The Herald

COVID-19: Two more escape

Crime Reporter
TWO more people, believed to be Malawians escaped yesterday from a quarantine centre at NSSA Hotel in Beitbridge after testing positive to Covid-19, bringing the total number of those that have so far escaped to 184 countrywide.

Last week, a Harare man escaped from a quarantine centre at Harare Polytechnic after testing positive to Covid-19 and police have launched a manhunt for all the suspects to prevent the spread of the virus.

Police are also looking for another man who escaped at the same centre before knowing his Covid-19 status.

In a statement national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi appealed to relatives and friends of the escapee to report the whereabouts these men.

He said the two Malawians escaped on Sunday.

“Two Malawians escaped from NSSA Hotel, Beitbridge after testing positive for the Covid-19 virus. The cumulative number of escapees is now 184 while those arrested remain at 28.

“We continue to urge members of the public to report suspected cases or those who are entering the country through undesignated entry points evading the Covid-19 screening process at their nearest police station of telephone 0242 703631/WhatsApp number +263712800197,” Asst Comm Nyathi said.

He said on Sunday alone 914 people were arrested countrywide for various offences related to contravening the national lockdown regulations, bringing the total number to 75 134 arrested so far.