwa asi iri iyo nguva yatinoti vana nesu tose timbovhenekwa kuti mukati umu makamira zvakanaka here.

“Zvino Amai vange vave kuzorwadziwa chose. Hameno kakangonzi kwati naMwari kanonzi kaappendicitis kari mukati umu.

“Kune vamwe hazviitike asi kune vamwe zvinoitika kuti nguva nenguva paunodya iko kanenge kachishama kachitambira grain by grain. Zvino zvakanotambira hazvibude zvozoworera mukati zvorwadza munhu. Kakakuputikira ikako ndizvozvo mukati umu.

“Saka ndiko kakaonekwa kuti kari kuvarwadza Amai. Kanonzi appendicitis, kakabviswa. Vana chiremba vanoti hakana basa rakanoita asi nguva nenguva vanhu vanokuvadzwa nako.

“Zvino Amai zvakatora nguva nekuti vange vasingazive kuti chinovarwadza parutivi chii. Kakazobviswa zvakanaka. Vakatobudiswa muchipatara marimwe zuro chaiwo.”

President Mugabe said he jokingly told the First Lady to say “Stop It” to the appendix that was troubling her.

This was in reference to the famous statement made by Amai Mugabe during her Meet the People rallies that she held ahead of the Zanu-PF 6th National People’s Congress last year.

President Mugabe said although the First Lady would be back in the country mid next month, she sent him with a solidarity message to the Zanu-PF Women’s League.

“Vanoti (Amai Mugabe) endai neshoko rekuti hatimire, Forward ever. Backward never,” he said.

“Vatakati Stop It, zvimbwasungata aihwa. Saka ku(Women’s) League rambai muchienderera mberi ndiri kuuya.

“Vakanzi mozorora for two and half weeks asi vanezenge vachiuya pakati paFebruary. Saka ndavasiya vachitsutsumwa kuti mave kuenda ndikati aihwa basa rinosungirwa kuitwa tinezenge tichinzwa kuti muri kufambira mberi sei nezororo nekupora kweparutivi apa.”

Turning to the two newly appointed Vice Presidents, Emmerson Mnangagwa and Phelekezela Mphoko, President Mugabe said he was aware that there were some people who were not happy with their appointments. But he said the party’s decisions were final.

“We want to say congratulations to our Vice Presidents Cdes Mnangagwa and Mphoko,” he said.

“Tinova neruzivo rwekuti pane vamwe vasingavade asi party kana yati tavada ndizvozvo. VaMnangagwa havasisiri mutungamiri weMidlands chete vave mutungamiri wenyika.

“VaMphoko havasisiri mutungamiri weMatabeleland chete aihwa. Vave a national leader. Saka ndozvatinoda kuti tive neruzivo irworwo. Ivowo pachavo munhu woga woga nhengo yeparty munhu wavo zvisinei nekuti anobva kudivi ripi. Ndizvo zvinoumba hunhu.”

President Mugabe said he was happy that the country had received more rains although it was excess in some areas.

He said in areas where there were excess rains, people should re-plant for them to get good harvests.

President Mugabe said Government was aware that some homes were destroyed by floods and measures would be taken to assist those affected.

“Yes, we are facing liquidity crunch, but we should be responsive to some of these problems,” he said.

“Hongu tingave nekushomeka kwemari mauyiro ayinoita asi panguva ino tinofanira kuchama kuti kumabasa edu anotipa mari, anotipa upfumi, kumigodhi, mune zvekurima, kuma factory, kuinformal sector, mishando inoitwa nemadzimai edu nevamwe varume zvose izvi tishingirire zvitipe pundutso pagore rino ratinoziva kuti mvura yakatirakasha.”

President Mugabe said he also wanted all party structures to be strengthened this year and national commissar Cde Saviour Kasukuwere had already embarked on the process of re-organising party structures.

“That is one of the issues that I do not understand with former Vice President Joice Mujuru kuti ava vave vangu, ava tave navo kwedu.

“Kwedu kupi?”

This was in reference to Cde Mujuru’s tendencies of dividing Zanu-PF supporters into factions, with the one she led angling to unconstitutionally remove President Mugabe and install her as the party’s new leader.