Craft Properties CEO Taruberekera to represent Zim at UN Session
Business Reporter
‘Zimbabwe is Open for the Business’ mantra has inspired a number of local entrepreneurs to market Zimbabwe globally and source investments for the country.
Kadoma-based property development firm, Craft Properties Holdings’ chief executive officer, Mr Kudakwashe Taruberekera, is one such entrepreneur making waves on the international scene.
Besides representing Zimbabwe at various fora where he continues to preach the mantra of economic development in Zimbabwe, Mr Taruberekera has quoted attention beyond borders gaining respect from various global institutions in the process.
In one of the global recognitions, Mr Taruberekera who has amassed various global awards and accolades, has been nominated for the IBI WINNER 2022 Europe in the leaders of the year and social responsibility categories.
Mr Taruberekera has also been invited by UN to participate in the Uniting Business LIVE, taking place virtually from the 20th to the 22nd of September.
Unpacking the forthcoming programme, Ms Ojiambo, said the Uniting Business Live connects high-level multi-stakeholder dialogues of the private sector forum.
With three full days of programming, at the start of the high-level opening week of the next UN General Assembly session, Uniting Business LIVE will once again virtually convene up to 10,000 leaders from business, government, academia and the civil society.
The UN will come together to take stock of the state of the world, address gaps in progress, drive business ambition on the SDGs and highlight cooperative and actionable solutions that are ready — today.
The Private Sector Forum is expected to provide a platform for CEOs, Government leaders and UN agency heads to engage in a high-level dialogue, allowing a global private sector and multi-stakeholder audience to engage first-hand in the debates and discussions.
On the sidelines of the Global Impact Forum, the Young SDG Innovators Summit will offer a virtual platform for young professionals to share experiences, learn from sustainability champions and celebrate the momentum they have built over the course of a 10-month rigorous programme.
Mr Taruberekera, whose influence continues to grow, was invited to participate in the Bid Group One – Focus on Disruptive Innovation.
According to Bid Group One representative, Mr Jose E. Prieto, Mr Taruberekera, a VIP member of the organisation, had access to upcoming events across the world.
Mr Taruberekera was in June this year, among more than 20,000 attendees from more than 180 countries who gathered to call for increased corporate ambition to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 and net-zero by 2050.
The programme included more than 26 hours of continuous virtual programming – including more than 100 global, regional and local sessions.
Leaders from business, civil society, governments, and the UN reflected on the importance of collaboration and public-private partnerships and pledged to increase their ambition to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and accelerate climate action.
Craft Properties is a member of the World Confederation of Businesses and its representatives attend global meetings, conferences, seminars, and summits held across the world.
The company, its management, and staff have excelled after being honoured with various awards in Washington DC, Miami Florida, Texas, Las Vegas, Paris, Oxford in the United Kingdom, and Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.
Craft Properties (PVT) Ltd has also represented Zimbabwe at various forums including the UN public hearing on the “Practical Implementation of UN Sustainable Development Goals”, the International Arch of Europe for Technology and Leadership, East African Property Investment Business Conference, Solar Business Expo and the Africa Trade and Investment Summit held in Dubai.
The company is registered to provide services to the United Nations across the globe with Craft Properties USA LLC acting as the hub in providing these services to the United Nations.